The Dawgs 600 Watt SGS-160 Grow

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Whats Happening My Led Bretheren.I Finialy Got Around To Setting Up My Christmas Presents :mrgreen:I Must Say That Im Really Impressed With My New Green Gator Filter.Guys I Belive This Is The Next Step In Ordor Control.No More Loose Carbon To Get Into Your Fans Berings Why?Because They Use A Process By Where They Bond The Carbon Together Very Fucking Kewl.Plus The Octogon Shape Allows For More Air To Be Scrubed Hell Fellows Checkem Out

Gentics-Kannabia PowerSkunk(3) Emerald Triangle BlueBerry HeadBand(1)
Grow Tent-Sun Hut 4x4xl (54x54x84)
Lights-Area 51 Sgs-160x4 155 Watts A Piece
Grow Style- The Dawgs SuperCharge WaterFarms With Attached Screen 26x26 Of Course x 4
Passive Air Intake-6 Inch Vortex With Speed Control
Ordor Control-GreenGator 6 Inch Filter
Nutes-In Veg I Will Be Using Gh Flora Nova Grow With Silica Blast And Cal/Mag.I Will Also Be Using A Ewc Tea
Nutes-In Flower I Will Be Using Gh Flora Nova Bloom With Silica Blast,Cal/Mag,Gh Kool Bloom And Moab Plus My Ewc Tea
Water-R/O Water Provided By Bulk Reefs 5 Stage R/O With DI System.

My Goal As Always Is 8 ozs Per Plant So I Went Back To The Power Skunk,She's A Known Producer.I Initially Germed My Last 4 Seeds And Only 3 Made It So I Decided To Give The BlueBerry HeadBand Also Supposed To Be A Big Yielder A Shot At Stardom.I Will Be Using 2 Sgs-160 For The First 3 Weeks Or Untill These Ladies Out Grow Their Lights Veg Foot Print.Ive Also Decided To Ditch My Veg Cfls.Instead I Will Be Using My Leds From Start To Finish.Im Running My Lights 28 Inches Above The Top Of My Buckets Which Makes Them About 30 Inches Above My Seedling This Gives Me About 210 Umols.Peace And May Trichomes Cover Your Buds

SGS 4x4 Tent 003 (800x533).jpgSGS 4x4 Tent 002 (800x533).jpgSGS 4x4 Tent 001 (800x533).jpgSGS 4x4 Tent 004 (800x533).jpg SGS 4x4 Tent 005 (800x533).jpgSGS 4x4 Tent 006 (533x800).jpgSGS 4x4 Tent 007 (533x800).jpgSGS 4x4 Tent 008 (800x533).jpg SGS 4x4 Tent 009 (800x533).jpg
Front row for the show. This should be an awesome one. 4x SGS + power skunk and Blueberry Headband (sounds like a winner) Now Can I get a Bow-WOW???

Sory dawg brotha, i had to scream bcuz i dont know what light to choose and seeing ur thread doesnt make it easier!!!!
hans.... Area 51......

And btw did i read 8oz per plant is ur goal?!
Alright I'm subbed. Another great dawg grow about to go down. I like the new 4 plant setup.
Thank You My Brother.Your Post About A Dream 4x8 Setup Gave Me The Push To Expand To the 4x4

AMEN . (it s all i have to say about that but need to be at least 10 characters, happy now?)
Right On Brother Right On

This one sounds like a good one in the making. Good luck on this one dawg.
Thank You My Brother wyteberrywidow.

Front row for the show. This should be an awesome one. 4x SGS + power skunk and Blueberry Headband (sounds like a winner) Now Can I get a Bow-WOW???
Yea Right I Suppose You Want Me To Sit And Roll Over Too lmao Let Me Know How That Works Out For Ya.

im subbertidiliydo
Dude You Need To Step Away From The Bong And Go Outside For Some Fresh Air.I Think All That Bat Guano You Been Sniffing Has Made Ya Bat Silly


Sory dawg brotha, i had to scream bcuz i dont know what light to choose and seeing ur thread doesnt make it easier!!!!
hans.... Area 51......

And btw did i read 8oz per plant is ur goal?!
I Fell Your Pain Brother.Both Panels Will Treat Ya Right And To Be Honest Ive Been Eyeballing A Hans Panel For My Small Cab.

Yep You Read Correct Brother 8ozs Per Plant Is My Goal.Ive Already Hit Over 8ozs With The Power Skunk Under The Sgs-160

I am totally new here in this board.

