Inda Gro VPAR Induction Vertical Grow w/ Recycled Organic Living Soil


Well-Known Member
Nice burn and deficiencies!!! Having plants around carpet would drive me insane. You stinking the block up yet. You know you like that 51 more than the Indos ;)
I haven't used the A51 yet so can't judge it... I have a tarp on the ground and grabbing another one tomorrow. Eventually I will line the entire floor with a pond liner. baby steps.

I wasn't expecting the indos to have the intensity that they do. Chaz told me if its to close, the 660 leds will drill holes in the leaves.. I found out from a couple leaves he wasn't saying that figuratively. I was sort of treating them like t5's at first.. It wasn't good to keep them that close. I've raised it 4 times. 16-18 inches is a good distance during flower. 18-20 inches during veg without pontoons..


Well-Known Member
That was a good one PF :)

I do know that 10-12"s away with the 51 will bleach your seedlings lol. It's deceiving when your light isn't hot and whisper quiet. What kind of yield you expecting with the Indos?


Well-Known Member
That was a good one PF :)

I do know that 10-12"s away with the 51 will bleach your seedlings lol. It's deceiving when your light isn't hot and whisper quiet. What kind of yield you expecting with the Indos?
I'm not expecting a huge yield, just big dense buds...I had 5 plants under one light and 3 under the other, I probably can fit all of them under one light. But 3 of them were much taller so... I topped them all uncle ben style and on all of them the 4th branch didn't grow for shit. In veg they were crammed together under a t5 so I couldn't tell til I moved them. The cheese og was an accidental mainliner with branches that broke mid flower and had to be taped up (stress). Plus the deficiencies. I used more nutes this time than last batch too.. I wasn't expecting the plants to eat and drink as much as they have. They are almost done so I don't really want to add anything right now. I used the esc treatment at day 12 I think. Then later found out not to use it within 60 days of harvest. Use esc in early veg only. Also didn't cook soil pots for very long either.

The next batch. Plants will be much larger and more of them. each one has 10 -15 branches right now. They get transplanted soon then veg a little in the larger pots. I mixed new peatmosss, pumice worm castings with recycled soil and made a whole new mix that's been cooking for a while.

also thoughts on vegging with pontoons anyone?????

I couldn't find Splifferous video where he vegged with pontoons for reference. Unless that was just pictures in his thread when that got deleted


Well-Known Member
I'm not expecting a huge yield, just big dense buds...I had 5 plants under one light and 3 under the other, I probably can fit all of them under one light. But 3 of them were much taller so... I topped them all uncle ben style and on all of them the 4th branch didn't grow for shit. In veg they were crammed together under a t5 so I couldn't tell til I moved them. The cheese og was an accidental mainliner with branches that broke mid flower and had to be taped up (stress). Plus the deficiencies. I used more nutes this time than last batch too.. I wasn't expecting the plants to eat and drink as much as they have. They are almost done so I don't really want to add anything right now.

The next batch. Plants will be much larger and more of them. each one has 10 -15 branches right now. They get transplanted soon then veg a little in the larger pots.

also thoughts on vegging with pontoons anyone?????

I couldn't find Splifferous video where he vegged with pontoons for reference. Unless that was just pictures in his thread when that got deleted
just a thought here maybe you could still put them all under one light right now since they are almost ready gently bend the taller ones and on to the next grow under the other light! Have the light higher to make sure all plants get light. That is if you can control your humidity while having so many plants in the room

growing bigger plants will get you better use of the vertical lighting too, seems like a lot of the light is being wasted with the upper pontoons


Well-Known Member
just a thought here maybe you could still put them all under one light right now since they are almost ready gently bend the taller ones and on to the next grow under the other light! Have the light higher to make sure all plants get light. That is if you can control your humidity while having so many plants in the room
Im using both lights for next grow. I'm shutting off lights for 2 days when done. So they can sit in the dark. Then when I transplant the veg, they will get moved into that room and vegged under those lights for another 10-14 days. I thought about doing that just throwing the next batch all under one light in 3 gals.. But now they are around 3 feet tall so... Might as well just wait at this point. I have twice as many plants going in next round


Well-Known Member
I'm not expecting a huge yield, just big dense buds...I had 5 plants under one light and 3 under the other, I probably can fit all of them under one light. But 3 of them were much taller so... I topped them all uncle ben style and on all of them the 4th branch didn't grow for shit. In veg they were crammed together under a t5 so I couldn't tell til I moved them. The cheese og was an accidental mainliner with branches that broke mid flower and had to be taped up (stress). Plus the deficiencies. I used more nutes this time than last batch too.. I wasn't expecting the plants to eat and drink as much as they have. They are almost done so I don't really want to add anything right now. I used the esc treatment at day 12 I think. Then later found out not to use it within 60 days of harvest. Use esc in early veg only. Also didn't cook soil pots for very long either.

