Iran Declares Victory Over Obama


New Member
A senior Iranian military leader said that his country’s “power and resistance” has forced the United States and President Obama to kowtow to Tehran, according to reports in Iran’s state-run media.

The senior military aide to Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei said that Iran has strong-armed Obama into accepting its nuclear rights.“The Americans have sensibly chosen a type of flexibility and withdrawal vis a vis Iran,” Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi was quoted as saying on Wednesday by the Fars News Agency.

The United States “reached this conclusion that they can’t challenge the powerful IranSafavi was quoted as saying.

That's what we get for sending a community organizer in to do a presidents job.
Obama is a total embarrassment to this country.

Equal marriage rights, the beginning of marijuana reform, engagement in fewer combat zones around the world...

A military aide, in a foreign (hostile) country puts out propaganda meant to destabilize the delicate process of nuclear disarmament? Big deal, fuck him.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Mahatma Gandhi

This is an attempt at both "laughing" and "fighting" ... And the next step? We win.
I love America the country, but I hate America the government, and ANY country that gets one up on the US is a great win in my book, no matter how big or small. If the US government kept its nose out of other countries, I believe this "hate war" would probably not be happening. Unless your requested by a particular countries government or people, STAY THE FUCK OUT.
I love America the country, but I hate America the government, and ANY country that gets one up on the US is a great win in my book, no matter how big or small. If the US government kept its nose out of other countries, I believe this "hate war" would probably not be happening. Unless your requested by a particular countries government or people, STAY THE FUCK OUT.

That kind of thinking during Nazi Germany, would have had your Aussie ass speaking German.
That kind of thinking during Nazi Germany, would have had your Aussie ass speaking German.

No, we were attacked (Japan) and engaged. We were asked to join the European theater by Hitler. When he attacked U.S. merchant vessels., attempted to attack mainland USA, brought submarines within US territory.
I love America the country, but I hate America the government, and ANY country that gets one up on the US is a great win in my book, no matter how big or small. If the US government kept its nose out of other countries, I believe this "hate war" would probably not be happening. Unless your requested by a particular countries government or people, STAY THE FUCK OUT.

What act perpetuated by the united states then caused the terrorism to start?
Equal marriage rights, the beginning of marijuana reform, engagement in fewer combat zones around the world...

A military aide, in a foreign (hostile) country puts out propaganda meant to destabilize the delicate process of nuclear disarmament? Big deal, fuck him.

First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
Mahatma Gandhi

This is an attempt at both "laughing" and "fighting" ... And the next step? We win.

What has Obama done for equal marriage? Besides lip service, no pun.

What has obama done for marijuana reform? Besides failing to execute his constitutionally mandated duty which he took an oath to do?

Iraq was winding down when bush left, impossible to say if we would still be there or not. But I'll give you that one since Obama wouldn't have gone in in the first place.
A nuclear Iran is unacceptable, period!

I didn't say that, the world said that.

do you believe that though?

I think Obamas concessions on Iran are well thought through and very much tied in with current draw down in Afghanistan and the resurgence of sunni nutbags in Iraq.

Iran is pivotal to regional stability and more so aligned then ever to US and allied interests in the middle east. Having them on board should have come sooner imo
No, we were attacked (Japan) and engaged. We were asked to join the European theater by Hitler. When he attacked U.S. merchant vessels., attempted to attack mainland USA, brought submarines within US territory.

The only attempted German attacks on US soil was after the war had started.
And if you don't count Iran's sponsored terrorist attacks against America as being a provocation, you're delusional.
do you believe that though?

I think Obamas concessions on Iran are well thought through and very much tied in with current draw down in Afghanistan and the resurgence of sunni nutbags in Iraq.

Iran is pivotal to regional stability and more so aligned then ever to US and allied interests in the middle east. Having them on board should have come sooner imo

Wow. we couldn't be any farther apart on this issue.
Iran and stability in the same sentence is irrational IMO.
The only attempted German attacks on US soil was after the war had started.
And if you don't count Iran's sponsored terrorist attacks against America as being a provocation, you're delusional.

First, you are incorrect about German attacks on the US. They started before Hitler declared war against us.

You are aware that Iran's supporting Iraq, in fighting those same terrorists, right? It's called "policy shifts." With a new government in Iran, there have been a number of policy shifts. Without revolution, though, there's not going to be an overnight change. Rome wasn't built in a day, and it took 3 to burn it. Can't expect miracles. People DO become indoctrinated. (Ask a lot of Americans over 45 traveling to Russia about what they expect.) Did Iran support terrorists? Yes. Do they? Evidence shows no. Will that change? Possibly. Are there changes happening in Iran? Yes. Do you know what "political grandstanding" is? It appears, by your righteous indignation, that you do not in fat know.

And, no reason to imply I'm mentally incapacitated.
What has Obama done for equal marriage? Besides lip service, no pun.

What has obama done for marijuana reform? Besides failing to execute his constitutionally mandated duty which he took an oath to do?

Iraq was winding down when bush left, impossible to say if we would still be there or not. But I'll give you that one since Obama wouldn't have gone in in the first place.
Obama supported gay marriage, fought the marriage act, and fought for it's repeal.
Obama has allowed states to go forward with marijuana legalization. That's not his Constitutional duty, that's his policy. So far, nothing in Colorado from the Feds. The Feds that are controlled by the administrative branch. (President.)
You haven't clarified or expanded on your opinion. Iran is bad and Obama is a, community organiser is not a convincing argument.

Iran is the largest sponsor of Islamic terrorism.
The Islamic fundamentalist leader Ayatollah Khomeini has made it clear that Islam wants to conquer the world, what else is there to expand on?
Obama supported gay marriage, fought the marriage act, and fought for it's repeal.
Obama has allowed states to go forward with marijuana legalization. That's not his Constitutional duty, that's his policy. So far, nothing in Colorado from the Feds. The Feds that are controlled by the administrative branch. (President.)

the feds did bust some cartel fucks, but that was fully expected ever since holder put forth the 8 simple rules for selling cannabis.
Iran is the largest sponsor of Islamic terrorism.
The Islamic fundamentalist leader Ayatollah Khomeini has made it clear that Islam wants to conquer the world, what else is there to expand on?
Ruhollah Khomeini
Ruhollah Mostafavi Musavi Khomeini, known in the West as Ayatollah Khomeini, was an Iranian religious leader and politician, and leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution which saw the overthrow of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, the Shah of Iran. Wikipedia
Born: September 24, 1902, Khomeyn, Iran
Died: June 3, 1989, Tehran, Iran
Spouse: Khadijeh Saqafi (m. 1929–1989)
Parents: Mostafa Hindi Khomeini, Hajieh Agha Khanum
Children: Ahmad Khomeini, Zahra Mostafavi Khomeini, Farideh Mostafavi, Mostafa Khomeini, Sadiqeh Khomeini

He's dead.

the feds did bust some cartel fucks, but that was fully expected ever since holder put forth the 8 simple rules for selling cannabis.

I hate to say it, but it gives me warm fuzzy feelings when I read about Cartels getting busted.
Iran is the largest sponsor of Islamic terrorism.
The Islamic fundamentalist leader Ayatollah Khomeini has made it clear that Islam wants to conquer the world, what else is there to expand on?

I'm sorry but your statement is false and bordering on absurdity.

Salafist muslims identify as sunnis. What is branch of Islam does Iran adhere to?