The Irish Growers Thread!


New Member
Heya guys, this section is deadly haha, Im new to all this stuff myself and am deciding on making a small cab :D size around 35x35x80cm and would use a 70w hps bulb for both stages(veg&flower) as it would be my first attempt and im thinking bout growing white widow,id attach a 80mm pc fan and a filter for the smell and use white paint or mylar as a reflector :P do u guys think this would work well? please suggest me anything u wish or advise :D And im thinking bout growing 2 lil white widows using the sea of green method, any suggestions ? :D and also, what distance should i put my lamp away from my germinated seed/vegetation/flowering process :D and what size pots should i use? :D

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Heya guys, this section is deadly haha, Im new to all this stuff myself and am deciding on making a small cab :D size around 35x35x80cm and would use a 70w hps bulb for both stages(veg&flower) as it would be my first attempt and im thinking bout growing white widow,id attach a 80mm pc fan and a filter for the smell and use white paint or mylar as a reflector :P do u guys think this would work well? please suggest me anything u wish or advise :D And im thinking bout growing 2 lil white widows using the sea of green method, any suggestions ? :D and also, what distance should i put my lamp away from my germinated seed/vegetation/flowering process :D and what size pots should i use? :D

could be an issue unless you run the first one 12/12 to see what you end up like for space, don`t forget to take away in height,the light and reflector etc, never done a ww so haven`t a clue what there like for bushing out, also the 70w hps... you could run into light penetration issues or heat issues, but these can be sorted once your up and running.. its going to be a small space so go with the white paint as once you begin this trip you`ll want to go bigger soon enough..

that said... welcome aboard great to have a new member, ask anything you want theres no silly questions and the lads are usually bang on for answers...

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
is it just me or are the likes button gone????

have to say my indica is looking sweet.. great looking bud sites all over heer now and such an awesome green, she really makes me proud.... as for her sister plant, meh.. she`ll do, bit long in nodes and not nearly as pretty as her sister but as they say, when the time comes... "i`ll give her what for"....


Well-Known Member
is it just me or are the likes button gone????

have to say my indica is looking sweet.. great looking bud sites all over heer now and such an awesome green, she really makes me proud.... as for her sister plant, meh.. she`ll do, bit long in nodes and not nearly as pretty as her sister but as they say, when the time comes... "i`ll give her what for"....
The like button has been temporarily disabled mate I seen an admin for the site post about it in another thread, apparently that was what was causing the site server to crash so until they fix it we have no like button or fully functional pic uploaded, it's shit u wud think the number 1 weed growing forum on the net cud afford decent tech guys to avoid these problems lol

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
The like button has been temporarily disabled mate I seen an admin for the site post about it in another thread, apparently that was what was causing the site server to crash so until they fix it we have no like button or fully functional pic uploaded, it's shit u wud think the number 1 weed growing forum on the net cud afford decent tech guys to avoid these problems lol

alright gaz hows tricks dude? shit weather here blowing a gale and raining, good news is that i`ve turned a corner on the condensation problem so with some minor tweeks further down the road, the shed is getting to be a proper little operation..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
seems the links and vids box has gone too..yeah, well pleased r3, well pleased, the tought of fighting mould from here in had me a bit worried dude i can`t be doing with it again... so hows all in your neck of the woods then? meant to ask you, but where do you get the "legal" stuff from? is that the stuff they sold in the head shops?


Well-Known Member
Aww man we have a alternative health store lol id love to have a grow shop around but tbh online shoppings better n more discrete :D

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
ever since tesco moved in here the main streets dried p and is becomeing derelict... with exeption to the pubs the place looks terrible, wouldn`t mind but tesco are some robbing cunts....

have to travel for a grow shop too, walked into local gardening place and asked for rooting powder or cloneing powder.. fella looked at me like he was from the 50`s hahahaha never heard of it, asked about the npk rateings and same mistified look clouded over him hahahahaha....

have this phantom itch in my face and its a killer, talk about torture, its an actual itch i can`t scratch hahahaha...


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Say no to stickism ...... all those in favour say I .....