Intelligent life forms reveal themselves to our rock....whaddya' think would happen?


Well-Known Member
If there is aliens out there ! and they can travel at light speed or what ever , and supposed to have all this tech that we don't have .
Don't you think they already know who or what we are ? and if they do have hostile intentions towards us , they would have just wiped us out by now ?
Think independance day , Kill all us off and use all our resorces on earth then move on to the next planet .
My personal take on life in the universe.
Intelligent life, very very rare. It requires an evolution that ends up with not only a good brain, but a body to work/change/build in that planets environment (like example hands/thumbs). That's rare.

But "cows", animals, insects ect are probably plentiful.
A lot of "dumb" life are probably scattered around, not evolving into more intelligent life.

Edit: this is my take on the "fermi paradox" also. So I don't see it as a paradox.


Well-Known Member
Why kill us when were killing ourselves? When there nothing left to consume, namely fossil fuels...or with the lead up to the last reserves, government will make power moves like a chess game...its not going to end well...realistically this isn't too far away...aliens may intervene to save a planet not the people.. I'm in australia, when I see footage of US skies I am disgusted.. Then theres the fukishima damage...and I'm pretty sure we can expect an eruption in our future that will bring total darkness for a long time...just sayin


Well-Known Member
Why kill us when were killing ourselves? When there nothing left to consume, namely fossil fuels...or with the lead up to the last reserves, government will make power moves like a chess game...its not going to end well...realistically this isn't too far away...aliens may intervene to save a planet not the people.. I'm in australia, when I see footage of US skies I am disgusted.. Then theres the fukishima damage...and I'm pretty sure we can expect an eruption in our future that will bring total darkness for a long time...just sayin
I think you answered your own question there.


Well-Known Member
Why kill us when were killing ourselves? When there nothing left to consume, namely fossil fuels...or with the lead up to the last reserves, government will make power moves like a chess game...its not going to end well...realistically this isn't too far away...aliens may intervene to save a planet not the people.. I'm in australia, when I see footage of US skies I am disgusted.. Then theres the fukishima damage...and I'm pretty sure we can expect an eruption in our future that will bring total darkness for a long time...just sayin
So it's a war of attrition in a sense?


Well-Known Member
we would exploit the hell out of the planets of any low tech civs we came across. for their own good of course. :)

i'm thinking any visitors wouldn't have spent all that $$, resources and time just to say howdy lets be buds.

i'm thinking that aggressive, sentient creatures would make it into space more often than passive, grazing type of folks.
we could be like a giant paint ball place for them.

i'd like to think that some nice beings would stumble across us someday and help us pull our heads out of our asses, but space is vast, and we are an infinitesimal speck of dust in the vastness.

eye exaggerate

Well-Known Member
They'd like golf. Hot girls in electric cars that are filled with beer and food w/ awesomely slight phone reception in the area? "18 glorious holes. Yeah, we gave you that idea, you're welcome."


Speaking of UFOs? Anyone here know of Billy Meir? The man who has predicted the future successfully and claims it's because he talks to "aliens" who trust him, been shot at be random people atleast a dozen times, with one arm who lives in Switzerland?


Well-Known Member
Speaking of UFOs? Anyone here know of Billy Meir? The man who has predicted the future successfully and claims it's because he talks to "aliens" who trust him, been shot at be random people atleast a dozen times, with one arm who lives in Switzerland?
I don't know if I'd actually want to be able to predict the future, as there may be consequences to that knowledge that would suck ass. Methinks "speculation" about the future is more my style.