Reggae's Dazed and Confused Winter Grow


Well-Known Member
Man that's another crazy dream qroox.
All I can say about the whole experience is I sure hope it doesn't happen again.. I didn't panic cause they weren't violent, but scary as hell none the less. If they came at me like lime I would have had more highs to my voice than Mariah Carey. And I would still be running to this day.. Lol
Hhahahahahah..I hear ya.That was SCARY.I've heard that when you are subconsiously awake,phenomena like not being able to speak might happen.You are awake but your body is not.It's really common..not pleasant tho..:D.


Well-Known Member
Holy fuck thats scary shit too Qroox, I would've frozen and cried like a girl ha ha.
Man i sleep walk all the time, have woken up in some very strange places too. Woke up down the street in a neighbours garden after dreaming they had a river in their yard and wanting to go fishing lol.


Well-Known Member
Hhahahahahah..I hear ya.That was SCARY.I've heard that when you are subconsiously awake,phenomena like not being able to speak might happen.You are awake but your body is not.It's really common..not pleasant tho..:D.
I had that happen once in this house also. I didn't hear or see anything but I wanted to get up to take a piss. After a good minute of trying to move I just gave up..



Well-Known Member
Sleep walking stories are usually funny. Can be scary too..! Maybe have your wife lock your bedroom door with key and hide it from you at night. Lol or maybe a shackle around your ankle..


Well-Known Member
Holy fuck thats scary shit too Qroox, I would've frozen and cried like a girl ha ha.
Man i sleep walk all the time, have woken up in some very strange places too. Woke up down the street in a neighbours garden after dreaming they had a river in their yard and wanting to go fishing lol.
Man i wanna laugh and i can't..!!That is some scary shiet indeed.I stil can't think any reasonable explanation..and Reg..i hate you for what you've posted man..I will have to reconsider sleeping in my room again after that one.. :P


Well-Known Member
Sleep walking stories are usually funny. Can be scary too..! Maybe have your wife lock your bedroom door with key and hide it from you at night. Lol or maybe a shackle around your ankle..
I really don't know if this will do any good.It sure is funny but man..the HIGHWAY ? That's a vid with a ''that's dangerous'' sec.


Well-Known Member
Lmao, sorry qroox. That was totally me the other night except I clearly remember rubbing my eyes and trying to wave them away..
later guys I'm gonna try to sleep now. Hopefully no visitors tonight..


Well-Known Member
Sweet as dude, there's a shit tin of pics in there hey lol
Man I'm enjoying the breeding side, it takes a fair while to get where you want to go but it's getting there. I forgot I had some pre 2000 dj short blueberry beans in my fridge so thought id better pop them and try preserve the genetics. I ended up crossing my best male out of 20 beans to a mr nice white shark, mr nice shiva skunk, mr nice mango, flying dutchmen skunk 1 and also the best blueberry female for more beans. So far it has yielded about 150 beans of the shiva and white shark, should know by next week how the others are going. Best part is, i was looking for specific traits and seemed to have been lucky and found what i was looking for out of 10 beans of each strain. So all up i popped 60 beans and struck it lucky, now just have to back cross or inbreed and im done and ready to see their full potential :D

Thats awesome about your breeding chamber too bro, would love to see a pic once its done :)

As for Flowa, dont think he's grown c99 but his new strain G9 is bloody magnificent, looks potent as!! He still updates his threads too, you should pop on and say gday, im sure he'd be stoked to hear from ya ;)

Man your pics look great, id love to have some space like yours, would be awesome to grow more than one under 1000's of watts!!
You're quite the breeder man.This is pure genetics talking here..I am hoping for the best out of these crosses..!!


Well-Known Member
Lmao, sorry qroox. That was totally me the other night except I clearly remember rubbing my eyes and trying to wave them away..
later guys I'm gonna try to sleep now. Hopefully no visitors tonight..
Sweet dreams man.I'm sure there was nothing there..subbed as well ^^


Well-Known Member
Well tho that vid has nothing to do with sleep walking. That is one fucked up disfunctional family.. I would beat the shit out of my son if he talked to my daughter that way.
Lol now I get the rellivence of my post cause after slapping my daughter silly I would totally shackle and lock her dumb ass in the room..
Give a fuck if your 18 that just meens you should have some better common sence than that.


Well-Known Member
Ok well this is just to make it official..
The real day one flower. SourD
this's a copied pic from before but there is lots new growth already. Tomorrow I will bend and take cuttings for the last time but then never to enter room again..



Weed Modifier
my condolences, go out to you Mo. it sucks to loose family :( but in a way life does keep on going, we just have to be strong. it changes us and we start to appreciate people... and all the little things in life. sort of speak . those experiences, makes us, who we are today.


Well-Known Member
Cheers Lime, it was over 20 years ago now but hey, you never stop missing someone. Totally agree how it makes you appreciate the people in your life that make your life so worth living. Got no time for people who dont want to help themselves :) you guys in here i consider mates as you appreciate the conversation and seem like rad dudes :)
Qroox- cheers mate, very new to the breeding side but have worked with genetics of other plants before so its all very similar, just trying to bed down the traits i wanted and so far seems to have worked well!!
Regs- im so used to sleep walking that i wake up as im doing it now and can usually stop myself getting into trouble, usually only happens when i have things on my mind. Meditation seems to be working well too ;)


Well-Known Member
Well tho that vid has nothing to do with sleep walking. That is one fucked up disfunctional family.. I would beat the shit out of my son if he talked to my daughter that way.
Lol now I get the rellivence of my post cause after slapping my daughter silly I would totally shackle and lock her dumb ass in the room..
Give a fuck if your 18 that just meens you should have some better common sence than that.
Yeah . It's funny but you have to point out that it's poor parenting skills.He was doing what he wanted to,in front of her face.Not to mention that the daughter could have been missing a kidney.You hear shiet about abductions and you don't believe them until your kid is missing.And it sure does not have anything to do with sleep walking.I wanted to make fun of what could have happened.. :D ( you could've been raped )


Well-Known Member
my condolences, go out to you Mo. it sucks to loose family :( but in a way life does keep on going, we just have to be strong. it changes us and we start to appreciate people... and all the little things in life. sort of speak . those experiences, makes us, who we are today.
Truth be told mate..


Weed Modifier
Well Reggae, your finally flowering Charlie? really :D.Good one bro ;) i thought you were just messing with me lol.Hi groox nice to meet you. Mo...Right on, btw Pics of plants, or it didn't happen haha


Well-Known Member
Yeah . It's funny :D ( you could've been raped )
lmao, in the butt.

Well Reggae, your finally flowering Charlie? really :D.Good one bro ;) i thought you were just messing with me lol.Hi groox nice to meet you. Mo...Right on, btw Pics of plants, or it didn't happen haha
yea lime I'm gonna have to get you another pic tomorrow.. She looks so good now. Frickn tiny, but she's doing her thing.. Maybe she'll be like one single cola in a whole forest if treez.