Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
which is a classic newbie mistake, Really not at all bro. Unless your just pushing your limits on plants. Being those where "regs" so as you know its all in the luck of the draw getting our females/males. :)
Its oppistise for me. lol. The one that is short and bushy is the female. And #2 is the one that's more taller and looking like the male. ;) Crazy huh :??: I'm sure they will turn out great though.! The #1 which is a female is already smelling DAMN good!! Just cant quite explain the smell as of yet. I was hoping for a male myself, being I wouldn't mind having the CP male pollen in my back pocket.. :mrgreen: I have 2 or 3 of the DPTW going myself.

One of the Cherries I'm 90% sure it's a male, and it is the shorter, bushy, more female looking one. The other that you would probably figure at first to be a male, hasn't shown anything yet. Hoping it will turn female. If they both end up being males I'll cull one, collect pollen off the others, and then just start over again.

Kind of hurt me taking the chance on these Cherries because I was hoping for females, which is a classic newbie mistake, but I just got all five of the Purple Trainwrecks into soil yesterday, and planted an Auto flower freebie I had to fill some space.

Looks like I might be looking for that new strain sooner then I thought.


Well-Known Member
which is a classic newbie mistake, Really not at all bro. Unless your just pushing your limits on plants. Being those where "regs" so as you know its all in the luck of the draw getting our females/males. :)
Its oppistise for me. lol. The one that is short and bushy is the female. And #2 is the one that's more taller and looking like the male. ;) Crazy huh :??: I'm sure they will turn out great though.! The #1 which is a female is already smelling DAMN good!! Just cant quite explain the smell as of yet. I was hoping for a male myself, being I wouldn't mind having the CP male pollen in my back pocket.. :mrgreen: I have 2 or 3 of the DPTW going myself.
Yeah I know, I just should of started those DPTWs a lot sooner.

That's crazy how they are exactly opposite haha. Well I've defiantly had my far share of taller looking plants that end up female, so I'll hope for the best. I just want some bomb ass genetics, don't know when the opportunity to grow something like these cherries will come up again.

I'm sure I'll have plenty of unneeded pollen lol. Pretty sure anything I cross with that will be amazing either way. :-D


Well-Known Member
Will do..

Yumm Yummmm!!! Fruity Fruit Loops.... :mrgreen:

Right cheer.. haha ;)

Thanks bro. Yeah, you talking about that stuff they use as sheeting on houses :??: Or something else :??: 4 the most part I toke in my bedroom. lol But occasionally I like to sit in there and toke with he girls.. ;)

POint his ass over here. lol Maybe he could build me a new computer out of lamp shades and glue, and maybe all the half pair of ear rings the old lady has laying around everywhere.. haha ;) Mine doesn't seem to be working right still. lol

Yeah, I am using a magnetic ballast I built and encased in a military ammo box. Have used it for at least 6 yr's or more and it still works like a charm.. :mrgreen: Only thing I had to replace was the starter plug which isnt hard to do at all..

I have found that using the mixed spectrum ( flipping in the HPS & LED, then MHS & LED, along with CFL) and just keep messing with the spectrum's, Ive seen better yields my past runs.! :mrgreen:

Sorry I missed it bro. Hows those Cherry Pie's doing :??: Mine are doing great! ! is a female 4 sure. Not sure on the other though.

Hell yeah P.. Looks good. Was that your past grow :??: You can have the tequila bro.. Shit makes Dank mean as hell... lol

Thanks bro.. Hell buddy, I wouldn't mind toking up with you if your ever around my neck of the woods. ;)

Thanks bro. Looks like a mix of things you have going on there buddy. I would say for sure magnesium def, along with maybe cal, and or lock out of 1 or both. I fix my mag issues with Epsom Salts. Works really good 2. What is your ph & your ppm's of your run off water :??: *Sorry if I missed that *

Yeah, I seen you guys where due a huge ass storm!!

Far right --------------->>>>> "LIKE" . LOL

Hell yeah! Now that would be the shit.. ;)

Hey bro. Hadnt seen you around 4 a good while. How you doing :??:

Sometimes it takes a few for the "likes" to show up.. That maybe whats going on.. ;)

Yeah she sure is green huh :??: ;)

LOL.. Just think. Not here either.. ;) Gotta do what we gotta do though. ;)
Oh lord, a huge ass storm? really? can't get any clear radar here right now for some reason even the internet won't pull it up till after midnight LOL fuckin data caps and paying $90 a month!!!:evil:

we been speculating we ain't gettin shit so I appreciate the update ;) hey, that sounds like the light you were telling me about. Didn't you make two? btw what kind of "knife" was that you have with the extra blades in the middle? I was trying to explain it to my son and he wants to know LOL


Well-Known Member
You know how many growers on here are not legal? Just be smart and stay reasonably small. I'm trying to get my perpetual cycle down a little more but at full run I could easily pull 3/4lb every 2 months with my flowering and veg areas, and they are pretty small.

Control the smell and heat, make sure the electric isn't ridiculous or have any crazy spikes, stay smart, and your good to go.
And don't advertise, and beware the GF.
So many threads here about plants having to be trashed or been trashed by GF or splitting up with the GF.


