Knowledge is Power.... Ignorance is Bliss.

Sometimes I wish I could switch places with my cat.. like when I leave the house for 14 hours of class/work and he's just sleeping. He seems happier than me.
Well yes and no, I wish I could unlearn some of the shit I did when I was younger but nowadays no I love to learn new things everyday. Makes life much better.

Well at least I seem pretty happy anyways lol.
I wish I could unlearn the sight of my parents having sex. 25 years later, and still ingrained in my memory.
I wish I could unlearn the sight of my parents having sex. 25 years later, and still ingrained in my memory.
i wish i could get that picture out of my head. there's nothing i've learned that i'd like to unlearn. i'm pretty forgetful so i naturally unlearn things all the time.
Does knowing more make you happier? Are there things you wish you could unlearn?


"How much math do you need to know to be a flower, or, a bee."

"Thinking is the creation of separateness."

"Behind the thoughts is the one who observes the thoughts"

"Thinking is a sense"

No no no, and yes :)
Knowledge in work is power, knowledge in life can be detrimental!


If you consider the story of the expulsion from Eden you realize it's possibly an allegory regarding our species choice of sentience and subsequent loss of reflexively driven behavior. Behavior, without responsibility for the choice and, free from the questions surrounding intent.

We are capable of great good but to be that powerful we must be capable of great evil, the sword has to cut both ways. You can not be both powerful and safe. Once sentience is granted there is no going back and the more you educate yourself to be a tool to help people the more you consequently can harm them.

After I went into the B pillar I spent a year on my knees thanking god for taking that cup out of my hands. I will never again have to choose who lives and who dies and rend my garments soundlessly but with much gnashing of teeth over my impotence in the political storm that drives these choices in the morass of modern health care.

Thank you 420God, good question, tough to answer.
Is it wrong to rate your own thread? :-? I can't like and I'm out of rep.

I love the answers, thank you all for your posts. :clap: