My first grow guys!


Well-Known Member
Okay I sprayed them with soapy water until my azamax gets here. It's always something! Lol


Well-Known Member
Kinda weird it's just those two leaves affected on that plant no leaves on other plants have been eaten...Think it could be where I foliar fed the leaves and it burned the crap out of them?


Depends what was in the foliar feed, I don't use nutrients as such, I use a proper foliar feed, dutch master liquid light and saturator, so I never had issues with burns from the spray. Usually an overpowered chemical burn will be brown spots though rather than chunks out of leaves. Just like if you have an allergy you will get a rash, but your arm isn't going to fall off.


Make sure you spray the leaves with fresh water within 12-24 hours again, liberally. It will wash off any of the soap on the leaves which won't hurt them but I always worry about the layer it may leave and cause light reflection which could burn the leaves, this is just my personal thought since if you spray plants outside during the sunniest time of day the water acts like a mirror and actually hurts your plants, with indoor I don't believe this is as big a deal.


Well-Known Member
Oh lol I used a nutrient haha. Only on that plant too and it's the one with that problem. And I did wash them off about an hour or two after I sprayed the soap water on them.


If you sprayed the whole plant I'd think there would be more damage, don't worry to much about a couple of bad leaves though, between cloning and trimming most people usually pull a ton of leaves/growth off their plants.

bonsai mum plants are a good example, you prune them like crazy to keep short, it doesn't harm them much.

bugs on the other hand are bad, just pay attention and if it gets bad do more about it, the less you use on your plants in terms of chemicals the better in my view, organic is better for the environment etc. and often better for you and your plant


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm gonna keep an eye on them and see if it spreads but I am gonna treat with azamax just in case.


Man super happy right now, attitude order just came in and also my h202, its like Christmas for weed right now :). Looks like I will be growing out some gsc my next grow after all, just going to use 1 seed though, going to go ultra sparingly on them as they are super expensive. Need to get a good mother from it and start cloning her for my next grow, so I will probably germinate as soon as my clones show roots, probably just going to keep the best clone out of the group as I have back up seeds for all of those strains and clone out 12 gsc pick the best 2-5 and run a 3-6 plant grow for next round, hopefully I don't have gsc go male or hermie cause Cali connection have issues with that if not 100% stable. Temps are much better now and going into Autumn ill have a lot more control up till harvest on this strain, winter could be an issue with cold temps in flower room.

I may need to germinate sooner though cause:

switch flower 1-2 weeks, 9-10 weeks left on grow + 1 week dry = 10-11 weeks till flower space empty.
germinate and veg gsc 6 weeks (its better to clone from a 2month old vegging plant as roots and plants have a greater ability to take, but oh well timing)
take clones and wait for roots 1-2 weeks
veg for 2-3 weeks and move into flower room
veg for 1-2 weeks, switch flower

If I germinate now I should be able to time the gsc clones with empty flower room with minimal down time.

What do you think?


Well-Known Member
Man super happy right now, attitude order just came in and also my h202, its like Christmas for weed right now :). Looks like I will be growing out some gsc my next grow after all, just going to use 1 seed though, going to go ultra sparingly on them as they are super expensive. Need to get a good mother from it and start cloning her for my next grow, so I will probably germinate as soon as my clones show roots, probably just going to keep the best clone out of the group as I have back up seeds for all of those strains and clone out 12 gsc pick the best 2-5 and run a 3-6 plant grow for next round, hopefully I don't have gsc go male or hermie cause Cali connection have issues with that if not 100% stable. Temps are much better now and going into Autumn ill have a lot more control up till harvest on this strain, winter could be an issue with cold temps in flower room.

I may need to germinate sooner though cause:

switch flower 1-2 weeks, 9-10 weeks left on grow + 1 week dry = 10-11 weeks till flower space empty.
germinate and veg gsc 6 weeks (its better to clone from a 2month old vegging plant as roots and plants have a greater ability to take, but oh well timing)
take clones and wait for roots 1-2 weeks
veg for 2-3 weeks and move into flower room
veg for 1-2 weeks, switch flower

If I germinate now I should be able to time the gsc clones with empty flower room with minimal down time.

What do you think?
I think I need to move in next door neighbor haha :)


Haha maybe I can get you one the left green on the right and titom behind me, that way I can grow 10-20 foot monster sativas in my backyard and you guys can just come over and harvest half a pound, the rest of the year we can just grow indoors and toke it up each day. Haha the police choppers would love that 4 house hot spot in my suburb, not suspicious at all!!!

