Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
OMG Ya'll!!! I wish you could taste this NLB I have in the vaporizer right now!!! super sweet almost grape almost blueberry kinda tango going on there :mrgreen:
I love this shit :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
lol geez sorry kinda been off my rocker lately thinki i got a stomach bug. Its been going around :-/ atleast the back pain has subsided.... do u think its safe to feed flower nutes tomorrow or next feeding by chance?
And not much ADT. Just got done giving thw girlfriend a back rub and foot massage :) not its netflix movie time woohoo!!!
sounds like some shit I had a while back. Then got some kind of flu this past week, coughing sore thrat and shit..wish I had somebody to rub my back and feet! lol you lucky dog you...
watching Bones on Netflix right now :)

Watering right now, loading another bowl. What's up people?
smokin on this fine and delicious berry filled NLB buddy ;)

bird dog

Well-Known Member
Bak, I tried to comment on your continued success on your grow, but the fucker would'nt give me a captiva that I could read (lol)...and yes, I'm toked (lol). In any case, your girls look great. I noticed that you might want to fim a bit more and you have some curling on your leaves. Did you add water to your nutes (lmao).

Rosie and ADT...you never really gave your opinion on comparing vape, bong, pipe, and joint as to taste, buzz, and waste?

Blue Mistic vaping here. Peace to all :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Bak, I tried to comment on your continued success on your grow, but the fucker would'nt give me a captiva that I could read (lol)...and yes, I'm toked (lol). In any case, your girls look great. I noticed that you might want to fim a bit more and you have some curling on your leaves. Did you add water to your nutes (lmao).

Rosie and ADT...you never really gave your opinion on comparing vape, bong, pipe, and joint as to taste, buzz, and waste?

Blue Mistic vaping here. Peace to all :leaf:

Vape to bong: no comparison until I throw some dabs or oil in my PNP. Then I'll get to try out the watertube :mrgreen:
Prefer not to smoke joints anymore, paper makes me sick which is why I always hit a bowl. Really looking forward to testing her out that way. Waste wise...well I am storing my vaped material, just mixing it all together right now. I guess when I get a couple mason jars full I'll make some butter out of it. Make me some shoot yo ass to the moon brownies :weed:

Buzz is quick, intense and sticks around for a good hour or two, then I pop her on and hit it again.


Well-Known Member
Gnight everyone!!! Rosey take care!!! ADT enjoy your makeover tomorrow! ! Stew have a splendid night!! Dankster hope your ok and alive! ! Bak have a good one bud!!!


Well-Known Member
Well..... i do drink too sometimes but i cant let it consume me as it has in the past and im young.... cnt let it ruin me sorta speak with my old drug habits too... now im like the earth i go Green and green only lol.

Anyways hows everyones night???
12 am starts the first 12 hrs of darkness for my WW than 12 pm lights on.. she should be done around end of february... nirvana says for WW flower 8-10 weeks... hmmmm im thinkin 9 1/2... no microscope so ill need your guyses (lol guyses) help when it comes to harvest time!!!

Also when is a good time to start feeding flower nutes?
If you're like me, you'll find if you run them like 7 to 7, it reduces the need for heat or A/C.
As far as feeding, I usually feed veg nutes at least 2 weeks after flip until I see the stretch quit.
You will notice when the light schedule is changed, they will shoot up and usually at least double in height, and you will see it daily.
For me it takes about 2-3 weeks, so I keep up the N until the vertical growth slows.


Well-Known Member
Well..... i do drink too sometimes but i cant let it consume me as it has in the past and im young.... cnt let it ruin me sorta speak with my old drug habits too... now im like the earth i go Green and green only lol.

Anyways hows everyones night???
12 am starts the first 12 hrs of darkness for my WW than 12 pm lights on.. she should be done around end of february... nirvana says for WW flower 8-10 weeks... hmmmm im thinkin 9 1/2... no microscope so ill need your guyses (lol guyses) help when it comes to harvest time!!!

