Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Ohhh really nowww? Okie dokie. I got a letter for you :)
Dear Darla,
I hate your stinking guts. You make me vomit. The sccccccuuummm between my toes.

LMAO!!! :)
alright now Buckwheat, don't prod the bull boy, choose your battles wisely ;) BWAHAHAHAHAA!!!! j/k kiddo :lol:

thats creepy, it kinda looks like me.....whithout the bandaids
so I guess you figgered it out then? wonder why his face is all cut up? anyone? LOL


Well-Known Member
I dont think id call dank anything but sir, hes a pretty big guy with a chill personallity but i wouldnt want to see him mad. Especially with you bucky :):):)


Well-Known Member
I dont think id call dank anything but sir, hes a pretty big guy with a chill personallity but i wouldnt want to see him mad. Especially with you bucky :):):)
Lol i know. Its all fun and games :) i owe Dankster for what he did for me. If he gets mad which he wont he has a good sense of humor. Lol. Soo would Sir Alfalfa be better?
Alfalfa and Spanky are the leaders of the crew as is Dankster and Stew as well :)


Well-Known Member
Lol i know. Its all fun and games :) i owe Dankster for what he did for me. If he gets mad which he wont he has a good sense of humor. Lol. Soo would Sir Alfalfa be better?
Alfalfa and Spanky are the leaders of the crew as is Dankster and Stew as well :)
I'd definitely go with Sir Alfafa, that is MUCH better ;) haha
I bet he never sees this shit..it'll be a damn shame too..cause he'd be laughing his ass off right now! LOL! :lol:


Well-Known Member
Bahahaha i watched Super High Me. Ive always wanted to watch WEEDS. And Shrooms has caught my eye just never pushed play lol.
You got to watch Devils Pass. The Reef. Dead Season. And a few more cant think of em lol
Oh god you got to watch Extreme Cheapskates. Its only 1 season but omg you'll be grossed out with what these people do!!!!


Well-Known Member
Bahahaha i watched Super High Me. Ive always wanted to watch WEEDS. And Shrooms has caught my eye just never pushed play lol.
You got to watch Devils Pass. The Reef. Dead Season. And a few more cant think of em lol
Oh god you got to watch Extreme Cheapskates. Its only 1 season but omg you'll be grossed out with what these people do!!!!
thanks for the tips bro...hadn't seen any of those and they are all newer! how did I miss them???
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