rookie looking for a little advice about sexing


Active Member
I am new to this growing thing... I hear and read different ways to determine sex. I have 4 plants, 3 appear to be indica and one appears to be sativa, crap who knows. They have been in a closet for 30 days. Is it true that you can not determine sex until after flowering? I see, what appears to be some pistols at the nodes, but heard that it is too early to tell. I am running 3 white and one red bulb. these plants are not very tall, 3 are 1 foot tall and the other is 20 inches tall, and I don't know if I should start the flowering stage or not. I don not want to risk the chance of ruining the females, if there are any. Please help. thank you.


Well-Known Member
Do you have a camera? Post a picture of the plants so we can see.

I only had my plants in 24/7 light for about 30 days before flowering on the 12/12 cycle and she is a monster now HUGE. However each strain grows at a different speed.

What kind of setup do you have? how many lights, what kind, and what watt?


Well-Known Member
those are preflowers. the only indicator of what sex your plant is until you switch to 12/12.

take into consideration you height requirements as the plants will double or more in size once flowering.

hope this helps, good luck man


Active Member
yeah....I don't know how to post a pic.. but I have some ready to post. You guys rock, thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
Starting the 12/12 cycle is the sure to know if you have a girl or not. Start your flowering cycle (12/12) and within a couple days you will able to see balls or pistils


Well-Known Member
probably not, but you could always take a clone of each and then put the clone into flowering and not the mothers, although these do look female, but I am no pro so don't take my advice alone on that one lol.

Jonnie Iirish

Active Member
Dont worry about putting them into 12/12 cycle the males will show 2 to 3 weeks before the females and you can pull them out before anything happens. As for the pics the first one is ? the second is female! It can also make the plant a little more bushy but can produce more if done right.

Jonnie Iirish

Active Member
Bring it down to about 15 hours of light and they will show thier sex.. dont go below 15 hours light it will bud on ya. Once you know whats what adjust the lite back to where you need it.

humble learner

Well-Known Member
I couldn't see any pre flowers, wait another two or three weeks before you start 12/12(wouldn't hurt anyway) you know if they are all the same strain? Usually taller plants are males and shorter are females, IF they are the same strain...