Barking Mads Grow Journal, with Pics


Well-Known Member
your approximate cubic feet, considering it's a PERFECT 4X4X7, would be 112 cubic feet.

which MEANS, that your fan would have to be able to move 112 cubic feet of air in a decent time frame, now whether you want a fresh lot of air every minute, or every 15 seconds, is up to you. But, I'm sure if you got a fan that could only blow/suck 100 cfm's, about a 5 inch fan, you would be far above and beyond what your plants really need. (a clean batch of air every minute or so). I'm sure you understand the concept here ;)

i don't even grow indoors, aha

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Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
your approximate cubic feet, considering it's a PERFECT 4X4X7, would be 112 cubic feet.

which MEANS, that your fan would have to be able to move 112 cubic feet of air in a decent time frame, now whether you want a fresh lot of air every minute, or every 15 seconds, is up to you. But, I'm sure if you got a fan that could only blow/suck 100 cfm's, about a 5 inch fan, you would be far above and beyond what your plants really need. (a clean batch of air every minute or so). I'm sure you understand the concept here ;)

i don't even grow indoors, aha

Thanks again Doc. I was looking on ebay and saw this fan ( In Line Duct Extractor Fan 2-Speed Mixed Flow - 100 Dia on eBay, also, Extractor Fans, Heating Cooling Air, Home Garden (end time 01-Jul-08 21:18:02 BST) )which I thought would do the trick but, I just remembered I have a cooker hood downstairs, could I take the fan out of that and see if I can engineer it to take ducting? It would save me a few quid at least.
Whether you got the money or not, there is something satisfying about going guerilla and making your own shit, a bit like my grow really lol


Well-Known Member
and i forgot to mention, 1 m3/h = 0.5885745 CFM

and right on with the guerrilla style, i can respect that


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
and i forgot to mention, 1 m3/h = 0.5885745 CFM

and right on with the guerrilla style, i can respect that

I'm glad you added that because I couldn't work out the conversion. Really I could do with just a touch more power than that one has on ebay, another 20% or so.
Ill check out the strength of the cooker hood first. That's if I can get permission to strip it, it's not mine but, the promise of a bit of my end product might just secure the item for me. lol.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
I am trying to figure out an extractor deal right now, suffering some heat stress... I feel ya, let me know what you work out- I am considering Just going with a lot of PCU fans strategically located both blowing air in and exhausting> seems cheap and effective...

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
I am trying to figure out an extractor deal right now, suffering some heat stress... I feel ya, let me know what you work out- I am considering Just going with a lot of PCU fans strategically located both blowing air in and exhausting> seems cheap and effective...
I just forked out another £50 GBP for a metal halide ballast and bulb so I am hoping to save a few quid with the fans somehow. One thing I haven't mentioned. I was originally blowing the hot air AWAY from my light and grow area to control the temps but i have changed it and am now blowing air INTO the grow room and the temps have dropped from 82/84 to 74/78 much better. I don't know if you can try the same with your set up. if you can, give it a go, I put my fan in different places and at different angles and the temps changed every time so it's a case of trial and error. I will let you know about the extractor ASAP. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
good shite

and as long as air is moving up, you are doing probably the best set up you could possibly do, besides maybe making the smallest air conditioner in your box ;)


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Man I am still having problems with the leaves curling. Would that happen if they were being underwatered? I have not watered Eden (plant with leaf problem) for about 3 days, I'm still going to leave it a while, she was only getting watered every 4 or 5 days anyway. Another plant has the same thing with the leaves curling, it is isn't as bad as Edens but it does look to be getting worse. He is drooping quite a bit but his soil is not bone dry, there is still moisture at the bottom so I am leaving that one to dry out too. I did mist them today, I stopped misting over a week ago but I felt sorry for the blighter so gave it a squirt. I have raised the light a couple of feet while the leaves are drying out with some help from the fan.

I was meant to make a start on my Bloom-room today but "the best laid plans of mice and men" etc, at least I managed to pick up some bud today, I was expecting yesterday so it was down war rations Sunday and yesterday.:blsmoke:

Time to light one up, sit back, relax, and figure out how I am going to suspend my light from a plaster ceiling, as well as a fan and ducting.
With a low budget too. I can't be far off laying out as much money as I will save from doing this grow in the first place.
The trouble is, once you got the bug you want to get the best out of it.
Time for a bowl me thinks. bongsmilie
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OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
my leaves are curling a bit too- i think its the high heat and a bit of underwatering/more just that the buds are getting the water.... I would add an extra drop of superthrive and it will help, helped me.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
my leaves are curling a bit too- i think its the high heat and a bit of underwatering/more just that the buds are getting the water.... I would add an extra drop of superthrive and it will help, helped me.
Yeah thnx OB Cron, it's been hot today so the temp has been 80 all day (same outside, maybe even hotter) it's cooled down a bit now, just checked and it's been a steady 78, it dropped when I raised the light for half an hour to mist Bigger thats the name Ive given plant-B. the plants are still growing and developing new leaves so I don't think it's anything fatal. it's bugging the hell out of me though. :bigjoint:

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
thats it, its super cheap- and has been used since the 1940's its regarded as a mircale plant stimulant!

And a small bottle will do- you only use a drop per gallon.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Sorted, it cost me 4 quid for a samll bottle.
Thnks bro' I'll let you know when I stat using it. :hump:
I'd give you a plus for that but it won't let me yet Got to spread a bit more love around yet..:mrgreen:

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
No real changes but I will add some pics to lighten up the journal. Too much techno talk and not enough fun!lol. :joint:

I will star off with old curly,


I guess some girls are naturally curly. haha

This next one is Charlie This is the other plant with a bit of leaf curl. Not at the top though.

This one is the gang. I have got the themometer on a stick and I can put where I like at most heights to check for any hot-spots.

Last but I guess most important. Temperature was not above 80 all day even though it was probably hotter outside. It's night-time now and in the high seventies. Not too bad I'm thinking.

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OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
Not to bad at all, are you gonna top em, you should consider that now if you are.

Wish my temps were like that, I am solving some heat issues right now, extractors, fans, etc...