MuyLoco's Minutia: Good News You Never Saw


Well-Known Member
Interesting news from Wisconsin.

With a cursory google search for the topic, it's odd that the MSM is virtually non-existent on such good news for an embattled governor that was the focus of so much media attention.

The only governor in U.S. history to win in a gubernatorial recall election, continues to implement Conservative economic policies, unemployment dropping much faster than nationally, nearly a billion in budget surplus AND he's giving it back to the people who actually paid it! Now, why would the MSM (which Canndo says is fair & balanced) completely bury such good news? Hmm, odd.

This installment of MuyLoco's Minutia is really just for the Conservative and Libertarian RIU members who may not have seen the news, our Progressive little buddies will keep their blinders on, mock the article because of the source (which is part of the point being made) and ignore the actual "meat" of the article.


Well-Known Member
Fuck Walker. I'll save 150 bucks on my property tax only to spend on increased fees for services like garbage water and DMV


Well-Known Member
Fuck Walker. I'll save 150 bucks on my property tax only to spend on increased fees for services like garbage water and DMV
A billion dollar surplus for a state with the population of Wisconsin is huge. No bulkshitting around that fact.

Look the libs are mocking The Blaze's story about Rush commenting on an AP story that barely saw the light of day in the MSM. Who could have seen that coming. I would have linked the NY Times article, but...


Well-Known Member
Fuck Walker. I'll save 150 bucks on my property tax only to spend on increased fees for services like garbage water and DMV
So... Obama's policy's overspending the budget by 1 trillion dollars a year = good

Walker turning the huge state deficit into a surplus and offering to give the additional money back to the taxpayer = bad

It is a strange world inside your head cheesy....

El Tiberon

Active Member
When you take away unemployment benefits, those who have lost said benefits are no longer counted within the demographic and thus the unemployment rate drops. It does not mean that jobs have been created, nor does it mean the same people who lost said benefits have found jobs.

It only means they are no longer being counted.


Well-Known Member
A billion dollar surplus for a state with the population of Wisconsin is huge. No bulkshitting around that fact.

Look the libs are mocking The Blaze's story about Rush commenting on an AP story that barely saw the light of day in the MSM. Who could have seen that coming. I would have linked the NY Times article, but...
It's pretty good. A billion dollars.
Except all he did was pass down the costs to Local municipalities and citizens. And as to Job growth
We are 37th in the nation. Actually let me rivise that after fact checking 47th. It got worse.

Want an example of how Walker saved money?
When you go to the DMV to get a license. They take your picture and outsource it to a firm in California.
When your emissions need to be checked for renewal. You go a local mechanic since he shut down all the emmissions testing facilities. By Breaking unions and shifting the costs of the benefits packages onto the employees.
Walker is a dick. And as far as Medical Marijuana is concerned. Aint gonna happen. They have the latest bill killed in committee.

He is a one term Govenor and would of lost the recall if he hadnt of spent 3 to 1 in the recall against his opponent. with 2/3rds of his campaign money coming from out of

Oh and here is a BIG one. When you are unemployed . Your first week of unemployment is UNPAID.


Well-Known Member
So... Obama's policy's overspending the budget by 1 trillion dollars a year = good

Walker turning the huge state deficit into a surplus and offering to give the additional money back to the taxpayer = bad

It is a strange world inside your head cheesy....
i might save 150 bucks on my Property tax. BUt my fees for garbage water and Licensing have gone up. And I am paying even more now,
Talking about robbing Peter to pay Koch brothers


Well-Known Member
i might save 150 bucks on my Property tax. BUt my fees for garbage water and Licensing have gone up. And I am paying even more now,
Talking about robbing Peter to pay Koch brothers
But your property taxes wont likely get jacked up next year... I guess that doesnt matter to you.


Well-Known Member
So... Obama's policy's overspending the budget by 1 trillion dollars a year = good

Walker turning the huge state deficit into a surplus and offering to give the additional money back to the taxpayer = bad

It is a strange world inside your head cheesy....
We have tavern here that advertises that all it's beer is free.

The packaging though is 2.50 a glass 3.00 dollars a can

And you need to cite that the federal budget is running a trillion dollar deficit this year

El Tiberon

Active Member
We have tavern here that advertises that all it's beer is free.

The packaging though is 2.50 a glass 3.00 dollars a can

And you need to cite that the federal budget is running a trillion dollar deficit this year
Also, it would be good to show that a policy of the current administration has created said deficit. Otherwise it is only carry-over from the previous administration. It took 6 years for the budget to be rebalanced in the 90's and immediately was thrown into the red again within 2 years. The biggest jump was 2008 to 2009 when it jumped 1 trillion dollars in one year to 1.539.22 trillion dollars. Since that time it has been reduced to 728.7 billion which is less than half from the time the current administration took office.

El Tiberon

Active Member
Last year was his first under a trillion dollar deficit.

His first. So y'all are both right.
It is seldom that I am wrong other than in the eyes of those who can not meet the same standards as I. Someone who works in Burger King can have an opinion but they will never be proffered as an an expert. I remember defending my first thesis and how nervous I was. It prepped me for my M.A. defense. Nothing could ever prep someone for Rollitup Politics forum. I compare it to teaching children to read.


El Tiberon

Active Member
Are you saying this is fake? That L-R does not have a Political Science program? Are you saying that L-R is not a liberal arts school? You are again painting with such a broad brush. You should be more specific. Call me out uneducated one.