please someone refreash my brain


Well-Known Member
stats: 4 bag seed plants under 600 hps, 8x10x7 grow room, vegged under 400 watts cfls. useing age old veg nutes, ( vegged 1 month 2 weeks) switched to bloom useing age old bloom, and nector of the gods ( liquid bone meal and calcium). i beleive im approx 1 month into bloom.
im already showing signs of sex and everything is going nicely.
since i dont know what strain of plants they are can someone give me a time line of when i can start to expect some resin production, ive scoured the internet and havent found anything on a time line.. and since something is up with my phone and sending pics i dont have any pics to post.. but i will work on it


Well-Known Member
erm its more strain orriented i think but when ya start getting buds forming (micro buds) then resin should shortly follow


Well-Known Member
erm its more strain orriented i think but when ya start getting buds forming (micro buds) then resin should shortly follow
yeah i know its a bitch not knowing the strain. im just trying to get a idea so far i think i found that it should be 8 to 12 weeks but that sure seems long to me. but its prolly right. im just impatient because once these grow out ill throw my blue mystic seeds in. but this is a trial run for a newly built room. so i didnt want to throw away good genetics. I learned from my last grow to get stuff dialed in then grow the good seeds....


Well-Known Member
About 3 Weeks after switch to 12 12 should be seeing something and it will get frostier as time goes
hmm then i should be seeing something soon then, i wish i could post a damn pic. but to me im getting close to a month into flower mabe three weeks. but i dont even have white hairs yet i know that there there from sexing the plant but they havent sprung out so to speek... ill keep a eye on it and seeill try and post a pic tommarow. some times a pic is worth a thousand words...


Well-Known Member
If your three Weeks in without a single pistil you have some kind of problem or a very very long flowering strain


Well-Known Member
these are the best images i can get, i havent yet found out the key to photography under hps... but it should give ya a idea of what im talking about...2014-01-18 12.07.39.jpg2014-01-18 12.10.42.jpg20140117_220719.jpg2014-01-18 12.07.39.jpg2014-01-18 12.10.42.jpg20140117_220719.jpg


Well-Known Member
If your three Weeks in without a single pistil you have some kind of problem or a very very long flowering strain
I'll second this. You should have seen pistils in 10-14 days or so.

Might be some cantankerous sativa though.


Well-Known Member
I'll second this. You should have seen pistils in 10-14 days or so.

Might be some cantankerous sativa though.
honestly i dont know, i got the seeds from my wifes cuz. he told me that they were his called lsd, but then later found out that he got them off the floor of his gir lfreinds car,, i know she usually smokes decent bud unfortunately its sativa in wich im not a huge fan but, on the other hand ive noticed that organically grown is sometimes different and when its harvested also. hell if not ill sell the batch and start some more since it was a tester batch anyhow. or i might just make edibles who knows, ill figure that out after it makes some sugar and i can chop um down and smoke um... and who knows i could have four different plant strains because they all have different characteristics. but its making it some what difficult with the nutes because now im gonna have to start mixing spacificly for each plant. its a pain but ya gotta do what ya gotta do i guess.
but on the other hand how they looking??


Well-Known Member
the pics of the whole plant looks abit hybrid(y) but the pics of the buds look satty ... id say its a sativa leaning hybrid , you should see resin form in next 2 weeks max , plants might take 10 - 12 weeks to finish though maybe even a few weeks more than that , if your already a month into 12/12 and only just seeing pistols


Well-Known Member
the pics of the whole plant looks abit hybrid(y) but the pics of the buds look satty ... id say its a sativa leaning hybrid , you should see resin form in next 2 weeks max , plants might take 10 - 12 weeks to finish though maybe even a few weeks more than that , if your already a month into 12/12 and only just seeing pistols
its kinda odd that you say that they look sativa, because when they were vegging they were very dark green and fat as hell, but i do agree with you. sativa it is.. looks like this guy is gonna make some edibles outa this batch.... but who knows it might surprise me a bit... sativas make my bipolar freek out, with paranoia.... hope fully its like a good 60/40 but knowing my luck prolly wont be..


Well-Known Member
Two of my plants are well into bloom.. looking beutiful. And the 3rd is at least 2 to 3 weeks behind. It's now just starting to show pistols.. anyone got any ideas on this.. they were seeded and switched to 12/12 togather...