Love your new dog lahada !!!!!
i love the whole pit bull breed . but they are band in Aus , on the dangerous animal list .
My dad had them for years , thay loved me , wouldn't leave me alone .
Guns don't kill people , people kill people !!!
anyone else get offended when someone calls your dog a bitch? even though it's the correct term and I have used it (even here in the past) I get all kung fu fighting mode..
I mean I love my fat little piggy Roxy.. but when I took her into the vet.. they asked me if she was pregnant.. due to all her extra "winter weight" I joked about it with her.. then I keyed her car..
wrote who looks preggers now.... might have been a slight over reaction but.. I am at least acknowledging the problem so step 1 check!
Puppy breath... ohh.. and my Roxy's dogs feat.. ok you thought I was weird before.. but.. I dont know how I came about smelling her feet probably playing peek a boo with her..? anyhow.. I mentioned this to my daughter.. and she says OMG yes Roxy's paws smell good.. she thought it was just her.. (they have scent thingys in their paws..)
Gretchen on the other hand...
Dumbest fucking animal ever. I had been thinking about getting a puppy for a while and one day on the way home from work here is this little 8 wk oldish pup trotting on the side of the road.
It was a rural area with only a half dozen houses in the surrounding several miles so I stopped at each house asking if he was theirs...No one claimed him so I took him home. I thought.....It's meant to be.
after around six months I had to "get rid" of him. Getting into garbage, eating the shit out of my grandmothers depends. Many many times. I know that's nasty as fuck but I need to emphasize how bad this dog was. Cleaning this nasty shit out of the yard...and then that fucker gonna come lick me??? FUCK THAT!! after several months of that shit enough was enough.
I tried everything with this dog. One day I had enough and he disappeared.
I don't believe in kenneling or chaining them up so if they can't be trusted to run the yard while on the radio fence collars they can't be here, and I couldn't keep him out of the garbage. The funny thing is my other dog would sit there and watch him.
I could tell he was stupid fucker.
My wife brought home this sled dog pup once years ago & that fuckin dog could not be potty trained. Period. And I gave it my all.
And like you Joe I refuse to have a "yard" dog exclusively (we have got some shitty weather around here).
I stepped on a warm pile of shit as soon as I woke up on that final morning & while dealing with that at 5:00 am, I stepped in yet another.
Not the runny "I can't help it" shit either.
I ended up telling our 4 kids "Sweetie just never came home, IDK what happened".
I think I've been really lucky with all of my pets. My sister had a stupid cat though so I do know what you mean. I've had some seriously clever cats. We used to set tasks for them, like when feeding, we'd put the bowl in an awkward position under the legs of the stool. We always knew which cat would pull it out towards them and which one would crook their neck!
'Monty' I think it shall be, has been fantastic so far. He sits at the kerb, I let him run off the lead in the park, he walks to heel with little reminder to slow down. I've taken him out on the metro and he was very well behaved. My friends love him. I'm so lucky, loads of people wanted him. It's a bit like having a new baby- I think?
I'm on that exact leather sofa right now with Monty and the cat has just come over and smelt his rear paws. What a brave little cat! 48 hours only! I just can't believe how good the cat has been.
People react very differently to him. I've had an old lady in a lift tell me she was really scared and asked what breed he was. I told her he was just a puppy but when I told her he was an American Pitbull she looked like she was going to have a heart attack. I had a young South American family stop me in the street to ask about him and the 4 year daughter was hugging him with the Mum. Teenagers are particularly keen as they are more familiar with the breed. People are either scared or they love them here.
He's 10 months and i've known him since last summer. He was the most chilled out puppy ever. I want him to bulk up. I think he needs more muscle mass. The training is going well but I need to thank my 20 yr old friend for that (he'd never had dogs before). If I tell him to sit as he doesn't then I click my fingers and point and he does. He's following hand commands already!
What would you do with this? I was thinking about boiling it for him. It's a pigs trotter which my friends bought, by accident I might add. As you wouldn't buy this on purpose unless you were Spanish!! One tapas ive always done without!
here is a really awesome documentary on dogs and how they have evolved to know our thoughts and feelings. It goes much further into it but you just need to watch it.
I think anyone who loves dogs would really like this show. Very informative.