I tried uploading the picture of the seeds I got before but it was being stupid, its working now so here they are:



Well-Known Member
Haha maybe I can get you one the left green on the right and titom behind me, that way I can grow 10-20 foot monster sativas in my backyard and you guys can just come over and harvest half a pound, the rest of the year we can just grow indoors and toke it up each day. Haha the police choppers would love that 4 house hot spot in my suburb, not suspicious at all!!!

I tried uploading the picture of the seeds I got before but it was being stupid, its working now so here they are:

That's a great idea I would love to get out of the US. Lol


Well-Known Member
Man Idk what happened to that plant but I don't see any sign of bugs anywhere. From what I have read in my bible I would at least he able to see the ones that chew through leaves right..?


Decided I will go get some seed raising mix and do soil for the GSC (mum), it will make it easier to move about and look after than if I was to put it in its own hydro, also I usually start seeds in rockwool in my propagator so this will free up some space. I'm going to get one of those clone machines, a 24 site one I think in about a month perhaps when gsc are ready to go, apparently gsc clones are really slow to get going so I figured those usually have 100% root success, it is worth the extra few hundred $ and I can use it for years to come.

something like ezyclone. Really depends on money at the time as both my registration and insurance for car need to be paid also.


Well-Known Member
Man Idk what happened to that plant but I don't see any sign of bugs anywhere. From what I have read in my bible I would at least he able to see the ones that chew through leaves right..?
The other plants look normal as hell. And nice I have no idea how to clone I'll have to learn lol


Man Idk what happened to that plant but I don't see any sign of bugs anywhere. From what I have read in my bible I would at least he able to see the ones that chew through leaves right..?
Don't stress so much your plants are healthy and looking fine, only worry if problems start spreading. If you think it must be a bug another good trick is right at lights on gently shake the stem, many bugs that sit on leaves and you may not spot will drop off or fly up and off the plant, but honestly I don't think you have a bug problem, soapy water usually kills most bugs apart from the stronger variety. It could have just been a leaf tear from a number of things, I would say you first but I know your super careful with your plants so it kind of rules it out. Just keep on watching and see if it increases if not forget about it, sometimes its better not to know otherwise you will spend all day obsessing what it was.


Since I have no idea which of my plants are fem (even though 3 are from fem seeds does not mean they will be), I just cloned a bunch of them to have more chances at a female. Will give them 5 more days and see what they look like on Sat then switch them to flower perhaps, roots are looking super white since I started oxygenating the water in the bottom of their grow space as well as reservoir, so everything is looking good at the moment.

Cloning is actually really simple, just ask if you have any questions


Well-Known Member
Since I have no idea which of my plants are fem (even though 3 are from fem seeds does not mean they will be), I just cloned a bunch of them to have more chances at a female. Will give them 5 more days and see what they look like on Sat then switch them to flower perhaps, roots are looking super white since I started oxygenating the water in the bottom of their grow space as well as reservoir, so everything is looking good at the moment.

Cloning is actually really simple, just ask if you have any questions
You always know what to say to calm me down haha.

I think I stressed too much I cut them off haha... Oops



Oh that's for sure bugs now I look more closely at the leaves. You didn't really need to cut them off, but no matter.

Id recommend another wash of soapy water tomorrow and each day until your stuff arrives, also get a fly paper trap if it happens to be flying insects. Rake your fingers along the soil at the bottom of your plant, often pests sit in the soil and don't head up to the leaves until its dark, that is why with things like basil etc in the daytime you wont see anything then the next morning your leaves are munched to shit (basil is just an example). Other than that its hard to detect small pests easily, clean any water run off straight away (pests are attracted to stagnant water), clean down the floor and walls of your tent once a week at least. A clean grow room usually = happy plants.


Well-Known Member
Oh that's for sure bugs now I look more closely at the leaves. You didn't really need to cut them off, but no matter.

Id recommend another wash of soapy water tomorrow and each day until your stuff arrives, also get a fly paper trap if it happens to be flying insects. Rake your fingers along the soil at the bottom of your plant, often pests sit in the soil and don't head up to the leaves until its dark, that is why with things like basil etc in the daytime you wont see anything then the next morning your leaves are munched to shit (basil is just an example). Other than that its hard to detect small pests easily, clean any water run off straight away (pests are attracted to stagnant water), clean down the floor and walls of your tent once a week at least. A clean grow room usually = happy plants.
Okay will do. Thanks I pulled some of that leaf off because it looked black it didn't get munched down lol also if it is bugs then why aren't they going to the other plants?