CALLING ALL Californians


If you've actually smoke cannabis, you'd be insane not to want full legalization. Follow these simple instructions, then post this picture to your friends with the two links below it:


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(^ required for petition AND when it's November 2014 and it's time to legalized)

------------------------------------- Read below if you don't really know why or care about full legalization

There are SO MANY BENEFITS that we are missing out on. The term "cali's almost legal" applies to the availability of bud, but in reality, we're very, very far from being legal. Full legalization is something else entirely:

Hemp Aspect: BEST PAPER, SUPERIOR Clothing, Fiber, Food, Nutrition, Building/Housing, Natural Plastics (NO OIL!!!), Fuel (best green fuel there is) Chemical Cleanup, Cordage (part of the reason why cannabis hemp was legal in ww2), Weed Control, and much, much more.

Recreational Aspect: The recreational sector will multiply!!! No more shitty dispensaries closing down. MANY MORE STRAINS will be available and WITH THIS PROP, there's only a 10% TAX, so we won't be screwed like Colorado is right now with a 29% tax.

YOUR EMPLOYER CAN NO LONGER TEST YOU FOR CANNABIS!!! It will be fully legal to smoke and fully illegal to test for cannabis in your system. COME ON STONERS!!!

Medical Aspect: People who actually need the medical products (cannabis oil) will actually be able to get it from a sustainable source, not some dispensary that closes down from the feddies every few months; even Obama considers full legalization an experiment. DOCTORS will be able to not only recommend but can tell their patients where to get it. Many people such as senior citizens can get a rec but never get to a dispensary because they're always closing down, hard to find, and as we all know, a majority of them are sketchy as best.

10, 20, or 30 years from now, when you're sitting reminiscing about the times when canni was illegal, will you be able to say you were a part of legalization? That you actually did something about it? Or are you gonna let other people do the work- and by work, I mean printing, signing, and sending a piece of paper...
Depends whats written in the bill. The last legalization bill was shady and would of screwed us all legally and financially and put alot of people in jail if it passed.
Fuck hemp in California. Large hemp farms will pollinate my outdoor crop.
Hemp's coming whether you like it or not bro. 2014 or 2016. I'm sure there's a way around it having your crops pollinated, like not planting within x miles of a hemp farm. It's not like there's gonna be a hemp farm on every acre of the state nor even every county
shenanigans! There is so much misinformation in op's post it's scary.

Employers still can/will drug test you for thc if they suspect you are using. It is within their right to do so.
shenanigans! There is so much misinformation in op's post it's scary.

Employers still can/will drug test you for thc if they suspect you are using. It is within their right to do so.
No, you couldn't be more wrong. The governor of California has approved this initiative, that's why it's collecting signatures to go on the ballot.

Can you actually read or did you have your mother type this post for you? Check this out, DIRECTLY FROM THE INITIATIVE (section E):

"(2) No person shall be required to submit to testing for inactive and/or inert residual cannabis metabolites as a condition of any right or privilege including, employment or insurance, nor may the presence of such metabolites be considered in determining employment, other impairment, or intoxication."

It is within their right to do so currently, BUT WILL NOT BE if this is passed. Why the fuck do you think they don't test for alcohol or medical prescription drugs right now? Because employers can't discriminate against alcohol because its LEGAL and because medical drugs are LEGAL if prescribed by an official doctor.

Or perhaps you need the definition of legal:
legal (lee-guh). Adjective: permitted by law; lawful.
Yeah, but it will save tons of trees.
Exactly, millions of trees to be precise (around 25 million per year for paper alone). Tree paper is probably the most ridiculous product on this planet. Takes 24 years to grow a tree for paper, and that paper is shit quality. It yellows and ages fast. HEMP paper can be grown in one season (4-5 months) and that paper will last. As we all know the Declaration of Independence was distributed on hemp paper (though the original was signed on animal hide paper, contrary to common stoner myth).

There are 3 of them going around right now trying to get signatures. Not really clear which one this is for.
California Cannabis Hemp Initiative 2014. It's the only initiative to consider, the others are no where near making it.
No, you couldn't be more wrong. The governor of California has approved this initiative, that's why it's collecting signatures to go on the ballot.

Can you actually read or did you have your mother type this post for you? Check this out, DIRECTLY FROM THE INITIATIVE (section E):

"(2) No person shall be required to submit to testing for inactive and/or inert residual cannabis metabolites as a condition of any right or privilege including, employment or insurance, nor may the presence of such metabolites be considered in determining employment, other impairment, or intoxication."