This looks interesting. I Williams take a place on the coutch
Right On Brother Im Honored That Your 1st Post Was In My Thread.So Grab Some Popcorn and Enjoy The Show It Should Be Epic

Lets go! Always a pleasure..
Glad To Have Ya Aboard Brother Blowincherrypie.Peace And Its 1 For The Money And 2 For The Show And 3 To Get Ready So Lets Go Cats Go:weed:
Really interested in that SGS-160. Think I'm getting one this spring. You guys are killing it. BTW - you got MUCH BETTER Christmas presents than I did! I need another Show us how it's done!
Hi Mr Dawg

as you are using GH for your nutrients I was just wondering if there is a reason you use silica blast and not GH Armor Si ? ...I was going to buy the Armor Si to keep the 1 brand right thru is all

Really interested in that SGS-160. Think I'm getting one this spring. You guys are killing it. BTW - you got MUCH BETTER Christmas presents than I did! I need another Show us how it's done!
Oh Hell Ya Brother greatbranch,By This Spring Brother The New Model Sgs Will Be Out

Hi Mr Dawg

as you are using GH for your nutrients I was just wondering if there is a reason you use silica blast and not GH Armor Si ? ...I was going to buy the Armor Si to keep the 1 brand right thru is all

Welcome Brother WazzaX The Reason I Use Botinacare Additives Is Because They Are A Trusted Name For Quailty And Consistency.
I really don't smoke that much anymore. I do smoke everyday. I'm just naturally a baker. Its part of my charm lol.

what made you choose more sgs over xgs . Just curious. I plan on grabbing another sgs and an xgs. So total of 2 sgs and one xgs for a 4x4.
I really don't smoke that much anymore. I do smoke everyday. I'm just naturally a baker. Its part of my charm lol.

what made you choose more sgs over xgs . Just curious. I plan on grabbing another sgs and an xgs. So total of 2 sgs and one xgs for a 4x4.
Yea Yea I Heard That 1 Before.I Don't Smoke That Much Anymore And I Certianly Don't Smoke Any Less Either Lmao :joint:Well My Brother The reason I Went With 2 Sgs's And 2 Xgs's Is Quite Simple My Dear Watson.Its All About The Economics Of My Grow,You See Im Trying To Maximize My Yeild All The While Trying To Minimize My Cash Output.You See Im Lighting Basicly 12 Sq Ft In My Oversize 2x4(35x54x84) Which With 2 x Sgs-160's Puts Me At 25 Watts Per Sq Ft And 2 Xgs-190's Puts Me At 31.6 Watts Per Sq Ft And 4 Sgs-160's In My Oversize 4x4(54x54x84) Puts Me At 36.4 Watts Per Sq Ft.Peace And The Dawg Stared At Me In Dissbelif And Said You Cant Say That And I Said I Do It All The Time :hump:
Hey im just like ya hyroot, i sriously dont smoke as much as i used to and def dont smoke as much as my homies. I find my self dabbing once or twice a day, and ill smoke flower maybe once every other day. Really growing herb and staying healthy and fit makes me not want to smoke to much, oh yea and the wife and baby lol
Hey im just like ya hyroot, i sriously dont smoke as much as i used to and def dont smoke as much as my homies. I find my self dabbing once or twice a day, and ill smoke flower maybe once every other day. Really growing herb and staying healthy and fit makes me not want to smoke to much, oh yea and the wife and baby lol

I hear you guys........that's why I vap now, way easier on the lungs compared to my joints(yes I'm old school:)). BUT the pax ploom vaporizer is too time consuming on the cleaning/lubricating and I'm on my second one already!!! first had mouth-piece issues and the new one is starting to act funny in the same's because of the charging method all the "dirt" seeps into the electronics so I flip it which helps somewhat. $250 for a chinese piece of shit which I'm probably gonna give to my brother, who has more patience than me.

I'm on the waiting list for this beauty: all american made and $99 with a simple design.....fuck yeah
I just went over 3 months without smoking a thing. Til I got my first harvest in the new spot. Prior to that I'd smoke an 1/8 a day. I haven't smoked at all today. I will be smoking shortly.

I don't like any of the vap gadgets really. I think the best method for vap is using a craftsman heat gun set to 360 F. The bowls that fit vap guns are really hard to find. So I pretty much use grievo's ( glass wands). I want to get one of those electric ones. My propane is empty. So its just a lighter right now. I like joints still, more than blunts lol.
I haven't smoked at all today. I will be smoking shortly.

I don't like any of the vap gadgets really. I think the best method for vap is using a craftsman heat gun set to 360 F. The bowls that fit vap guns are really hard to find. So I pretty much use grievo's ( glass wands). I want to get one of those electric ones. My propane is empty. So its just a lighter right now. I like joints still, more than blunts lol.

I don't believe you for a moment, hyroot. - - - - "Hey look, a chicken!" - - you are all over the place, man!...lmao. I am just kidding you. I babble when I'm high.