Well-Known Member
I am paying attention, are you?
You're the one that made that claim, not me.
please show where I made that claim...or you LIE
I stated Cali has the highest paid Medical assistants due to the cost of living
I am paying attention, are you?
You're the one that made that claim, not me.
please show where I made that claim...or you LIE
I stated Cali has the highest paid Medical assistants due to the cost of living
As soon as you show me where I made the claim the average medical assistant makes $24hr.
Or you lie.
how stupid is he! he keeps getting his ass handed to him by us and he is too stupid to see that we are smarter and better than him and play baseball and whatnot.
fucking liberals.
So the mainstream media asks:"The economy is better now but why isn't Obama getting credit for it?"Really? It's better? Based on what?
read more here:
You did not say that nor did i say you did. You only used one hospital in California to make your claim that hospital employees are the reason the cost of heathcare is so high. I merely pointed out to you that is not the case and that most medical assistants don't make 24 an hour. You then got upset.
Good point.
While I was watching him speak, he kept mentioning that to may lower and middle class are out of work and that, we need to take action.
Every time he brought up one of our country's shortfalls, he followed up by saying, we need to take action.
Who the hells watch does he think all this happened under, he's either delusional nor a damn liar, I believe the latter.
Obama will never take responsibility for anything, unless of course it's something positive.
If I was talking to another member, and was telling him how much the average carpenter in California makes, and that labor was one of the reasons homes cost so much. Would you think it would be relevant to post up the national average of pay for carpenters and tell me that labor has nothing to do with the cost of the house?
stick to facts guy. your answer was to the question as to why heath care was so high..and it was wrong
You're a liar that got exposed and you know it.
I wish I new all the answers.
But my niece is a radiation therapist at Kaiser Permanente and makes near $100k, has a ton of paid vacation, sick leave, free healthcare ($5 co pay) and an excellent retirement plan and she's only a radiation therapist.
I believe medical assistants starts out around $24hr, god knows what nurses and doctors make.
The hospital she woks at employs about 3000 people so do the math.
And that's just labor.
I believe medical assistants starts out around $24hr
show me where I made the claim the average medical assistant makes $24hr.
Or you lie.
So what is this new "My IRA" thing?
Would I actually have to contribute money into it or will the government fund it for me?
It has to be set up by employers as far as I can see.
Essentially, the government wants low income earners to help pay for our debt buy investing in low yield security bonds.
I guess you hate that savers can never lose their principal investment.
I guess you hate that savers can never lose their principal investment.
Dude you showing again what you don't know. The accounts will be SOLELY invested in government savings bonds. Back by the US goverment. What risk on your principal investment ??? There is none. Not saying this should be anyones sole retirement plan but it sure can't hurt. Why do hate the USA.To be honest, there is no such thing as a guaranteed investment, where did you hear that, president Obama? LOL
And I love the idea of Americans saving, especially the lower wage earners.
But I would caution them that there are way better approaches than government savings bonds, which is basically the same thing as a MYRA.
Why do you have so much contempt for capitalism?