Well-Known Member
The two legal states are going to the super bowl.
the velveeta is running low
The two legal states are going to the super bowl.
it will be illegal for employers to fire you based on cannabis use, unless you're smoking when you're working. covered under section E, part 2, of CCHI.The industrial hemp act has nothing to do with legalizing mmj for recreational use. It's for harvesting lumber. That is the bill the governor signed last august.
testing will always be part of a job.. I know in construction. If you fuck up up equipment or roll a digger . you are fired on the spot. they will test...
it will be illegal for employers to fire you based on cannabis use, unless you're smoking when you're working. covered under section E, part 2, of CCHI.
what kind of construction are you in/speaking of?? I've been in and out of construction for years, never heard of anybody getting drug tested whatsoever...ever
Hemp should have never been made illegal in the first place. But, like every other government decision someone got rich..! In this case it was the lumber and nylon industry..
Now those same fuckers that took it away want to bring it back for the same reason (money).. As for myself they will never have my vote. Heck I'm legal now.! A vote now would just push the little guy that much further in a hole.
Fuck the government.! And Fuck the investor that would take away from so many cali growers if it passes.........
The exact opposite will happen in 2016. This is the stellar petition. If you want a shitty one made by the people with money, wait until 2016. You're not making any sense. Why would a company go to the federal supreme court to test if a worker is high at work? The whole point is about being tested about previous use, whether it was last night or the night before. Obviously you cannot be high at work, just like you cannot be drunk at work either.
Are you kidding? You didn't read a single thing I wrote, allow me to repeat for a third time. NO one cares about getting tested for being high at work.............. It's about being tested for previous use, like last night, when you weren't at work. You can't get fired for that. Jesus jumping christ, you haven't poked a hole in anything my friend.
I mean seriously..... why do you think us stoners want to avoid drug tests? For being high at work? Come on.... it's bout outside use, which will be legal if this is passed. Read the initiative. The Supreme Court has nothing to do with state laws, otherwise the Supreme Court would've blocked Washington & Colorado's legalization.
If you have any more concerns, however nonsensical, please post them here. I value your opinion just as much as anyone else's.
1) You must not follow cannabis news much, because everybody and the brother's mother knows that the Federal Government said they would not go after Colorado and Washington's legalization. Of course they trump state law, but they're not doing that. They did with medical cannabis, going after grow ops and dispensaries for decades now, but they aren't popping into the full legalization matters in Colorado and Washington.How are drug test generally administered at a work place? Urine! If the employer suspect you were under the influence, key work is suspect, the employer will send you home and issue a urine test tomorrow. When that shows up positive, you're fired. Wait, what's that? You smoked 3 days ago? Well, sucks to be you! The employer main concern is your safety and others in the workplace. Why? Because you could have cost the business millions in liability. You don't think an employer will bring this up to a federal court if it has the potential to damages in the millions.
And please, you're naive if you think the supreme court cannot block the state legalization efforts. If they really wanted to, they can. Federal law will always trump state law no matter what. What you're seeing is the lack of enforcement not statehood rights.
I will vote this shit bill down if it gets on the ballot, as well spread the word how shitty this bill is.
I think The Cannabis Policy Reform Act of 2014 by Ed Rosenthal is one if the better initiatives out there, it grants more freedom than Colorado and Washington.
You smoked 3 days ago?
Depends whats written in the bill. The last legalization bill was shady and would of screwed us all legally and financially and put alot of people in jail if it passed.
used to be laying sewers for new housing tracks. I saw a dude roll an excavater. He was done on the spot. They had him drug test the next day for insurance purposes.
CCHI 2014 is basically the same bill Jack Herer was working on for years. It's just slightly reworked and being pushed forth by some personal friends of Jack (RIP).
What kind of idiot would submit to a drug test after he was already fired?
What kind of idiot would submit to a drug test after he was already fired?