Club 600

morning 6. I see it has been pretty active over here lately.

got my wreck chopped down this morning, or the last 2/3 of it. The buds still never quite got as dense as they usually do but no big deal because the quality wasn't affected any and i got those ko x wreck seeds outta the pollination.

She was such a lanky plant that i didn't realize how much real estate was being hogged up untill i got her outta there.

Only thing i threw in was a nice og clone still in a cup but i will get around to transplanting to a one gallon in the next few days and i think those 6 ladies are fine in there for now.

heres a pic of some fluffy timewreck and a shot of the tent after i cut her down and rearranged. oh and a blue pit shot for the hell of it
made some erl with a bit of left over cheese i found....
after evaporation and collection>>

and then after a gentle warm thruogh>>>

slainte, DST
yeah same here d. Had a nice pilr of trim from the 1st 3rd of the wreck i chopped 4-5 days ago and ran a nice stuffed tube (prob 1.5oz's) last night and after smoking a half a g and gifting the homeboy another g i walked away with 2.6 of some clean golden errl.

oh and i had just got a knock of oil pen with dome that i pieced together at fastech for 12 bucks. the thing hits like a beaast but after about 30 minutes of straight dabs back to back with my homeboy i burnt the nail out..only 5 bucks for a 5 pack of replacements but now i have to wait..

should have bought them in the 1st place...being cheap bites me in the ass sometimes but i wanted to get the minumum cost first and see if it worked and it does i would say just as good as any name brand one.IMG_20140116_074318.jpg
that looks similar to the one a visitor/friend of ours had at the Cup....if it is i thought it was pretty good!
I have a ehle bong and titanium oil nail in the basket waiting for checkout :) Just gotta get some $ first.. I hear dabbing is the new black :)
i def like dabbing on my rig over smoking on herbs or using the pen but sometimes i just don't feel like going through the whole torch dome thing.
Urban I have the same thing and agree that it works pretty good. I tried to take a pic but my card reader on my comp. is messed up. I also love to throw some on a bowl and let the oils drip all the way thru for a nice slow bowl. This is my favorite method when sharing with friends. I had a nice percolator 3 stage bong that was awesome but my kitten knocked it down and broke it after only 1 month of use. Speaking of oils, I don't think my wax is making it to shatter. My everclear showed up last night in a wet box and emptied. I have a replacement on the way but am enjoying what I have so much that it might be gone before the new bottle arrives. Atleast I'll have it for next time. My gf even smokes this batch with me, it's got that dog flavor and kick that well can't put into words. Peace!
This BHO movement is spreading quick around the USA it seems. A year ago nobody around here knew what it was, and now I have random friends asking me if I can get any. Guess I'll have to find a new more efficient method of making it and give it another go.


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Nothing beats the relaxing time one can have tooting a joint, but the dabbing of the erl really gets you minced. I have been dabbing my dog bubble hash as well which tastes great when done on the nail. I am still not doing bho though as I refuse to make the stuff in my house...fuk that until we got a spare 25k to buy a fancy smancy set up:)
I've been makin' BHO for a while now. I prefer smoking flowers, but I still take a good amount of dabs everyday lol.

This is some of my latest I made a couple days ago.

And the batch before that I made some shatter.

I tried it once and without a large extractor its a lot of work to get a decent quantity from flowers/trim.

Purely hypothetical, but would it make sense to mix a bunch of hash in with flower material to make it more worthwhile? I'm thinking a couple zips of hash in with a zip of plant material, multiplied by 4 or 5 runs.

What kind of BHO harvest would I be looking at with 8-10 ounces of hash and 4-5 ounces of trim? I'm wondering how efficient it is.

Dry ice hash is super easy, so turning it into BHO seems like it might be worthwhile.
Nothing beats the relaxing time one can have tooting a joint, but the dabbing of the erl really gets you minced. I have been dabbing my dog bubble hash as well which tastes great when done on the nail. I am still not doing bho though as I refuse to make the stuff in my house...fuk that until we got a spare 25k to buy a fancy smancy set up:)

This is what i would like to do, i see sub cool do this on his youtube, he only uses bubble, then puts a little piece of bubble between wax paper, very lightly applies heat, and its wax ready to dab… gotta try it soon

Need some bags though

which ehle did you go for? I've got a 500ml hex foot one. been looking at a nail for it for a while.
Logo: EHLE logo in frostedJoint Size: 18.8
Volume/Capacity: 1000ml
Ideal Downtube/Diffuser Length: 13.5cm
Weight: 1000g
Size: 46cm (18")
Ive had it before. Seems perfect fit for my lunges :)