The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Ya dont need sudafed! Claritin 24hr works just as good.

@robbie look at the link u put up and read the replys bro lol easy if ya watch the vid on tube I reckon lmfao
fuck it lets go halves on a motorhome and set up a meth lab breaking bad styleeeee LOL


Well-Known Member
Triming done !! :) wellat least for now, thats the broken one from today all trimmed was only 7 weeks so a little early but im sure it will be a decent enuf smoke and if not i'll sell it easy enuf anyway.

photo 1 (2).JPG heres what i started with
photo 2 (2).JPG half way thru
photo 3 (2).JPG a close up
photo 4 (2).JPG all done now, heres the full picture
photo 5 (2).JPG and heres my box of trimings and popcorn bud to go towards making hash with after the other girls are chopped in a week or so.


Well-Known Member
I would have still preferred that at 7 weeks, than what I bought earlier Gaz !

it smells fucking lovely m8, if it tastes anywhre near as good as it smells im onto a winner, and was frosty as fuck so got a ton of trim and bud for hash, mmmm i love me iso hash :)


Well-Known Member
I thought people would be here cooking meth already tbh but not heard fuck all about it anywhere? Pretty sure I know a mate of a mate who makes that base shit. Gave me aload for free but I didnt rate it tbh prefer mdma. Do people take base or speed? Tbh only stuff I hear of people doing is mdma or coke.

Bet people made a serious killing with that mcat stocking up before it got banned and just getting rid wholesale if youd of brought enough.

vietmese gardeners shoved in meth labs? Hmmm lol

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Pretty sure I know a mate of a mate who makes that base shit. Gave me aload for free but I didnt rate it tbh prefer mdma. Do people take base or speed?
Well the proper freebase is an unfinished synthesis so if somebody has got the capabilities to get that far (and getting to that point is the hardest part) then there is absolutely not excuse for not finishing the product off and producing proper Amphetamine Sulphate (yellow/creamy crystal) as it's a very simple step.

The white, oily pastey shite that goes round the streets is not even remotely the proper stuff (that's why we don't see anything else these days).
It's usually ephedrine or Dextroamphetamine (Dextrox) tablets crushed up and mixed with vodka.

I was talking to Billy before he went about a potential market for proper and he said he gets paste straight from the chemist in 5 boxes minimum at about £45 an oz.
Dextrox and vodka is exactly how it was being done, chemist my arse lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah this stuff was white and sorta moist feeling, had a certain smell to it. I weren't too impressed with it tbh but was free. Thing is I just never hear anyone asking to get some speed for the weekend always just mdma or coke.

The meth must be here though thinking about it that sick cunt nonce was trying to use it as an excuse werent he saying his addicted?


Well-Known Member
Just thought ide share this with u, it's a weather station with a wireless senser I've got down the shed. Showes temp & humidity, great range, cost about a £5, fucking brill. Look at that temp & humidity, in a shed too . image.jpgimage.jpg