You called it Mo! People say weather is weird right now. I been saying for years the seasons are just shifting.. Another. 5 years if not sooner you'll be celebrating Xmas in May. Mark my words.. Lol
Just got a good paying remodel gig so I might be sticking around in this house till next winter perhaps.. Lol whenever that will be.?
Actually kinda shitty (haha), cause now I need to put my foot in my mouth and prep the greenhouse...

Pics of the, let's call it "Fire Hut" will come tomorrow. I think to augment the already screwy sun pattern I will hang some fluorescents I also need to start thinking about ventilation, circulation and such.. While she's vegging I'm thinking of starting a mini blackout grow off to the side...

My horns are showing folks cause I'm getting all kinds of wicked ideas.. Life is getting good guys and with the Release of the Fire, I'm half way out of the Cave.. Yeah!!!
There was also some talk of going legit and starting a licensed collective.

More on that and pics of "Charley and the Sour Patch Kids" tomorrow...
Anyways here is the Star of the night after I rescued her from a room that darned near boxed her in.. Lol. For now she is safe in my sons old room, but it too can become her tomb if I don't work quickly...