Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Ya I like it too, but I don't have a compressor for that, my buddy that does HVAC has 1 and he makes that :clap:...but that vap is awesome...I can smoke it in the mall and everyone thinks it's nicotine vap cuz they can't smell it (not that noticeable anyway)

Yeah I never worried about trying to get that stealthy with my concentrate so I never thought about it, but taking BHO to a more liquidy/tincture form and putting it into e-cigs is awesome.
Ya I like it too, but I don't have a compressor for that, my buddy that does HVAC has 1 and he makes that :clap:...but that vap is awesome...I can smoke it in the mall and everyone thinks it's nicotine vap cuz they can't smell it (not that noticeable anyway)

Ahh, you're funny...ya the qwisos easy...HowTo Make QWISO (Alcohol Extracted Hash Oil)
QWISO, or Quick Wash ISOpropylAlcohol Hash Oil, is a hash oil (concentrated form ofcannabis) created using alcohol as the solvent.
Most hash like kief, dry sieve, rub, scissor, and even bubble/full melt/ice wax, is made byrubbing the trichomes off the plant. Hash oil,however, is created by using a solvent (such as alcohol, butane, naptha, etc)to absorb the cannabinoids, then the solvent is removed through evaporation.
Also note: the differencebetween QWISO / ISO hash and an alcohol tincture (Green Dragon), is the solventand preparation. ISO uses isopropyl alcohol, while tinctures use a drinkableliquor with a high proof (such as Everclear). The goal is ISO is evaporatingthe product to get physical hash, while tinctures aren't evaporated so they maybe consumed as a liquid.
§ Plant matter (trim, nugs,twigs, etc)
§ Isopropyl Alcohol (100%is best)
§ Coffee Filters
§ Mesh strainer / Funnel
§ Glass pan
§ Sealable container
§ Razor (something toscrape hash up)
When you're ready for theextraction, begin to make preparations. The process happens very quickly, sohaving everything ready is key to a clean product.
1. Freeze plant matter andalcohol up to 24hrs before extraction. The point of freezing the plant matteris to freeze and stiffen the trichomes, making them easier to break away fromthe plant.
2. Prepare a sterilesealable container to pour alcohol into. Mason jars work great. Place yourcoffee filter into the strainer or funnel.
3. Remove plant matter andalcohol from freezer. Place the plant matter into your sterile container, andthen pour in the alcohol.
4. Top the lid quickly andshake the jar rigorously for 30 seconds to 1 minute. The longer you wait, thedirtier the product, but possibly more potent. 30 seconds is recommended forthe cleanest product.
5. Remove the lid and pourthe THC-enriched alcohol into your glass pan through the coffee filter setup.
6. Allow alcohol toevaporate in a open-air environment, preferably with a fan running over it, forat least 24 hours. If you're in a hurry, you can double boil the extract toevaporate the alcohol more quickly. However this rushing creates a poortasting, less potent product.
7. After all the alcohol hasevaporated, scrape up the product from the bottom of the glass pan. It's highlyrecommended that you burn a small amount to test for any residual solvents*.Once assured the product is clean, smoke alone or with flowers and friends!
I used a mason jar as mycontainer, which allowed me to place the coffee filter into the lid. I find itmore convenient than a funnel.

*There's no way tovisually determine if your product is completely solvent-free. The best way tocheck if there's any leftover alcohol in your hash is to burn a bit. If you seeor hear any crackling or popping, there's either alcohol in your product -- orpossibly chlorophyll from the plant (especially if your extract looks dark or green).If you're hesitant about the purity of your product, just flatten out the hashand let it sit out for another day under a fan.
after you make your qwiso you do this....We start with some ISO Hash Oil... A quick wash is best... 30 seconds isgood. Keep the wash under 2 mins..(I actually do a 2 minute wash, it's goopy but tastes better and is more potent ~RIK~

Setup a double bubble with a pan, metal strainer, thermometer and a shot glass,like so... keep the water at 150 degrees F.

