So who here is growing in true organic living soil?

Here is some chia seed info:

Amount Per 1 oz (28 g)
Calories 138
% Daily Value*
Total Fat 9 g13%
Saturated fat 0.9 g4%
Polyunsaturated fat 7 g
Monounsaturated fat 0.7 g
Trans fat 0 g
Cholesterol 0 mg0%
Sodium 5 mg0%
Potassium 115 mg3%
Total Carbohydrate 12 g4%
Dietary fiber 10 g40%
Protein 4.7 g9%
Vitamin A0%
Vitamin C0%
Vitamin B-120%
Yea they do for sure! I have a 50 gallon barrel I fill, sometimes I attempt to adjust it to 6.5 here lately I've been letting my soil do the work for me and not adjusting it. I'm still breaking my hydro habits lol.
No problem with soil. Just sayin'. The soil + microbes buffer for you.

Yes buddha .....the "magic" is in the 'soil'

.....go figure.....?

-how simple is that!

like i said from a trip to a recent cup i attended--

what i got from the whole show is......

--its not whos gonna have the best erb/smoke
--its gonna be who has the best 'compost' this year out there.....automatically they will have the best erb/medicine

by osmossis ....natural

they were all vegans and talking 'humanure' as the best organic source of

I told them it depends on what you eat.......

since everything's poisoned allready

they particularly were talking about knowing where you source your 'organic' materials and all the GMO introduced into the food chain for animals and us

is your alfalfa meal from a non GMO source....?

or anything else you use.....?


any other gmo infiltrated sources.......?

-somthing to think about when you talk 'organic' (gladsto...;-))


yes keep trying to raise their vibe here and make them concious.....i got your back-

also i have had the pleasure(?)[not] of trying at least a 1/2dz different 'flavors' from clubs still operating around the tri city area
(a2...flint....dtroit...) And i could taste nutes in every sample and couldnt smoke the shiiit-shwagg....

not a pot snob but definatly in touch with flavors and tastes from nutes and how it makes me feel.......yech!

not a good medicne 'high'........:leaf:
Thanks Bonzai- I also favor locally-sourced ingredients. Keeps it natural like you said

Just bought a worm farm today, speaking of keeping it local. If it works out well me and a friend may grab a larger farm to have fresh ewc to distribute. I've been reading about the benefits of making your own fresh castings it's a pretty interesting read. Little worms do more for our planet than I ever realized. I've ran hydro for years only because I thought organics was so complicated, only to find out I was just scared of something different and found my body agrees with it way better. I can smoke my hydro and feel like I need to hide somewhere(paranoia) but the organics is clean and I can enjoy myself and still be stoned to the bone:) seems to help way more with my pain levels vs the hydro too.
My hopes exactly, also it would be nice to be able know exactly what they were fed. The worms re populate too so can sell those to the local fish and tackle. It's pretty interesting really.
My hopes exactly, also it would be nice to be able know exactly what they were fed. The worms re populate too so can sell those to the local fish and tackle. It's pretty interesting really.

It really is a great idea, but you have to have the room and a proper set up to do it on any type of scale. If you and your friend have any type of substantial marijuana garden and/or veggie garden, it would take a good population of worms (10,000+ imo) to keep up with just your needs. Making enough castings to be able to sell beyond that would almost certainly require an outdoor operation. Your local climate at that point would be a limiting factor. Having access to a free primary source of food (which you could supplement with fruits/veggies/organic soil amendments) such as a composted manure would be a must. Rabbits for example are a great companion to a worm bin. Hitting up local coffee shops for spent grounds, breweries for spent brew material, restaurants, etc would be a way to keep costs down. Unfortunately harvesting large amounts of castings would require a machine that could set you back a thousand dollars or more.

Not trying to be a negative-nelly. Just some food for thought.
No thanks, those things are hard to chew and have no taste. Why would you add this anyway, im always curious to understand what someone is trying to add.
Btw, ive got about a week or so , really close, just hit them with more cow poo water last night, now what? Weve never done molasses or anything just amended soil.

Pumpkin seed meal?
What is cow poo water? You mean like fresh cow poo? No, you mean the composted poo, right. Just so we readers out here follow along.
@ ac doob-a teaspoon or so of molasses per gallon provides some basic sugars to promote myco-growth. the fungus and plant will work together - fungus providing improved water retention and root structure, while the plant will reward the fungus with more sweet sugars. cool stuff
No thanks, those things are hard to chew and have no taste. Why would you add this anyway, im always curious to understand what someone is trying to add.
Btw, ive got about a week or so , really close, just hit them with more cow poo water last night, now what? Weve never done molasses or anything just amended soil.

