Active Member
Just wondering, is it only a fine or an actual criminal charge? Thanks for the info
I talked to a lawyer. It doesnt matter if you have 1 or a 100 you can still get charged and go to jail. Its just that if you have 6 you are guaranteed to go to jail under the bill some judges are overturning the manditory. If the judge is a prick he can still send you for 1 plant. But is very unlikely
Ok I am looking for a few home growers that reside in BC around Vancouver to help me. I am still new and only grow 2 plants outside for medical purposes for myself. I have arthritis in both knees and use it once in awhile when pain killers don't work. I am looking for info like when to start seeds, lolly pop or not, when to firt and how much and so on. I guess you could be my mentor. I had one but he turned crazy on me. Long story. So you can pm me if you would like to help out a fellow small grow girl. Or if there is a site or link for just people in and around Vancouver that would work as well.
I guess we will have to wait to wait for a few people get caught to see what happens.
That's tragic.
I may be one of those people and I promise to call the media before I get taken anywhere!!!!!!!
That's tragic.
I may be one of those people and I promise to call the media before I get taken anywhere!!!!!!!
The crown cannot ask for a mandatory minimum if they catch a guy who has grown 25 plants for medicinal purposes for X amount of years. They MUST be able to prove that it was for the purpose of trafficking that the cultivation took place or they CANNOT ask for the mandatory minimum. If a guy has been growing 25 for 5 years for personal medicinal use and he is caught continuing to grow that many, in the wording of the law the crown cannot request a mandatory minimum of 6 months in prison, because the 25 plants were for personal medicinal use.
Don't let them scare you, the government cannot put you in jail because you cant afford PPS's garbage force-fed cannabis.