
Refs? What?.......sorry to all yall 49ers fans because you should have won. That game was rigged. Those calls were horendus. The only thing the refs forgot on the feild was the hannible knife in the leg vein. Im a hawks fan and i feel for the fans of the 9ers. Sorry peyote, you saw the calls, go hawks!
There were bad calls on both sides. It was a great game the Hawks won and that's just the way it is. I saw someone is all ready calling it the stoner bowl.
Why in Gods name SF didn't take a timeout before the interception is beyond me.

They had 3 timeouts left in 22 seconds. (I think)

Someone upstairs calling the plays should have their ass kicked.

Yep, or Kaep for trying to force that throw. He should have just thrown it away and stopped the clock. Love watching him bust out runs plays...they will be contending again next year.

I hope it's a frigid cold day on Super Bowl Sunday or just cold with lots of snow coming down!
Let's see how well the Seahawks play 11 on 11 in the Super Bowl.
Richard Sherman's actions after the game should be shown to all kids playing football, as an example of being a good sport..........Sherman is the Dennis Rodman of football, in a couple years he will be in Korea singing happy birthday to Kim Jong........
Let's see how well the Seahawks play 11 on 11 in the Super Bowl.
Richard Sherman's actions after the game should be shown to all kids playing football, as an example of being a good sport..........Sherman is the Dennis Rodman of football, in a couple years he will be in Korea singing happy birthday to Kim Jong........

It didn't help that Crabtree smacked Sherman upside the head just prior to the interview. Sherman was just all fired and should have waited a few minutes before giving an interview. His second interview was well spoken and non-emotion without all the trash talk.
It didn't help that Crabtree smacked Sherman upside the head just prior to the interview. Sherman was just all fired and should have waited a few minutes before giving an interview. His second interview was well spoken and non-emotion without all the trash talk.

Do a search for Richard Sherman. It wasn't just Crabtree, the films don't lie........Sherman is an Oakland thug, and will be living on the streets a year after he leaves football....
Both those guys have been trashing each other for some time.
Personally, I would prefer no trash talk, but that is not the way it is, in most if not all sports, now a days.
Another thing I could do with out is social and political commentaries at half time such as those by Bob Costas
Let's see how well the Seahawks play 11 on 11 in the Super Bowl.
Richard Sherman's actions after the game should be shown to all kids playing football, as an example of being a good sport..........Sherman is the Dennis Rodman of football, in a couple years he will be in Korea singing happy birthday to Kim Jong........

Get off the 12-11 thing already how long are you gonna cry about that!!

SeaHawks made it to the Bowl Whiners didnt, get over it.

That would be like me over watering, and from then on everyone telling me i dont know how to grow cause i over water!
They won't have home field advantage in the Super Bowl will they? The Seahawks have already convinced themselves they can't win without it.
broncos got this.....
I'm not a huge Bronco fan, but I am now. I hope Sherman makes the fatal mistake of smack talking Payton Manning. Then I will sit back with a slice of Papa John's, and watch with great amusement as Manning embarrass' him...
And the Seattle fans throwing food on Navaro Bowman as he's being taken off the field with a broken leg?.......real classy Seattle....
You are real quick to point fingers man come on now!!

Like San Fran hasnt ever done shit to anyone or anything huh?

Oh i forgot there perfect right?

Why so much shit talking over and over?

We cant get alone?
This is how Pete Carroll got USC sanctioned out of college football for 5 years, but this is the NFL where 'anything' goes. I've never liked Pete Carroll ever since he trashed a great football legacy at USC, (that still hasn't recovered). This stuff is typical of a Pete Carroll program.....
And just so you know I'm not just hating on the Seahawks, my number is retired in Seattle & hanging in the rafters, I'm an original '12'.
Back in 1976 I was working at Boeing plant #2 in Seattle. I attended the first ever Seahawk game in the Kingdome. They played, guess who?...the 49ers! A new NFL team in Seattle was HUGE in the area, although I did attend a lot of Husky games, because my wife was a Nursing student at UW and we got discounts. I attended most Seahawk home games in those long and dreary early years. I'm an original 12. The Seahawks played with class then. I'll never forget those Zorn to Largent connections that would take your breath away. It's sad to see what it's become under Pete Carroll.....
LOL that doesnt explain why you talk shit.

Why cant you say a couple of good things about the seahawks now and then rather then bashing them over and over!

Im not trying to be rude im trying to understand, i mean i dont realy care for these teams like i said my team is the COLTS!!!! lol

Yes I hope the Broncos win the bowl Manning is the man.

There is new talent and his name is Andrew Luck!! HAAHAHAH