
Well-Known Member
lol, that's cool, but yeah, I want to be able to go *bleep* HEY ASSHOLE! In the white honda, YEAH YOU! Why don't you learn to drive you piece of shit?"

I get road rage, if you couldn't tell.


Well-Known Member
i hear ya....i am always happy and inlove with the world....except when i get behind the wheel of my truck...then i turn into the biggest road raged asshole you will ever see.......i dont know what it is...i just hate driving...


Well-Known Member
I don't hate driving, I hate OTHER people's driving. Not everyone's, but you know...a lot of them.

Like I fucking can't STAND it when traffic starts to back up bad on the freeway, so bad that you think there must be an accident, and then you pass a car just sittin on the shoulder, and it picks up. Like everyone was just fucking slowly down to gawk at....NOTHING!

God, I'm getting worked up just thinking about it. I need a fucking bowl


Well-Known Member
or how about the people who haul ass to get in front of you only to slow down and drive under the speed limit.....i mean....fuck.....cmon now.......