Monster Marijuana Tree Harvest In Nepal

I love what you have going on there. You are living the dream, friend.
Have you ever watched "StrainHunters"?
You can find the videos on youtube...the guys travel around the world looking for landrace strains for preservation and breeding.
I love what you have going on there. You are living the dream, friend.
Have you ever watched "StrainHunters"?
You can find the videos on youtube...the guys travel around the world looking for landrace strains for preservation and breeding.

i have seen them. franco, arjan n the guy with them dreadlocks. u all wanna come to nepal do visit my store. opened the first medical ganja shop in my country man. the store look shitty but man the ganja good. hahahahaha i seem to be my only customer. :bigjoint:
You should try some of our cross breeds from Canada. The last year I did an outdoor crop with these seeds i got plants 8'-16' high and a lot thicker and bushier than what i seen in the pics. Try our BC northern lights or the orange bud. The #2 skunk with the missing finger will give you solid colas from top to bottom etc.
there was an article in our local newspaper regardin marijuana legalization, the author started by sayin colorado has legalized it n its time nepal do it too n blah blah. i wrote to them about the same thing back in 2009, then they ignored me, i wrote them again n this time they did publish my letter. this is what i actually wrote,

" the best marijuana trees grows in nepal yet the dried marijuana buds we smoke here has far less canabinoids compared to the US. Canabinoids are the active ingredients of cannabis. thats where all the medicine is. The way marijuana is cured in nepal, by the time the bud is dry enough to smoke it has hardly any medical benefits and all it does it gives you just a little buzz.
one friend wrote saying marijuana growing is easy but the art of curing marijuana is equally difficult. a farmer who is well educated about the crop he grows can turn an ordinary plant into a wonderful tasting smoke where as an ignorant farmer can turn the best looking tree into some moldy shake.
we need farmers who can go to Amsterdam any given year and win the cannabis cup and to do that we just have to grow and not worry about wheather this beautiful plant that our lord toked on is legal or not.
For people who grow this beautiful plant it was never illegal and for people who dont grow it, its never going to be legal. peter tosh did sing, "legalize it, dont critisize it and i will advertise."

the reason i said that last line from peter tosh is because they were other people writin letters too and the same guy who said ganja growin is easy had said at the very end peter tosh jamaican reggae singer said legalize it....
he just said 1/3 of wat peter said...
n yah they did publish my letter but this is how they did it


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mary jane i wanna be with u
stick to u like superglue.
yes gal its so very true
with u and only u can i see my life through.
hey i got 2 tickets to the central zoo
u wanna come with me too?
i'll come dressed up in blue
look straight into your eyes n say darlin i love u...:mrgreen:


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Hello Nirakar dai,u are a good grower.I've been reading your post for a while now.I'm from kathmandu and also new in growing.Maybe we can exchange seed someday.
Am I gonna die in this fuckin world?
Livin my life as a junkie dog.
Am I gonna die in misery?
Layin down cold on a gettho street.
Am I gonna fly to the heaven up above?
Or will I just be a member at the devil’s club?
Am I gonna be like a forgotten song?
Or will I be the guy too hard to learn?
Yet I still got a lot of livin up to do,
And show my folks what their son can do.
We’ll see, we’ll see, my mama says,
And to no surprise, It happens that day!

