So who here is growing in true organic living soil?


Well-Known Member
So ive been inspired and started a worm bin, and got a 1000 red worms for it.

I also picked up some Sul-Po-Mag, how much should I add to approximately 60 gallons of dirt.


Well-Known Member
i just finished off a batch of homemade portobello, avocado and spinach baby food. she loved it.

what are some good fungi i should be looking into? like any with extra vitamins in them? higher protein?


Well-Known Member
i just finished off a batch of homemade portobello, avocado and spinach baby food. she loved it.

what are some good fungi i should be looking into? like any with extra vitamins in them? higher protein?

We love our magic bullet for baby food. Just bought the baby bullet turbo steamer today, cant wait to give it a go.
Ours likes broccoli, corn, and baby bellas. Javadog may know more on the best fungi to look for.


Well-Known Member
We love our magic bullet for baby food. Just bought the baby bullet turbo steamer today, cant wait to give it a go.
Ours likes broccoli, corn, and baby bellas. Javadog may know more on the best fungi to look for.
havent seen the steamer yet, I'm going to look into it. we love the bullet it just is a bit on the weak side. i feel like i want to get a serious blender if i wanna make some real deal puree's. my little one is absolutely terrified of it too, its hilarious.

all in all i dont really see any kind of money savings, honestly it maybe even costs a bit more depending on your veggie situation. its the piece of mind i love the most with it, thats priceless. knowing exactly what my little girl is getting is well worth any time/money investment imo.


Well-Known Member
havent seen the steamer yet, I'm going to look into it. we love the bullet it just is a bit on the weak side. i feel like i want to get a serious blender if i wanna make some real deal puree's. my little one is absolutely terrified of it too, its hilarious.

all in all i dont really see any kind of money savings, honestly it maybe even costs a bit more depending on your veggie situation. its the piece of mind i love the most with it, thats priceless. knowing exactly what my little girl is getting is well worth any time/money investment imo.

Its all about knowing whats in it for us too. And the first run on the steamer worked good. Little smaller than I hoped, but definitely will do the trick.


Active Member
Fyi , my brother says he can see a spider mite at 3 ft with his naked eye, then wants to fight about it :lol:. This old bastard is older than i am.


Well-Known Member
can i over fert my plants with Azos? like too much N? i have 3 plants that gave me the claw bad and went all light green and kinda stretchy on me right after i dosed everyone with azos. the rest all handled it like champs and are stacking away but these couple didn't like it for some reason...

all different seeds so I'm assuming its just a few more sensitive phenos? did they all happen to get a giant clump of worm poo maybe and its got nothing to do with azos? another reason for light green clawing?


Well-Known Member
Soil avoids all these issues unless we are constantly poking and feeding. The plant will do very well without so much fuss.


Well-Known Member
Except for a couple waterings with some molasses, straight water for me. Oh and I threw my ph meter out a long time ago.


Well-Known Member
thats what I'm doing is just water and molasses with a touch of GO cal mag for the ones that ask for it. i didn't have any azos when i mixed it up so i was just trying to inoculate my soil with it. its a nitrogen fixer if I'm not mistaken right? i assume if i overdosed on N fixers they would probably over N my plant for a day or 2? 2/3 came around in 48 hours and the 3rd one looks like it will be all dark green again by the 72 hour mark so not a huge issue i just wasn't expecting it running TLO.


Well-Known Member
Holy balls, Batman!! I've got vertigo after readin that!

I dunno. I just water and add VC.

If you add all these things whenever you have a minute or feel like it, the nutrients are already locked up by the time you add the VC to the plant. Easy peasy. No burn, no cal mag, no fussin'

I just have faith in the properly built soil and move on to important things. Like web porn


Well-Known Member
i figure once i got it all figured out thats how il be able to do it but in the meantime i just gotta read my plants. this latest grouping is 20+ seeds of probably 12 strains, and only 6 have not been happy even a little bit. the 3 i mentioned, and 3 who needed cal mag.

i got VC comin tonight for the bloom room but i do need to put together something for veg, any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
You'll be stylin' with your own VC. Just doesn't get any better. At any price. Same compost for veg. The microbes / plant decide what gets used. So no need to differentiate veg vs bloom