What soil?


What kinda soil should i use+ Never grower before! thinking of starting with a Indicaanda Sativa dominate strain. What kind of soil should i use? what should i do? buy a pre made soil thingy. or mix my own stuff?


Well-Known Member
Mix your own. Its far better. Peat moss, pumice / lava rock , coco, worm castings, compost.

for nutes either do super soil or cootz mix.

cootz - crab meal, kelp meal, neem meal, basalt or glacial rock dust, and soft rock phosphate. Mix and cook soil for 2 months then use.


Mix your own. Its far better. Peat moss, pumice / lava rock , coco, worm castings, compost.

for nutes either do super soil or cootz mix.

cootz - crab meal, kelp meal, neem meal, basalt or glacial rock dust, and soft rock phosphate. Mix and cook soil for 2 months then use.
But how much of each+ should i use all the materials you said? or is that Cootz Crab meal, kelp meal and all of that?

What do you mean by cooking for two months?


Well-Known Member
buy a pre made soil thingy. or mix my own stuff?
If it's your first grow buy a pre-made soil mix "thingy" for house potted plants.

It's designed for plants in general, and marijuana is just another plant.


Well-Known Member
Do you need nutrients in the water if u have a good nutritious soil mix?

You need to provide nutrients to your plants at all stages of growth.

If your soil provides nutrients long term then rely on that.

Otherwise just add ferts when you water, as per the label instructions


Well-Known Member
But how much of each+ should i use all the materials you said? or is that Cootz Crab meal, kelp meal and all of that?

What do you mean by cooking for two months?
cootz is grower / scientist type... I use neptune crab meal...

1 bale of peat moss is rougly 6 cubit feet once expanded. It's around $12 at lowes, home depot, nurseries..

1 bale peat moss. 1 cu ft wormcastings, 1 cu ft compost. 2 cu ft pumice / lava rock (smash lava rock if not pumice), 1 cu ft of coco (rinsed) mix together thoroughly.

add per cu ft of soil

1/2 cup crab meal
1/2 cup neem meal
1/2 cup kelp meal
1/2 cup soft rock phosphate
4 cups glacial or basalt rock dust

mix together and store in a bin or trash can or rubbermaid and turn and mix once or twice a week.

also after initial mix of everything water down with a compost tea to innoculate mix

cooking is a term for composting or breaking down of organic material so nutrients will be readily available for the plant to uptake. Not cooking long enough will result in less available nutrients and nutrient deficiencies early on.

you can set aside a mix with out the nutes. for vegging while that is cooking. then water with nutrient teas of kelp meal, alfalfa meal and epsom salt every other watering. enzyme teas the rest.

check these threads for more info that will greatly help your organic grow.






Well-Known Member
I agree with hyroot, make your own soil it's better. However, be careful with peat moss it attracts mealy bugs I am suffering from an attack of them brought on by a infested peatmoss product I received as a free sample. So now I have been reading up on peat free soil mixes and have come to find recipes that are not only cheaper but also earth friendly. Although, the addition of neem meal should deter root based pests. Hope everything goes well for you :-)


Lol he's a first time grower.. I love how people just expect the nubs to understand years of practice, it's so redundant.

Mix your own. Its far better. Peat moss, pumice / lava rock , coco, worm castings, c

for nutes either do super soil or cootz mix.

cootz - crab meal, kelp meal, neem meal, basalt or glacial rock dust, and soft rock phosphate. Mix and cook soil for 2 months then use.
For a first time grower I'd suggest starting with some coco bricks or promix as your medium and buy an organic liquid fertilizer combination. It's simple and fool proof for the most part. If you're a little more committed then go with a home made soil such as the ones described above. Your grow site plays a role too... If you're a backyard grower you could go with either but if guerilla growing it would be better to go with a super soil so you can just water and leave the soil to do the work. Mixing nutes in the woods is time consuming and alot more work


Well-Known Member
Buy a how to grow book
Usually I would say this is a good idea... but... having read most of the MJ specific grow books, I have found that Ed, Jorge, Mel and other "experts" actually don't have a very good understanding of how organic gardening works. This is evidenced by the fact that they all seem to think soil magically becomes trash the second a healthy plant is harvested from it...
I agree with spicy... Don't waste money on a book written by closed minded growers like them. You can find way better information on this site and there's always knowledgeable ppl on here willing to guide you in the right direction. View the "stickies" in the forums for good info and ask away if you need any specific questions answered


Well-Known Member
Lol he's a first time grower.. I love how people just expect the nubs to understand years of practice, it's so redundant.
if you continued to read further down before your post. i broke it down for him. Despite being a newb , its still worth while to get him started out right. Just because someone is a newb they should spend more money on lower quality products that will yield lesser results. Man I bet you work at a hydro shop. I bet you tell people to use pk boosters too ( those are hype and don't work)

by the way look up redundant. You used the wrong word there. That means something that is needless and repetitive like using compost and humic acid. Now that's redundant. They are both the same thing