Does this seedling look healthy?


Well-Known Member
I have an inkling you have a long few months ahead of you :) But I know what its like to be excited too. Nice strain.all the best


Well-Known Member
Going to yield over 3 pounds with the baby!! haha. JK. It looks fine. Soon it's break free from it's attached seeds and sprout. Just give it time


Active Member
yep like the others said looks normal....leave it alone
plants are very delicate at this point
she will shed her helmet soon enough and start vegetating<i like that word :D


Well-Known Member
People say not to fuck with them at this stage, but I always remove the seed casing. Just take a toothpick and be SUUUUuper careful, remember there's a shell and there's also a membrane wrapped around the cotyledons.

I know it doesn't speed it up much, but it can take 2-3 days for that shell casing to be ejected, whereas if you popped it off it'd already be working on its nice green tan.


Well-Known Member
Nice, yeah if they aren't ready to come off don't force them, you did good lol. Did the membrane come off with it too? The other one will pop of tomorrowow.

Edit: yeah, I just looked at the pic the membrane did come off. The other one will catch up, somehow they always seem to anyways.