Lone survivor


Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of Obama the ego, and his decisions have left me confused and astonished. I pay respect to the office, not the man in it. The president has kept this country safe from attack. He's done his job as president.

wether I think it's good or bad isn't relevant to the fact that he's done his job.


Well-Known Member
didn't see the movie. i'll wait till its on netflix or on-demand/cable but i'm a marky mark fan. he likes to come to philly and do the weather for news shows. funny guy.


Well-Known Member
I'm not a fan of Obama the ego, and his decisions have left me confused and astonished. I pay respect to the office, not the man in it. The president has kept this country safe from attack. He's done his job as president.

wether I think it's good or bad isn't relevant to the fact that he's done his job.


Safe from atack ,

From everyone except the federal gov. themselves , It was only last april they invaded boston with no resistance , with the full support of the federal gov.

He has not done his job as president , Niether did bush, clinton

Safe from atack ,

From everyone except the federal gov. themselves , It was only last april they invaded boston with no resistance , with the full support of the federal gov.

He has not done his job as president , Niether did bush, clinton
ya know, I was just thinking about this the other day. the amount of man power they had is unreal. I suppose since they were looking for a "terrorist" its justified..and considering the events that happened. but from pics and videos, boston looked like a 3rd world country.


Well-Known Member
like rebelling against a monarchy that did nothing for the new nation and their people..and over taxed them... and then slowly systematically installing another monarchy and allowing them to over tax them again..
it was taxation without representation, not overtaxation. smacks of tea party revisionist history.