Then we take 5ml (1tsp) of Propylene Glycol. Dump the glycol into the shotglass.

And now the hash... we did about 4 parts PG to 1 part hash oil... i would notmake it any weaker than this... you could go more potent, for sure.
.(Here I used 4 teaspoons PG to 1 teaspoon HO ~RIK~)

With a wooden skewer, stir the hash and pg together. They will mix as thesolution warms... I say, about 10 mins..

After about 10mins, remove and let it cool...and fill that tank...ready to go...

High five bro!!! :) thanks a bunch!!! you have no idea how long I've been trying to get a recipe for this! ;)

Thanks Rosey, it's nice to hear someones feeling for me.

Sounds like a good time for you, not for me though haha. I run my flowers from 9am to 9pm. I wake up at 7 or 8 every day but I got to sleep whenever. I'm always awake before my flowers turn on and after they turn off I'm still awake.

anytime man...I would run at those times but I gotta deal with the old man griping about the power bill so there's that LOL
Alright drank like 3/4 of a bottle in 2 hours and smoked like three bowls. Time to go to bed so I can start fresh tomorrow.

Today seemed so long; it feels nice to be over. Hopefully tomorrow goes smoothly.
Ya I like it too, but I don't have a compressor for that, my buddy that does HVAC has 1 and he makes that :clap:...but that vap is awesome...I can smoke it in the mall and everyone thinks it's nicotine vap cuz they can't smell it (not that noticeable anyway)

So basically you're dissolving the ISO hash "dabs" into the PG?
I totally appreciate you posting that bro :mrgreen:
Yeah baby!!!! The Walking Dead seasons 1 and 2 start Sunday mornin at 10 am!!! and then the new episode on the following Sunday, the 9th!!! wooohooooo!!!! :mrgreen:
7 days and I'm a year closer to 30... haha sorry, I know most of you WISH you were 30 again. Lol

so the 4th is your bday? shoot, I can't remember how old you are!! I know you're real close to my daughter's age :)
I just wish I could feel 30 again LOL
I was born in 86. Do the math... I THINK I'm gonna be 28...

Last year I though I was turning 25.lol.... dont ask. i smoke a TON.
No need to feel old guys... I'm just here to further contribute to the lovely cannabis movement many of you helped to start. Just by doing what we do and living like we like. This country will be flowing green before your lifetimes fade out.. As long as other people my age dont fuck shit up for the rest of us.
No need to feel old guys... I'm just here to further contribute to the lovely cannabis movement many of you helped to start. Just by doing what we do and living like we like. This country will be flowing green before your lifetimes fade out.. As long as other people my age dont fuck shit up for the rest of us.

From your lips...;)
This was just posted a few days ago and I read recently and signed a petition for legalizing medical marijuana.
How old are you??????????
i have no idea who those old dudes are but they look old.

Nothing wrong with the phillips. Its the best one of the 2.:-P Fred Sanford was the father on the show Sanford and son. Probably quite a bit before your time.Lol Damn I think I just showed my age with that.Lol
thanks for that, they were the more expensive ones so im glad i didnt get ripped.

SHITTT its going to be -56 tomorrow morning.. id take the snow instead of this damn cold!!!! EFF the great lakes region lol
Your gonna freeze your pecker off and youll be no good to your old lady without that peace pipe.
hell yea i got plenty of apple coffee!!! :D :D :D and my blueberry coffee!!!!!!
are you sure your not a little gay?

ahhh the good ol fashion 7&7's haha
im having some coconut flavored rum with pineapple juice courtesy of my girlfriend
yea yea yea i know.. its a chick drink lmao
again the gay question comes up, unless your doing strikeouts with them.

6... :??: Oh come on!! lol. If you cant run with he BIG DOGS. Stay on da porch... haha. ;)
i always say.....if you want to run with the big dogs youd better stop pissing like a pup. ;)

Dam you make me feel old.
You're only 5 years older than my son.:!:
feel old? You are old bro. So old that happy hour is now nap time i bet :p
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