Intelligent life forms reveal themselves to our rock....whaddya' think would happen?


Well-Known Member
Sticks with nails.

I've discussed the idea of an "intelligent" extraterrestrial with CN, and he's led me to the conclusion that we just don't wanna' find 'em. No good will come of that. There's WAY TOO MUCH radio silence, too much "dead air." We don't even pick up skips of alien communication. But, we bombard the universe with our annoying, loud, and ambitious presence. Maybe the reason everyone else out there is sticking to themselves is because they already know about those one neighbors... The ones that HATE the noisy neighbors, and tend to destroy them.
this planet is bound to be destroyed at some point. Space is infinite and I'm pretty positive there is an intelligent life form out there somewhere. I won't be alive to see whats out there, but I'm sure there will be some that do.

Its pretty bad that we haven't actually created a ship that can travel at the speed of light. silly humans..

foreign contaminant
For those that believe they will destroy us if they ever notice us, I don't agree at all. Does make no sense at alle, there is no reason whatsovever to destroy simple lifeforms that barely have touched the moon.
IF they wantet to destory us, a comet will have been pushed towards Earth, and everybody will think it's a natural disaster!

I challenge anyone (just to learn myself) to tell me what they GAIN from Earth. You see, it's not unique, we've recently discovered (VERIFIED) over 1000 exo-planets-

There is resources is space, Earth is NOT the source for "gold" or food. If it were, we would most likely be alone.


Well-Known Member
We're obnoxiously loud neighbors. Look at all the CRAP we beam throughout space.

If earth was MY neighbor, and I was trying to get some rest, and they kept booming on and on, I'd definitely wipe 'em out.

Why do you think it's gotta' be a gain? Ever kick an ant hill? No gain. Same as killing a fly that landed on your food -- no gain, it's already drooled on your food, shooing it is as efficient as killing it. And, who's to say that a peaceful advanced race didn't come across an intelligent but psychopathic race, and get smeared for their trouble? Now, the intelligent psychopathic race gets all the toys of the peaceful race... (You see where I'm going, right?)

Assuming we're safe because we're little and insignificant is probably not the best policy -- it's why small businesses get hacked, little countries get sacked, ant hills get knocked down... Just bad business to assume that all of the following are true: 1. we're not alone in the universe, 2. other societies are going to be peaceful, and won't view us as cattle, fodder, fuel, or fun, and 3. that the universe, as far as we can tell, is dark -- radio silent. Maybe, just MAYBE, ET is fuckin' with us, kinda' a cosmic "every, quick, SSH! Earth's listening again!" But then, ET's a dick if that's the case.


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Well-Known Member
Holy shit. I found some weed in the bottom of my drying box and smoked it and got fried and forgot which thread I was in. :lol: I'm sure a mod will see my dumbass deleted post. haha

Commander Strax

Well-Known Member
If you consider the fact that humans have eaten everything on the planet earth that we could shove in our mouths, history would dictate that we eat them.


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Dude...these guys know how to hack PHYSICS. You're not fighting that and winning. If it ever comes down to that, I'd imagine they'd just take off and nuke the entire site from's the only way to be sure.

I'd like to see a g'damn exchange program where we send folks from every nation, or continent at least, off to their place for training on medical and tech shit, in exchange for like some of their college level "archeology students" hanging out and learning about our "culture", or some shit. Mutual benefit, so to speak.

Be one hell of a vacation...
rabid anthropomorphism....

Why do you assume they would be anything like us? You speak of nukes and exchange programs etc..... I wouldn't be so smug. If they have harnessed the power of even a type II any planet without sufficient understanding of the actual physics (and we barely have a clue), are toast at their pleasure.

Further if they are already here, then they are the architects of the silence not our woefully inadequate governments. I am in Hawking's camp. Let's just hope we make a class two civilization before our crib is found. Here if you are wondering:

Type I – this civilization harnesses the energy output of an entire planet.
Type II – this civilization harnesses the energy output of a star, and generates about 10 billion times the energy output of a Type I civilization.
Type III – this civilization harnesses the energy output of a galaxy, or about 10 billion time the energy output of a Type II civilization.

