First ever grow /2x Fem Afghan Skunk /CFL /Comments welcome and most likely needed


Well-Known Member
Yeah man.. both were fem'd seeds … the more i think the more possible factors could have brought on the herming … …. so next run is gonna be all about environment control…..

gunna grab a couple of 120mm pc fans and have them run on controllers to get bait of control on temps…. only had passive this time around… good times though… Nice…
I'm getting pc fans also for both intake and exhaust my cab is 2'6"x1'6"x3'5".

My other question related to the sex of the seeds your girls produced. Are they now considered feminized or is that just an unfounded truth?


Active Member
I'm getting pc fans also for both intake and exhaust my cab is 2'6"x1'6"x3'5".

My other question related to the sex of the seeds your girls produced. Are they now considered feminized or is that just an unfounded truth?
if ya wanna filter the smell get a carbon filter also man….i'd really recommend…. as i discovered i could blag the neighbours somewhat but not the gf, she went spare last week as i harvested one and not both , so had to hang her in my bedroom….. it fucking reeked ….. now its jarred happy days..

as for your Q?, are they now considered…?

well they were supposed to be fems which is what happened in the initial flowering,

After that who the fuck knows… personally id say me being noob, well then noob issues…

could be genetics, but this is the risk maybe with fem'd seeds… somewhat… shit happens… it was a fem, now a herm…. as in both sexes going on.. not a male but in the middle...

thats how i think, not because i know just because what i have gathered, ...

is that enough… only you can decide…




Active Member
Alright ppl....

Well I finally managed to upload a few pics, heres the harvest pics from last week,

All these buds are jarred up now and curing.....

I will get the pics of Afghan 1 up later tonight hopefully... had to add support to the buds last night as they are about to tip over... :-P:-P:-P









Active Member
Day 75 Harvest time :) !!!!

How do everyone, well yesterday evening was Day 75 of flower for Afghan 1.

Afghan 1 since day dot was always ahead of Afghan 2 in term of growth, so I saw enough cloudy trich's a couple of days ago so gave her 24hrs of darkness and commenced the chop last night.



Got her out of the room,







One last shot…



Smells funky… spicy and sweet…


So thats it, have em hanging now for a few days at around 60-65F …. fan blowing slightly and have the carbon filter on…

I would think there is about 3 zips off this one, and around 2 something zips off Afghan 1( I will do a harvest weight for her the next few days)

Hehe:weed: , enough to keep me salivating on my own gear for a few months…

Not bad for a 1st run, and the journey was great… thanks again to all and one on RIU...

Shame about the herming but I think I have found the culprit, The tube heater which come on at night during lights off has a lil red on light, so taping that up which i did i thought would stop the light but nooooooo, noticed last night that even though the light is covered the red light penetrates the plastic around that area…
It has to be the most likely culprit… quite bright it was… lesson learned…

So the next move is to get these jarred, then gut the room and disinfect all that pollen in the area…...

Next run already planned so i can harvest before summer, new carbon filter, 2 sun mate reflectors, 3x2ft scrog, to inlet pc fans with controllers, organic again, 2 ladies most likely to be Delicious seeds Critical Sensi Star and Northern Lights Blue….

This is nice times people, thanks again all ye mofo's out there for helping me… :bigjoint:



Active Member
Day 75 Harvest time :) !!!!

How do everyone, well yesterday evening was Day 75 of flower for Afghan 1.

Afghan 1 since day dot was always ahead of Afghan 2 in term of growth, so I saw enough cloudy trich's a couple of days ago so gave her 24hrs of darkness and commenced the chop last night.

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Got her out of the room,

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One last shot…

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Smells funky… spicy and sweet…

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So thats it, have em hanging now for a few days at around 60-65F …. fan blowing slightly and have the carbon filter on…

I would think there is about 3 zips off this one, and around 2 something zips off Afghan 1( I will do a harvest weight for her the next few days)

Hehe:weed: , enough to keep me salivating on my own gear for a few months…

Not bad for a 1st run, and the journey was great… thanks again to all and one on RIU...

Shame about the herming but I think I have found the culprit, The tube heater which come on at night during lights off has a lil red on light, so taping that up which i did i thought would stop the light but nooooooo, noticed last night that even though the light is covered the red light penetrates the plastic around that area…
It has to be the most likely culprit… quite bright it was… lesson learned…

So the next move is to get these jarred, then gut the room and disinfect all that pollen in the area…...

Next run already planned so i can harvest before summer, new carbon filter, 2 sun mate reflectors, 3x2ft scrog, to inlet pc fans with controllers, organic again, 2 ladies most likely to be Delicious seeds Critical Sensi Star and Northern Lights Blue….

This is nice times people, thanks again all ye mofo's out there for helping me… :bigjoint:
amazing for your first try man . :dunce:


Active Member
How do all,

Weighed in Afghan 2 a few minutes ago at 67% rh, got 64g out of her, plus the bit of smoking I have done the past week…

Nugs are gonna get lighter I'm sure but over 2 zips from her aint bad, I reckon I pulled her early…. although pistils had all receded.. the whole herming thing caught me out and i slipped into noobing ( doing and not listening, patience etc…)

But hey its a fucking party not having to ring a dealer .. ya know the fucker thats like your gf, unpunctual and won't answer the phone when shit is needed...

anyways folks heres a couple of pics….

Another bud from last night...


Afghan 2 curing


Next Run????






Active Member
Had afghan 1 out for a day drying out as I wasn't getting below 68-73f

Tis a lovely site.. down to about 65f now in the jar, getting there….




Active Member
Hey all,

well I thought I would jump back on my thread for a round up….

Lets get to the smoke first…

Being my first time doing a grow, I was slightly apprehensive after harvest as i wasn't getting any of the aroma from either girl that I would expect, more of a hay type vibe,
Having read a bit more this is somewhat normal.

Then I started to have a lil nug here and there, holy fark!!!! It had me jumping around like a fupping flea… aches in my back, flutters in my heart …

To say the least not what I wanted, similar buzz I got 3/4 yrs back from some gear I got from my dealer… way too much for me i thought…

But the good news is coming and it makes me realise the need for a good cure, only in the past ten days or so which is over a month of curing have these lil girls turned into sweet, hashy like scents of deliciousness… The aromas now come belting out with every toke… like a caramel sort of sweetness, Honestly I could toke on it all day….

So should I deduce that buds not cured properly can provide these types of jumpy, restless side affects??

It is quite a heavy buzz, not an all dayer by any means, but then not a couch lock as I might have thought… Luckily, coz trying to keep me away from this on my days off would be futile :)

Smell is now really pungent and hard to mask when I go visit people or public places…. and thats before I even take it out….

Still have approx 4 zips left after passing out lil bits to folks…. more than enough to keep me ticking till my next grow…. Boom….

I have already started my 2nd grow and will get a thread up soon, tis going to be Northern Lights Blue fem from Delicious seeds it is going to be a 3ft x 2ft scrog with 1 plant.. under cfls ranging from 300w to 550w in flower… (both my critical sensi star seeds germinated but sadly got stunted when placed in the soil., possible lack of humidity or soil to hot for them??, sad..)

And folks, as I alway try to mention, thanks to all on this forum for helping me through… … thanks again folks… I raise these mighty fine kilner jars to ye all…. :) Nice...