The next batch. Plants will be much larger and more of them. each one has 10 -15 branches right now. They get transplanted soon then veg a little in the larger pots. I mixed new peatmosss, pumice worm castings with recycled soil and made a whole new mix that's been cooking for a while.

also thoughts on vegging with pontoons anyone?????

I couldn't find Splifferous video where he vegged with pontoons for reference. Unless that was just pictures in his thread when that got deleted
I like the 2:1 deep red/far red ratio for veg and flower. I must have the blue with more red the whole life. Is that just me? I'm tempted to veg my 51s in flower mode for the spectrum, 24" away, with the bigger footprint. School me lighting nerds.


Well-Known Member
I like the 2:1 deep red/far red ratio for veg and flower. I must have the blue with more red the whole life. Is that just me? I'm tempted to veg my 51s in flower mode for the spectrum, 24" away, with the bigger footprint. School me lighting nerds.
You can veg full ppower with tha a51 no problem

Im just wondering about vegging using the pontoons with 730 IR at lights out..... Contrary to what every one says about finishing time under these lights. Mine are actually taking a little longer this time.


Well-Known Member
You can veg full ppower with tha a51 no problem

Im just wondering about vegging using the pontoons with 730 IR at lights out..... Contrary to what every one says about finishing time under these lights. Mine are actually taking a little longer this time.
did you use more kelp this grow? kelp postpone senescence


Well-Known Member
did you use more kelp this grow? kelp postpone senescence
yes I did. topdressed twice during flower instead of just at the beginning. 2 kelp teas recently. I've always used kelp to the end. I did sst's the last 2 waterings though. Kelp is a nutrient accumulator and can help with phos defs and has plenty of iron and potassium for those defs


Well-Known Member
yes I did. topdressed twice during flower instead of just at the beginning. 2 kelp teas recently. I've always used kelp to the end. I did sst's the last 2 waterings though. Kelp is a nutrient accumulator and can help with phos defs and has plenty of iron and potassium for those defs
Kelp is king! I just did a 2 day brew of 2 cups alfalfa, 1/2 cup kelp. First time I used an alfalfa dominate ratio. Plants drooped and perked all within a half hour. SST in flower with top dressed potash and fish bone for this novice. Why do people not like alfalfa during flower?!


Well-Known Member
Kelp is king! I just did a 2 day brew of 2 cups alfalfa, 1/2 cup kelp. First time I used an alfalfa dominate ratio. Plants drooped and perked all within a half hour. SST in flower with top dressed potash and fish bone for this novice. Why do people not like alfalfa during flower?!
Alfalfa contains triacontanol, a hormone which promotes or stimulates root growth and foliage growth and also enhances photosynthesis.


Well-Known Member
Alfalfa contains triacontanol, a hormone which promotes or stimulates root growth and foliage growth and also enhances photosynthesis.
It's in my soil during bloom...I cook with 1 cup/cu ft. I have bud sites everywhere. I honestly think the girl takes what she wants when she needs it, typical female. Foliar is another thing. So do you just stick with P and K in bloom?

Forgot this was the IG bad.


Well-Known Member
Everything npk and all minerals. Its a balance like lighting. I run the same nutes in veg and flower. Except I do alfalfa / kelp teas and kelp / aloe foliars in veg. I topdress twice usually. Once in veg and once in flower but twice as much in flower. Larger pots...


Well-Known Member
Everything npk and all minerals. Its a balance like lighting. I run the same nutes in veg and flower. Except I do alfalfa / kelp teas and kelp / aloe foliars in veg. I topdress twice usually. Once in veg and once in flower but twice as much in flower. Larger pots...
Can you foliar with aloe, kelp, and Si during bloom. I've been doing it...on week 5 now.


Well-Known Member
Not a good idea as buds tend to hold moisture which can lead to bud rot. If your humidity is too low, you can add a small humidifier on a timer for ~ 10 minutes just before lights on

Can you foliar with aloe, kelp, and Si during bloom. I've been doing it...on week 5 now.


Well-Known Member
Lol sweet bat pics ahahahaha.

Here to follow, very interested to see how you can do with this setup.
