Stretching seedlings? Anyone know how to fix this or what I am doing wrong?

Here two suggestions;

- More light
- Light closer to the plant

Reason your seedlings stretch is because they are trying to reach light which is a result of not enough lumens or light being too far from plant. I would put the light as close to the plant as you can without burning them with too much heat.

Just put your hand on top of the plant and see if you feel too much heat on your hand, if so raise a little.
Thanks. I kind of figured it was the light. I am using a 24w, T5 2ft long bulb. I will try doubling the bulbs next round and see if that helps.
Once you fix the stretch issue and the plant is a little bigger you can transplant and put the stem under the soil too and it will continue along bushy rather than stretching (If you fix the lighting issue).
Once you fix the stretch issue and the plant is a little bigger you can transplant and put the stem under the soil too and it will continue along bushy rather than stretching (If you fix the lighting issue).
Exactly what I was thinking. Bury the stem when you transplant.
Move light closer or preferably get an LED because the closeness of the nodes you will see really is hard to beat with any current lighting on the market today bar none. Your call.