Well-Known Member
Took me 3 tries to get this posted.
Before anybody asks, the Alpha and SFV show P lockout because they were in the dark box when I had cold temps one night.
Alpha Blue, 110 days old.
View attachment 2976529
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Blueberry #2, 94 days old.View attachment 2976535
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BB #3, also 94 days old.View attachment 2976537
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SFV OG, 99 days old.View attachment 2976539
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Jan 27 SFV 99 days old.jpg
IDK why I didn't think to get a pic with the Zippo before I put her away, since the buds on the BB #2 and the Diesel are bigger.:?
ECSD, 119 days old with 14 days veg.View attachment 2976543
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Well-Known Member
Hahahaha.remember this shit????


Well-Known Member
Yeah boy!!!!!!! Lol. Good shit there bak.....
Thanks man.
I can't believe I got that much from just 14 days of veg, and it's not any less than I had with 60 days last year.
If anything, I think it will turn out more than I got from 30 days last Winter under the CFL's.


Well-Known Member
Took me 3 tries to get this posted.
Before anybody asks, the Alpha and SFV show P lockout because they were in the dark box when I had cold temps one night.
Alpha Blue, 110 days old.
View attachment 2976529
View attachment 2976530
View attachment 2976531
Blueberry #2, 94 days old.View attachment 2976535
View attachment 2976536
BB #3, also 94 days old.View attachment 2976537
View attachment 2976538
SFV OG, 99 days old.View attachment 2976539
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View attachment 2976542
IDK why I didn't think to get a pic with the Zippo before I put her away, since the buds on the BB #2 and the Diesel are bigger.:?
ECSD, 119 days old with 14 days veg.View attachment 2976543
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View attachment 2976546
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View attachment 2976547
Bak, can I ask you why you don't use HIDs or LEDs?

I mean you produce some amazing buds with CFLs, and I would love to see that talent under some real lights. Not dissing on CFLs at all, it's what I started off at. The reason I switch was because someone told me the same thing... "You can produce these kind of buds under CFLs? Dude get some HPS." I haven't looked back since.

One of the top CFL growers on RIU I'd have to say, at least that I know of haha. What do you do for vegging? Or are you doing 12/12 fs?


Well-Known Member
Bak, can I ask you why you don't use HIDs or LEDs?

I mean you produce some amazing buds with CFLs, and I would love to see that talent under some real lights. Not dissing on CFLs at all, it's what I started off at. The reason I switch was because someone told me the same thing... "You can produce these kind of buds under CFLs? Dude get some HPS." I haven't looked back since.

One of the top CFL growers on RIU I'd have to say, at least that I know of haha. What do you do for vegging? Or are you doing 12/12 fs?
Thanks man.
I stay with the CFL's mainly because of cost and laziness, but the fact I'm only using a 22w x 24d x 43h space right now, and don't wanna cut any holes for fan/ ventilation, so with these, the heat is tolerable.
The Diesel is the only one vegged, and only for 14 days.
The others are all 12/12 from seed, being that I had the lingering thought that IF, all 5 beans were female, I would have NO room at all in there.
As it is, I made a temp box, and run the Diesel and Berrys together while the other two are in the dark box, then I swap them.


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah forgot about Slipon.

Didn't know Stew had anything flower? Just heard/seen of his seedling army he just started recently for breeding.
Naw, Stewie chopped all his down, pretty sure ;) he's got a bunch of new girls already going though and I think he was starting more soon. You here Stewie?


Well-Known Member
Thanks man.
I stay with the CFL's mainly because of cost and laziness, but the fact I'm only using a 22w x 24d x 43h space right now, and don't wanna cut any holes for fan/ ventilation, so with these, the heat is tolerable.
The Diesel is the only one vegged, and only for 14 days.
The others are all 12/12 from seed, being that I had the lingering thought that IF, all 5 beans were female, I would have NO room at all in there.
As it is, I made a temp box, and run the Diesel and Berrys together while the other two are in the dark box, then I swap them.
Again, crazy with CFLs. Besides the point that they are all 12/12 fs.

You saying you switch them out from a dark box just blew my mind. I don't know if I'm just tipsy from the Seagrams or really stoned or both, but that just made everything stop.

If I put the effort in swapping plants out I could produce double the amount of flowering buds. It's so simple it's genius. I swear I've heard of this before.

Pulling twice the amount of weight for double the start and electric cost, and a little extra effort, is worth it. You got my brain turnin' hard right now...


Well-Known Member
Again, crazy with CFLs. Besides the point that they are all 12/12 fs.

You saying you switch them out from a dark box just blew my mind. I don't know if I'm just tipsy from the Seagrams or really stoned or both, but that just made everything stop.

If I put the effort in swapping plants out I could produce double the amount of flowering buds. It's so simple it's genius. I swear I've heard of this before.

Pulling twice the amount of weight for double the start and electric cost, and a little extra effort, is worth it. You got my brain turnin' hard right now...
Remembering at night isn't hard, but waking up at 7AM every day after I stay up late blows.
I run the lights at night when I only have one set in there, and I guess I'm just not smart enough to think to simply change my schedule to like 10 or something. LOL


Well-Known Member
Remembering at night isn't hard, but waking up at 7AM every day after I stay up late blows.
I run the lights at night when I only have ine set in there, and I guess I'm just not smart enough to think to simply change my schedule to like 10 or something. LOL
Haha. I run my light schedule so they shut off when I shut off, and I'm normally awake before the flower lights come on, the veg lights come on early so normally sleeping.

I'm just imagining running a whole line of plants on the 12 hours off at night lol. I'm going nuts right now haha.
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