Also when is a good time to start feeding flower nutes?
Get you one ordered NOW.;-)
That way, you won't be in a rush to get it ordered when the time comes close and you're getting anxious.
This is the one I use these days.


Well-Known Member
Well..... i do drink too sometimes but i cant let it consume me as it has in the past and im young.... cnt let it ruin me sorta speak with my old drug habits too... now im like the earth i go Green and green only lol.

Anyways hows everyones night???
12 am starts the first 12 hrs of darkness for my WW than 12 pm lights on.. she should be done around end of february... nirvana says for WW flower 8-10 weeks... hmmmm im thinkin 9 1/2... no microscope so ill need your guyses (lol guyses) help when it comes to harvest time!!!

Also when is a good time to start feeding flower nutes?
Bak, I tried to comment on your continued success on your grow, but the fucker would'nt give me a captiva that I could read (lol)...and yes, I'm toked (lol). In any case, your girls look great. I noticed that you might want to fim a bit more and you have some curling on your leaves. Did you add water to your nutes (lmao).
Thanks bro.
That captcha shit gets on my nerves too.
I intentionally didn't do any vegging, FIM or topping except for the one Berry after the ECSD once I thought about it, and if any more than 2 ended up female, I was gonna be fucked for space (which I am).
That curling on the ECSD, I mentioned once before is because that stuff I have for Ca and Mg also has 10% N in it, and she started getting yellow right after I watered, and by the time she was ready for water again, I had to play catch up, so after about 3 feedings she was overfed on N.;-)
Thanks though.


Well-Known Member
Bak, I tried to comment on your continued success on your grow, but the fucker would'nt give me a captiva that I could read (lol)...and yes, I'm toked (lol). In any case, your girls look great. I noticed that you might want to fim a bit more and you have some curling on your leaves. Did you add water to your nutes (lmao).

Rosie and ADT...you never really gave your opinion on comparing vape, bong, pipe, and joint as to taste, buzz, and waste?

Blue Mistic vaping here. Peace to all :leaf:

You did'nt mention a blunt. Thats some hella tokin right there. LOL


Well-Known Member
What up Dank! I'm back in the land of having net access. I'm planning on starting a journal of some sort. not sure how in depth i'm going to go yet. I have to figure out how to set one up which could take some time. I know alot of things but, computers just befuddle the crap out of me. lol Anyways you'll be seeing a lot more of me. As Uncle Ben always says Grow Hard bro



Well-Known Member
Well..... i do drink too sometimes but i cant let it consume me as it has in the past and im young.... cnt let it ruin me sorta speak with my old drug habits too... now im like the earth i go Green and green only lol.

Anyways hows everyones night???
12 am starts the first 12 hrs of darkness for my WW than 12 pm lights on.. she should be done around end of february... nirvana says for WW flower 8-10 weeks... hmmmm im thinkin 9 1/2... no microscope so ill need your guyses (lol guyses) help when it comes to harvest time!!!

Also when is a good time to start feeding flower nutes?
Damn showed up late where's everyone at??
Almost 4 A.M. my time bro, I'm gettin' ready to crash.
You see my new pics?:bigjoint:
I can't remember, sorry.........
But if you haven't, it's back on page 1915 or right around there.


Well-Known Member
Bout to dab a choker and pass the fuck out.... that hit that makes your eyes close and not want to open.... lol.

Get to try out the new shit tomorrow night... ;)


Well-Known Member
Oh what timing. My new 18mm dome will be in today for my new bong rig..... oh how everything is looking great so far today... new clean ISO, dome comes in AND I am ordering me some motha fuckin Shoreline.!!! Lol


Well-Known Member
Well, I started it. Now I just have to figure out how to post some pics in it. Looks like I'm going to have to ask my uber nerdy nephew. As for now i'm going to curl up with my furry four legged friend pictured in my profile pic and get some shut-eye. GN everyone!
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