18 Days flowering...already got a few orange hairs.


Well-Known Member
"cause i can make my light setup, as custom as i want" forget that part? He makes his light setup custom to his room. Thats the way he likes to do it. He never said anything bad about HPS so stop crying

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
He was saying that if he had the money for an hps that he would still use cfl. Why? because of people like you who dont know what they are doing


Well-Known Member
Well show me a pic of your biggest bud, and ill show you mine. Lets compare and see who is the boss!! J/K When people say that they prefer cfl to hps, it just creates hostility


Well-Known Member
Yeah i guess i understand where you are coming from, I like to use both so I'm in the middle i guess

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
All i got to say to the guys who dont believe in cfl is look at my beauty, she was flowered under 250 watts of all cfl 2300k :mrgreen:



Active Member
wot size pots are they mate av got 7" tall 7" wide mate and the plant iz 8"tall can aye bud it in pot and it the hight or should i change pot and wait mate get back 2 iz plz mate


Well-Known Member
thank you dank its only day 39 she still has a little over 2 weeks to grow even bigger. thank you Grandmas Molasses


Well-Known Member
bobby you are growing a beautiful plant. Thank you for showing all the people in this thread who are knocking on CFL's that they can work awesome and grow fat nugs. Keep up the greeat work!

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
yeah thank you guys, grandmas really works wonders with a little superthrive mixed with it. It is so hard to check the triches, i got a microscope from radio shack but its hard to tell em apart some look amber some look cloudy and alot look clear but who knows i guess i will just do the 55 or 60 day thing


Well-Known Member
do you guys know if you can flush the plant the whole last two weeks with molasses added to the water but cutting out all the other nutes of course ??? j/w?


Active Member
uhm... whats the molasses for? ive never heard of anybody using molasses for growing before... im cofused!