i wrote this in 2005 summer in estes park. i was snortin like 4-5 grams of cocaine a day after the summer ended my coke habits had turned so bad i had to take a semester off n come back to nepal but as soon as i came back to nepal i started doin heroin.. n then i went back to the states again n things still didnt go right for me... things never go right u know... but just listenin to bob marley everyday has made me the person i am now. i havent done no drugs, smoked no ciggeratte or drank no beer or been into no fights in a long long time n i hope to keep it this way for ever. all i do is smoke my ganja n listen to bob.
n here is my stash....1546238_208937225975733_1248854h282_n.jpgdd.jpg
coke and herion is no good one is uper hella usto smoke rock and sell it too when i was young i tried herion didnt like it felt like itching all the time and i just fall asleep while talking sometimes my head was inbetween my knees wishing i could just stand up... NO WENOE no good dude snap out of it man say no and get the fucken friends that say thier your friends and get away from them it wont change unless you change your suroundings.. good luck herion is a hard on to kick but so is coke or meth... DONT DO IT.. just start over with new people rehab man that what did it for me REHAB but want to change believe me it will change and before you know it people will never have thought your were that type of person. best of all it feels good waken up in the morning not hurting
n being a bob maley fan n smokin the amount of ganja tat i do has also made me very unsocial. nothin beats being alone with my dogs smokin the ganja i grow n just thinkin n thinkin n thinkin about absolutely nothin.
coke and herion is no good one is uper hella usto smoke rock and sell it too when i was young i tried herion didnt like it felt like itching all the time and i just fall asleep while talking sometimes my head was inbetween my knees wishing i could just stand up... NO WENOE no good dude snap out of it man say no and get the fucken friends that say thier your friends and get away from them it wont change unless you change your suroundings.. good luck herion is a hard on to kick but so is coke or meth... DONT DO IT.. just start over with new people rehab man that what did it for me REHAB but want to change believe me it will change and before you know it people will never have thought your were that type of person. best of all it feels good waken up in the morning not hurting

u got to read it correct. i was talkin how bob;s music has changed my life. i am 33 years old. i started shootin heroin when i was 18. went to the states started snortin coke, crack n wat not man. i violated my probation multiple times n took off from america n came back to nepal in 2008. from then on i havent had a single cigg. nor any drugs, i did love to drink but i always got into fights when i drank not always but most times. n i was a bob fan then too, but bob always say alcohol bad u know. so now its been almost 2 years me no have no drink man... n me dont eat no meat too for 2 years. i dont get them tattoos to show off, this rastaman really inspires me to be a better person everyday, but that dont mean i got to be social does it? i dont know yo??? the tattoos just a way to give a lil pain to myself for i have given a lot of pain to my loved ones too u know...
Am I gonna die in this fuckin world?
Livin my life as a junkie dog.
Am I gonna die in misery?
Layin down cold on a gettho street.
Am I gonna fly to the heaven up above?
Or will I just be a member at the devil’s club?
Am I gonna be like a forgotten song?
Or will I be the guy too hard to learn?
Yet I still got a lot of livin up to do,
And show my folks what their son can do.
We’ll see, we’ll see, my mama says,
And to no surprise, It happens that day!

i wrote this in 2005 summer in estes park. i was snortin like 4-5 grams of cocaine a day after the summer ended my coke habits had turned so bad i had to take a semester off n come back to nepal but as soon as i came back to nepal i started doin heroin.. n then i went back to the states again n things still didnt go right for me... things never go right u know... but just listenin to bob marley everyday has made me the person i am now. i havent done no drugs, smoked no ciggeratte or drank no beer or been into no fights in a long long time n i hope to keep it this way for ever. all i do is smoke my ganja n listen to bob.
n here is my stash....View attachment 2974262View attachment 2974263

thats a cokehead writin his thoughts n this is a ganja farmer writin his

I was walkin down the street smoking my spliff,
A police pulled me aside saying I can’t get no lift.
The police had a stick and he was talking shit,
But I stood there and took a marijuana hit.
He reached into my pocket and found my stash,
While I still stood there and smoked another hit of hash.
The police looked at me and asked, “You got any cash?”
No, I said, “it’s only the ganja that helps me relax”.
He asked me what I did; I replied “I do the deed,
Grow ganja plants as tall as 20 feet.”
Being enlightened he feel to my feet,
Started playin the music in a reggae beat…
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i wanna sell my ganja for 400 dollars an ounce here in nepal. hahahaha ppl dont even wanna pay 50 bucks. hahahahahaha
ppl here just used to smokin cheap cheap ganja... untrimmed uncured n full of seeds...
well that great n no way i got a limit of 200 dollar donation for pure hydro ponic a level higher AROE PONIC and that the lowest any mother fucker wanting cheaper i tell them to go fuck them self growing aint easy.. lolz