Could i clone this? lemon kush preflower


Well-Known Member
Hi guys, i posted in the outdoor growing section, but no one was of any help.Hopefully someone can answer a very simple question. I am growing outdoors in the tropics where we currently get only 11 hours of sun right now. She grew rather small. But i assume she will grow another foot or so. I have 3 other plants out there too preflowering. They are all feminized. So can i take a clone from her? What do you think i will get from such a small plant. thanks


bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I don't see any hair yet. She can't be very old. When I take a snip I like to have six nodes under it or four at the least. What type of medium are you growing them in?


Well-Known Member
I see hairs very clearly in pic 2. I agree with the 6 nodes before long as you do it before it starts to flower.


Well-Known Member
I don't see any hair yet. She can't be very old. When I take a snip I like to have six nodes under it or four at the least. What type of medium are you growing them in?
thanks for the reply. potting soil mixed with perlite. So will she grow bigger before it flowers. What do you think i can expect from this plant. Maybe a quarter ounce?


Well-Known Member
not only will she grow bigger before it flowers, but it will also grow during flowering. Depending on the strain and growing environment flowering plants can double to triple in size. To give you an example I am running sweet tooth, sour kush, and a-train right now, when i switched them to flowering their heights were 17" 15" and 12", about a week later they have grown to 21", 17.5" and 15.5"


Well-Known Member
not only will she grow bigger before it flowers, but it will also grow during flowering. Depending on the strain and growing environment flowering plants can double to triple in size. To give you an example I am running sweet tooth, sour kush, and a-train right now, when i switched them to flowering their heights were 17" 15" and 12", about a week later they have grown to 21", 17.5" and 15.5"
thanks for the reply. So i wait another week and remove a clone from her? she just got more white hairs protruding from the top. I really want to clone all 4.. right now i have purple paralysis, world of seeds northern light x big bud , a strain called ripper which looks like her growth is stunted from underwatering. and this female seeds lemon kush.

I have been feeding them with urine.. they love the urine, diluted of course. so i guess a quarter or more a plant is what i will be looking at here


Well-Known Member
Clone when you want, but do leave a light on to extend her daytime photoperiod, even a yeard light will do for an extra 4-6 hours a day


Well-Known Member
12 hr days will flip your plant. if it were mine i would bring it inside for an additional 4-5-6 hrs. for an additional month. imvho:)


Well-Known Member
won't bring it inside since they have bugs around them. can't put a light on it outside cause it would bring attention. So if i as to clone her, where would i cut her? thanks

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
won't bring it inside since they have bugs around them. can't put a light on it outside cause it would bring attention. So if i as to clone her, where would i cut her? thanks
Pick a branch bro you got a monster!! Do you have everything you need to clone a plant??


Well-Known Member
a monster? lol.. i have that rooting hormone stuff. So i just take any branch there and cut it off and dip it in the rooting hormone and stick it in a cup.


Well-Known Member
not much smoke there,so just take the tops and clone them
put the kids in a box with a timer and light.18/6
do you have rock wool to root them in and a dome?


Well-Known Member
thanks for the reply and suggestion. So i just snip that top off stick her in rockwool. I can make humidty dome with a baggy over her i would assume. Will cutting the top do any damage to her and will she produce less.


Well-Known Member
well i decided not to clone her since as you said she is into flower. I have 3 other plants flowering too. and i have 3 other lemon kush seeds. So i just keep the rotation going. a quarter is fine each.