It is within their right to do so currently, BUT WILL NOT BE if this is passed. Why the fuck do you think they don't test for alcohol or medical prescription drugs right now? Because employers can't discriminate against alcohol because its LEGAL and because medical drugs are LEGAL if prescribed by an official doctor.

Or perhaps you need the definition of legal:
legal (lee-guh). Adjective: permitted by law; lawful.
Yes, but that will go past the state courts to the fed supreme court where it will be deemed (yet again) legal to drug test and fire people.

I'm waiting till 2016 before I consider voting yes on any legalization effort unless something stellar comes along this year.
Yes, but that will go past the state courts to the fed supreme court where it will be deemed (yet again) legal to drug test and fire people.

Exactly. Any employer has the right to drug test an employee due to liability concerns. If I suspected an employee to be stoned; absentmindedness, under performance, etc, I will require the employee to prove that he/she isn't stoned with a drug test.

I would keep poking holes about the shitty bill gualapa trying to push but that is just a waste of my time.
Yes, but that will go past the state courts to the fed supreme court where it will be deemed (yet again) legal to drug test and fire people.

I'm waiting till 2016 before I consider voting yes on any legalization effort unless something stellar comes along this year.
The exact opposite will happen in 2016. This is the stellar petition. If you want a shitty one made by the people with money, wait until 2016. You're not making any sense. Why would a company go to the federal supreme court to test if a worker is high at work? The whole point is about being tested about previous use, whether it was last night or the night before. Obviously you cannot be high at work, just like you cannot be drunk at work either.

Exactly. Any employer has the right to drug test an employee due to liability concerns. If I suspected an employee to be stoned; absentmindedness, under performance, etc, I will require the employee to prove that he/she isn't stoned with a drug test.

I would keep poking holes about the shitty bill gualapa trying to push but that is just a waste of my time.
Are you kidding? You didn't read a single thing I wrote, allow me to repeat for a third time. NO one cares about getting tested for being high at work.............. It's about being tested for previous use, like last night, when you weren't at work. You can't get fired for that. Jesus jumping christ, you haven't poked a hole in anything my friend.

I mean seriously..... why do you think us stoners want to avoid drug tests? For being high at work? Come on.... it's bout outside use, which will be legal if this is passed. Read the initiative. The Supreme Court has nothing to do with state laws, otherwise the Supreme Court would've blocked Washington & Colorado's legalization.

If you have any more concerns, however nonsensical, please post them here. I value your opinion just as much as anyone else's.
California Cannabis Hemp Initiative 2014. It's the only initiative to consider, the others are no where near making it.

Well the others have filed too. Now it's all about signature gathering.

I love CCHI. I'd be happy with MCLR too. CCHI is essentially the same as Colorado's law which is fantastic. However it's fantastic in Colorado largely because of the medical system they already had in place. Hopefully the mandates in CCHI will get the California legislature to study Colorado's system and come up with a similar regulatory system. It should, but you never know with politicians. CCHI is superior to Colorado's law though because of the tax cap. You can't trust politicians to come up with a reasonable system of taxation. The one thing we have learned from Colorado is a tax cap in a ballot initiative is a necessity.

The other thing I do like about it is that under CCHI anyone can create a marijuana business with a fee that is not prohibitive. You don't have to be wealthy to participate. One thing I don't like is that there is no system in place to regulate the businesses. I'm sick of the wild wild west vibe in Cali. It leads to all sorts of shady elements. I hate to say it, but tight seed to sale regulations are a necessity to keep out all the thugs and rip off artists. That SHOULD have already been taken care of in SB420, but our state legislature refuses to accept industry consulting before writing legislation. In Colorado the legislature relies on industry experts to make policy. That's more of a problem with the California state government, but it needs to be addressed otherwise Colorado will leave us in the dust.

Either way, CCHI is very well written, much better than previous legalization efforts and I hope it succeeds.
Yes, but that will go past the state courts to the fed supreme court where it will be deemed (yet again) legal to drug test and fire people.

I'm waiting till 2016 before I consider voting yes on any legalization effort unless something stellar comes along this year.

Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. CCHI is pretty decent. It releases people from prison and wipes their records. If for no other reason, do it for the convicted.
"99 flowering female plants and 12 pounds of flowers per Person" - That's what I have the biggest issue with. No one needs to grow or have that much on hand unless they are selling it. Those numbers need to be lowered.

I would also like to see any businesses limited to residents only with a minimum of 5 years residency required. Even better, natives only for the first wave of permits. ;)
The industrial hemp act has nothing to do with legalizing mmj for recreational use. It's for harvesting lumber. That is the bill the governor signed last august.

testing will always be part of a job.. I know in construction. If you fuck up up equipment or roll a digger . you are fired on the spot. they will test...