Benzos and Alcohol


Well-Known Member
this is me personally but I have always loved some k pins and a beer or two...always pills first then alcohol...I judge by the wobbles where I am at...if I fall over while sitting on the couch its enough...

no I'm not that bad, but never had any serious issues always kept it pretty chill though...never blacked out, never zombied out...guess I just never taken it that far on benzos


bud bootlegger
benzo's and booze are very weird for me..
sometimes i'd take 2 mg's and a have say a 40 oz of beer, and i'd be messed up mind you, but not falling down, black out drunk, and other times i have taken a .5 and had one or two beers and would completely black out and not remember a thing that happened..
is there any reason for this mre? it sometimes seems that how messed up i'd get wasn't directly dose dependent..
i don't mess around with benzos after taking 4mg's and drinking a 40 and waking up handcuffed to a hospital bed.. not good, not good at all..


Well-Known Member
I made the mistake of taking 5mgs of klonopin not knowing what it was really when I was drunk once. Woke up 2 days later sleeping top of 4 whole pizzas I ordered and never ate with no recollection of anything. A week later about 200 bucks worth of porno DVD's showed up at my house. Overall not a fun experience, I wouldn't recommend it.


bud bootlegger
I made the mistake of taking 5mgs of klonopin not knowing what it was really when I was drunk once. Woke up 2 days later sleeping top of 4 whole pizzas I ordered and never ate with no recollection of anything. A week later about 200 bucks worth of porno DVD's showed up at my house. Overall not a fun experience, I wouldn't recommend it.
i have a weekend, all i remember was waking up handcuffed to a hospital bed.. even to this day, i've no clue what hospital i was even in..

tiny roach

Active Member
Benzos and alcohol...that's a pretty good way to kill yourself
I'de be really careful...........My baby brother died, of an O D , mixing benzo's and booze . This past March , in fact.........

Its sad , too , because , I like to get buzzed, and we got stoned a lot, together . I mean, I knew he was going pretty far, with his parting, but..........He was 40 urs old, so I just took it for granted, he knew what he was doing , and could handle it .

I like benzo's , too, bit , my "drink " of choice , and rarely, in honesty, is wine.

(lol, tiny winey roach )

I don't mix them , though...........makes me too dizzy .

Damn...........lost the reason I was making this post............oh well..........:bigjoint:

OOPS, now I remember.........major guilt trip , for me .......: {

Now, I have to post a song, about him........brb........

For Joey.........a lot of tunes make me see his smile.......



Well-Known Member
very dangerous yes but many a drug are when pushed to the extremes, all the acid n psychedelics most rave about in HS ive known to put people in mental hospitals n fuck there lifes up, ive known weed alone to bring out mental illness that was yes already there but the weed made it much worse, personally i love benzos and have taken silly amounts and then got pissed its not nothing to be proud of but not everyone is gonna die doing it......


Well-Known Member
i have a weekend, all i remember was waking up handcuffed to a hospital bed.. even to this day, i've no clue what hospital i was even in..
I still can't really figure out why they're a party drug at all. Yeah one might leave you relaxed, but one more and you're a drooling idiot.

I've done some weird shit on coke, but at least I remember those times.


bud bootlegger
I still can't really figure out why they're a party drug at all. Yeah one might leave you relaxed, but one more and you're a drooling idiot.

I've done some weird shit on coke, but at least I remember those times.
lol, yeah, i don't like the way coke makes you think for sure.. it's kind of an evil drug and gives at least me, some not so pleasant thoughts, and i don't like who i am on it, at all, but like you said, at least i remember those sick times, and not wonder for the rest of your life what happened.


Well-Known Member
lol, yeah, i don't like the way coke makes you think for sure.. it's kind of an evil drug and gives at least me, some not so pleasant thoughts, and i don't like who i am on it, at all, but like you said, at least i remember those sick times, and not wonder for the rest of your life what happened.
Most of my weird coke stories involve strange outfits for some reason. There's still some pictures extant from a personal ball night where I ended up in just my underwear, flippers, and a mask and snorkel. I made one of my friends blow hits down the snorkel because I refused to take it off. This NYE I ended up in a homemade turban and a leather scarf turned into a sash. But I still would rather that then trying to figure out where entire days went.

tiny roach

Active Member
very dangerous yes but many a drug are when pushed to the extremes, all the acid n psychedelics most rave about in HS ive known to put people in mental hospitals n fuck there lifes up, ive known weed alone to bring out mental illness that was yes already there but the weed made it much worse, personally i love benzos and have taken silly amounts and then got pissed its not nothing to be proud of but not everyone is gonna die doing it......
THIS is so true, I know 2 , who continually tripped, for an extended amt. of time, and by age 19, both were, REALLY , no longer the people they had been, one was institutionalized .

I do know, for certain, I took acid was , imo , awful. I completely freaked out, people turned ntto " rubber men", even the FEEL of skin , I'll never forget, it , too was like rubber.

The shadows on the wall, became like a ferris wheel, and it just wouldn't end.

Finally, probably a day or two , later,when all the bad shit , was gone............I got stoned, IT ALL CAME BACK !!!!!!!!!............not as intensely, but enough to scare the shit out of me , afraid to smoke my weed, .....which was my passion.

Early '70s , so who knows what was in what I took, but I will never forget that, and never want to feel that way again.

Some guys in my chat room , say I should do "shrooms" , and I wouldn't get like that, but , in honesty, it ain't worth the risk..........ever again.

I'll stick with my kratom , my weed, ad my wine..........lifes grand this way. Did my mix up of them today, and........just.......a nice ass day .


Well-Known Member
THIS is so true, I know 2 , who continually tripped, for an extended amt. of time, and by age 19, both were, REALLY , no longer the people they had been, one was institutionalized .

I do know, for certain, I took acid was , imo , awful. I completely freaked out, people turned ntto " rubber men", even the FEEL of skin , I'll never forget, it , too was like rubber.

The shadows on the wall, became like a ferris wheel, and it just wouldn't end.

Finally, probably a day or two , later,when all the bad shit , was gone............I got stoned, IT ALL CAME BACK !!!!!!!!!............not as intensely, but enough to scare the shit out of me , afraid to smoke my weed, .....which was my passion.

Early '70s , so who knows what was in what I took, but I will never forget that, and never want to feel that way again.

Some guys in my chat room , say I should do "shrooms" , and I wouldn't get like that, but , in honesty, it ain't worth the risk..........ever again.

I'll stick with my kratom , my weed, ad my wine..........lifes grand this way. Did my mix up of them today, and........just.......a nice ass day .
My condolences to your brother from your earlier post.

But you do realize your experiences from almost 40 years ago might not be reflective of today right? Not even touching how much stronger doses were back in the 70's, but a lot of people (myself included) get a lot of help from psychs, shrooms especially. In a weird way they can help ground you. It seems strange to travel so far into the stratosphere to get grounded, but sometimes its the only way.

You seem to have a solid choice in drugs, but just also realize wine has ruined far more minds than psychs ever will.


Well-Known Member
very dangerous yes but many a drug are when pushed to the extremes, all the acid n psychedelics most rave about in HS ive known to put people in mental hospitals n fuck there lifes up, ive known weed alone to bring out mental illness that was yes already there but the weed made it much worse, personally i love benzos and have taken silly amounts and then got pissed its not nothing to be proud of but not everyone is gonna die doing it......
This particular combination is more dangerous than most.

There's no good evidence weed causes mental illness. It can cause acute episodes if the wrong variety is consumed. It can treat mental illness highly effectively if the right variety is consumed. Assuming you're talking about schizophrenia which you likely are.

The above advice is really horrible.