We are currently Type 0, approaching the precipice of a Type 1. Let's hope we don't extinguish ourselves first. My money is on that if we don't get a larger presence off planet.


Well-Known Member
rabid anthropomorphism....

Why do you assume they would be anything like us? You speak of nukes and exchange programs etc..... I wouldn't be so smug. If they have harnessed the power of even a type II any planet without sufficient understanding of the actual physics (and we barely have a clue), are toast at their pleasure.

Further if they are already here, then they are the architects of the silence not our woefully inadequate governments. I am in Hawking's camp. Let's just hope we make a class two civilization before our crib is found. Here if you are wondering:

Type I – this civilization harnesses the energy output of an entire planet.
Type II – this civilization harnesses the energy output of a star, and generates about 10 billion times the energy output of a Type I civilization.
Type III – this civilization harnesses the energy output of a galaxy, or about 10 billion time the energy output of a Type II civilization.

We are currently Type 0, approaching the precipice of a Type 1. Let's hope we don't extinguish ourselves first. My money is on that if we don't get a larger presence off planet.
Damn c do you want one of my blood pressure tablets ?
You go get em !


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Staff member
Damn c do you want one of my blood pressure tablets ?
You go get em !
Thank you, but I've got plenty of Inderal on board and pot, always pot but thank you :) I just feel trapped here on this rock and when I hear people making all these assumptions I get a bit 'scared'. Especially when most have no clue what this new politically correct, organic world they are fondly imagining means. Nature is a harsh mistress in case no one has noticed.


Well-Known Member
Ummm, Indians, Europeans that ended well didn't it?
small pox in blankets as gifts, rape, pillage, murder, refugees, disease , famine,
never ends well for the less advanced civilisation.


Well-Known Member
Dr. Octagon is in order here.



Well-Known Member
Too late they're already here, so my guess about what will happen...whole bunch of nothing ;)


Well-Known Member
I figure if it ever happened the aliens would have the initiative.

Yeah, I do worry about how society would react. Look what happened when Sputnik was launched. People freaked out. Remember a story from Little Richard where he heard about Sputnik while on tour somewhere exotic, Japan? He stripped off all his jewelry and threw them in the river. I know (lol), it's Little Richard. But it was in reaction to a beeping grapefruit!

So let's say that this contact was made haphazardly, maybe the aliens break into the Super Bowl like that Max Headroom hack.

I would expect immediate runs on banks, grocery stores, hardware stores, and outdoors stores. Guns will be gone in a flash, ammo too. I would also expect great re-alignments in people's spirituality. Some atheists will become devout and vice versa.

Preppers will say "I told you so" thru a tiny slot.

Camps of thought will form. Armed mountain collectives, welcoming committees, etc., and a whole lot of people would try and go on with life. For some reason I would also expect great political chaos. Something along the lines of demagogues and extremists suddenly finding themselves with throngs of followers willing to act on their whim (like the Governor perhaps). I think riots might be likely in the developed world. LDCs will explode. The concept of the nation-state will die at once - and it won't be pretty.

The top news story won't be the weather again for a long, long time. Scientists 24/7.

And that's if the aliens are just saying "hi". Then we'll wait for what comes next.


Honestly...I thought about it. I think alot of sucicides, some people losing their minds, and maybe a few actually benefiting. Most of the world beleives in a strict religion. If a alien came like "nah son that ain't true" people would off themselves in record numbers.


Well-Known Member
Honestly...I thought about it. I think alot of sucicides, some people losing their minds, and maybe a few actually benefiting. Most of the world beleives in a strict religion. If a alien came like "nah son that ain't true" people would off themselves in record numbers.
"Mass intellectual evolution."