Just always trying new things, never know if you dont try. Definitely picking up some oyster shell too.
........ Why would you add this anyway, im always curious to understand what someone is trying to add.

Btw, ive got about a week or so , really close, just hit them with more cow poo water last night, now what? Weve never done molasses or anything just amended soil.

Give it to your werm brothers to an offering
anything to make them happy and shit-

....dunno....mayb they like pumpkin seeds...i do-

.....lama poop is the best thing to feed werm brothers...they love it!
....and they poop gold for you

i like lots of minerals too--low grade emerald ruby herkamer

if your close to the 'finish' tho....?

-just pure water
.....just water.....

i start at two weeks out.....

-r the leaves yellowing?
-you getting the 'fade'....? --when all the leaves start to turn yellow and the flowers get more and more sparkly....smelly...and sticky

this is when the plant has almost used up all the 'food' in the container.......
imo.....thats what you want

-all the remaining energy goes straight to the flower-

so i always shoot for the 'fade' at the finish .....subcool talks of this-(root bound 20s is how i do it)
-letting the plant use up every bit of remaining amendments it can in the container to finish the flowers

i have outdoor friends believe dont touch the plants ever and when the leaves all turn yellow and fall off the plants ....."done"

r u watching the trichomes?

.....r they at least 'all' milky white.....?
--its personal preference but i always go for milky white and some amber.....for the 'peak' thc content-
.....people will argue this-

just know this old hippie proverb: " ...if you think its done...?....-wait 2more weeks...."

--->patience is the key-all the weight goes on at the end
......patience .....patience......patience.....and wait 2more weeks

What is cow poo water? You mean like fresh cow poo? No, you mean the composted poo, right. Just so we readers out here follow along.

he means a 'tea-bag' i think.....??

--old pantyhose work great!

put your material in the nylon or burlap bag (as ive seen) and 'dunk' a tea bag

you are doing this for the bio-char right....?

to 'charge' it-?
......with high N.....bad....bird.....chicken ....cow......plant source....
-high N-for the nitrogen that gets depleted .....first-and quickest

also tea bags are/were the first way they made 'teas' .........:lol::lol::lol: (Not bein facetious:lol:)

'Vortex brewer' was some science fiction shit-:-P
What is cow poo water? You mean like fresh cow poo? No, you mean the composted poo, right. Just so we readers out here follow along.

Yeah, really really old , made a tea , ive hit them twice now but i think im about there. Do i need to do anything special for the next week or so?
You just described my room in detail, it starteddoing that not on all the plants but on some of them. I think i did some research but im glad you mentioned it. These things are taller than i am , we veged them to long , room wasnt ready. Anyway im glad everything is normal..

Next question, after i pull, then what? I wanted to bust everything up and add some things like glacier rock dust and neem cake more perlite or whatever its called and worm castings, and lets face it, whatever else you guys tell me to do,:lol: any ideas?

Give it to your werm brothers to an offering
anything to make them happy and shit-

....dunno....mayb they like pumpkin seeds...i do-

.....lama poop is the best thing to feed werm brothers...they love it!
....and they poop gold for you

i like lots of minerals too--low grade emerald ruby herkamer

if your close to the 'finish' tho....?

-just pure water
.....just water.....

i start at two weeks out.....

-r the leaves yellowing?
-you getting the 'fade'....? --when all the leaves start to turn yellow and the flowers get more and more sparkly....smelly...and sticky

this is when the plant has almost used up all the 'food' in the container.......
imo.....thats what you want

-all the remaining energy goes straight to the flower-

so i always shoot for the 'fade' at the finish .....subcool talks of this-(root bound 20s is how i do it)
-letting the plant use up every bit of remaining amendments it can in the container to finish the flowers

i have outdoor friends believe dont touch the plants ever and when the leaves all turn yellow and fall off the plants ....."done"

r u watching the trichomes?

.....r they at least 'all' milky white.....?
--its personal preference but i always go for milky white and some amber.....for the 'peak' thc content-
.....people will argue this-

just know this old hippie proverb: " ...if you think its done...?....-wait 2more weeks...."

--->patience is the key-all the weight goes on at the end
......patience .....patience......patience.....and wait 2more weeks

he means a 'tea-bag' i think.....??

--old pantyhose work great!

put your material in the nylon or burlap bag (as ive seen) and 'dunk' a tea bag

you are doing this for the bio-char right....?

to 'charge' it-?
......with high N.....bad....bird.....chicken ....cow......plant source....
-high N-for the nitrogen that gets depleted .....first-and quickest

also tea bags are/were the first way they made 'teas' .........:lol::lol::lol: (Not bein facetious:lol:)

'Vortex brewer' was some science fiction shit-:-P