1st Grow - Custom Room: Pineapple Chunk, Spc. Kush, Ice, G13, Hollands Hope


Active Member
Cant you get some twine, cooking string/twine, or even yarn. Use a larger gauge sewing needle and and push through the existing string/s til you get to the end ? Measure out even spaces a nd mark with a sharpie.

Just a thought .. I have not done this before.



Well-Known Member
Cant you get some twine, cooking string/twine, or even yarn. Use a larger gauge sewing needle and and push through the existing string/s til you get to the end ? Measure out even spaces a nd mark with a sharpie.

Just a thought .. I have not done this before.

I could... but that netting is like hell to work with unless bungee'd. Like in the photos.

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Well-Known Member
Oh ... Bad A$$ pipe btw :leaf:

Where would a fella find one like that ?

Honestly I picked it up at this awesome smoke shop near my place. The guy is like THE guy to go to in our neck of the woods for anything related to vaping or smoking. You live in U.S.?


Active Member
Yes ;-)

Is he a glass blower or just a dealer ? (Whooo .... Man, I had to re-write that sentence 3 times. lmao :bigjoint:)



Well-Known Member
I would love to help you with the scrog m8, but I no Nuffing..... On the subject ! But I did think to myself that chicken wire might be to hard and sharp .... But it might not be .... Who nows ?
Sexy plants,
Keep up the good work :bigjoint:

P.s that building fencing stuff sounded a good idea just trim the plastic in between so it's not blocking to much light .....


Well-Known Member
I would love to help you with the scrog m8, but I no Nuffing..... On the subject ! But I did think to myself that chicken wire might be to hard and sharp .... But it might not be .... Who nows ?
Sexy plants,
Keep up the good work :bigjoint:

P.s that building fencing stuff sounded a good idea just trim the plastic in between so it's not blocking to much light .....
That was the same as I thought (about chicken wire), but many peeps use it i guess. Not my first choice either. The plastic stuff is what I really want.

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Well-Known Member
Hey there bro ...

Anything to report ? Hope your doing well ;-)

Welp, I suppose so.. finally switched to 12/12 on the 15th. My special kush (only plant from seed (and it was bag seed), showed sex very first day. Yup, it's a female!

Plants were pot-bound it the # 3's. Finances kept me from switching to flower earlier, resulting in the dire need to transplant into 5 gal buckets.

Transplant took place on Monday (Jan.13th). I'm hoping the plants get a bit healthier, being pot-bound caused some lock out.

Anyhow on the 10th or so the plants were measuring from 26" to 34". So canopy control via scrog should prove to be a bit of fun. The tallest plant at this point is the special kush which I think is about 40" now. I topped all the taller plants to stop upward growth in terms of new nodes.

I think I'll lollipop them since the scrog will likely limit light penetration to lower foliage. I'm still somewhat worried about whether I have root aphids or not. Although I didn't see anything at all when I was transplanting.

Other than that nothing to report :D

I'll get some pics posted again within the next day or so.

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Active Member
Sounds goo THC ;-)

Can I direct you here for a quick read on finding out sex after two days flower ... :wall:
Its a cool thread anyhow ... hang out there if ya have some time. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Sounds goo THC ;-)

Can I direct you here for a quick read on finding out sex after two days flower ... :wall:
Its a cool thread anyhow ... hang out there if ya have some time. :bigjoint:

LMAO, that's a pretty funny couple of posts after the initial post about his plant. People pissin' themselves and everything :)


Well-Known Member
Sounds goo THC ;-)

Can I direct you here for a quick read on finding out sex after two days flower ... :wall:
Its a cool thread anyhow ... hang out there if ya have some time. :bigjoint:

Lights come on in just over an hour. I'll take some pictures of her... these are definitely pistols.... they're all pairs and they're all over the place on her.


Well-Known Member
So check out this most unlikely of clones y'all. Back-story: about a week and a half ago I was inspecting my plants for deficiencies/bugs/etc. and I accidentally broke a top off one of my Hollands Hope. Since it was late and I didn't have any clonex or other rooting hormone I said fuck it and set it in a cup of water. To my astonishment a few days later when I still hadn't got any - it was still alive... so I let it stay in there. Today I checked out the stem that had been submerged in water on my windowsill in my kitchen and found that it sprouted a root!


Well-Known Member
Boom PISTOLS biotch!!!!!! Can't wait to smoke this girl.... only about 53 days left, lol (ugh + dry and cure time).



Well-Known Member
So check out this most unlikely of clones y'all. Back-story: about a week and a half ago I was inspecting my plants for deficiencies/bugs/etc. and I accidentally broke a top off one of my Hollands Hope. Since it was late and I didn't have any clonex or other rooting hormone I said fuck it and set it in a cup of water. To my astonishment a few days later when I still hadn't got any - it was still alive... so I let it stay in there. Today I checked out the stem that had been submerged in water on my windowsill in my kitchen and found that it sprouted a root!
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View attachment 2966795
Yea that's the old way of rooting cuttings but it sure didn't take long, that's good news.
You have a female for definite, you be one happy guy some good shit happing for you :)


Active Member
Looks good to me bro ;-)

I am hoping for a girl myself ..
Keep the pix coming. Cant wait to see them flowers and crystals :bigjoint:
