Well-Known Member
I avoided the framing and spackle...lol. I first started having trouble in 1995, and have seen technology come and go. I have been avoiding fusion like the plague. Nothing that can't be undone unless it has at least 70% probability of working. The stimulator helps. Think of it like an internal TENS unit on steroids. I can control distribution via wireless remote and I'm rechargeable...lol. Leads directly into the spinal column, so where a TENS is only effective between electrodes, I can contol from my lower back down. With all of the pain management crapola these days, and the cost...dear god, the cost...HERE WE ARE! I have always liked my weed, but it is multipurpose now...lol
So glad to run into you guys!
Glad that you found something that helps relieve your nerve pain, Greatbranch. That stimulator sounds interesting. I suppose it's major surgery to implant it, which might be why my doctors never told me about it. Yes, I burned through a shitload of money searching for a solution and NONE of it helped very much! Some treatments are just a money maker for the clinics that provide them. I took a 3-week pain management class at the Mayo Clinic that was basically worthless to me. But Mayo rakes in lots of money from that program. Pot doesn't work for me 100% of the time, but probably more like 95%. And then I take Percoset for the other 5%. Thanks for sharing your story, dude. I hope you do a journal sometime so I can follow it.