Intelligent life forms reveal themselves to our rock....whaddya' think would happen?


Well-Known Member

So the day comes when an intelligent species from another solar system / galaxy reveal themselves to our dumb asses here on our little rock.

What do you think happens from there?

I'm thinking each government will try to brown nose the shit out of said visitors in order to gain technological / information advantages, and a potential ally against their Earth bound foes. This, in turn, will create strife, conflict, and war as the fucking morons we elect to "lead" each nation will insist on attacking each other to prevent the acquisition of said technologies. Eventually, SOME dumb ass will insist on attacking said visitors should they refuse to offer technological / information assistance, or to gain more of the same.

Meanwhile, there will be a LOT of citizens that realize we need to chill the fuck out, and they will demand their governments do the same. This in turn will be met with martial law, and the creation of a police state that makes the Orwell vision look like a pic-nic in the park. Eventually, space herpes takes on epidemic proportions, and whittles down the human race to levels unseen since the ancient Egyptians.

Eventually, we piss off the visitors so much they say "fuck it", leave, and establish a quarantine of our solar system to keep us trapped here until we un-fuck ourselves, or go the way of the dino's.


Well-Known Member
What always happens when a technological superior society presents itself to an inferior one - we all just sort of give up, wear the equvelent of their Tee shirts and caps and covet their running shoes.


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Staff member

So the day comes when an intelligent species from another solar system / galaxy reveal themselves to our dumb asses here on our little rock.

What do you think happens from there?

I'm thinking each government will try to brown nose the shit out of said visitors in order to gain technological / information advantages, and a potential ally against their Earth bound foes. This, in turn, will create strife, conflict, and war as the fucking morons we elect to "lead" each nation will insist on attacking each other to prevent the acquisition of said technologies. Eventually, SOME dumb ass will insist on attacking said visitors should they refuse to offer technological / information assistance, or to gain more of the same.

Meanwhile, there will be a LOT of citizens that realize we need to chill the fuck out, and they will demand their governments do the same. This in turn will be met with martial law, and the creation of a police state that makes the Orwell vision look like a pic-nic in the park. Eventually, space herpes takes on epidemic proportions, and whittles down the human race to levels unseen since the ancient Egyptians.

Eventually, we piss off the visitors so much they say "fuck it", leave, and establish a quarantine of our solar system to keep us trapped here until we un-fuck ourselves, or go the way of the dino's.
So these putative aliens are capable of harnessing the power required for interstellar travel but we will piss them off. LOL! Read our history, this won't work out well for us. Let's hope they don't notice us.
I personally believe there will be no panic. Really. But maybe I'm naive.

I believe all humans will be in awe, and we will have a common new important event to handle (together).

Also, any advanced civilization (coming here, after all), probably only want to monitor us for science - and it will be like humans looking at ants, we will not even notice, just like the ants...
That is, if they're interested in us primitive primates at all.

I can see nothing they want to take from us, we're just on another rock. Resources are everywhere (else in space).


Well-Known Member
Aliens or no aliens I still have to take care of my responsibilities. If I'm heading into the mountains rest assured there will be alot of people that are fucked by then.


Well-Known Member
You got mountains near you?

Think of us as in the alien ant farm...
It's a giant toy the master alien [god] has built to amuse the citizen populous especially his right hand....
Only to be seen under an alien microscope... you see we are just tiny little creatures to be view and played with...
It's really the only thing that makes any sense ....


What happened to the indigenous people of north america when europeans came? Or south america? Or africa? Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it.


Well-Known Member
Aliens or no aliens I still have to take care of my responsibilities. If I'm heading into the mountains rest assured there will be alot of people that are fucked by then.
Aliens having sex in the mountains.... News at 11....


Well-Known Member
What would happen is that the government would first attempt to cover it up and then use every single resource at its disposal to poke and prod the intelligent life forms and when they cant figure out how to become evolved like the aliens they will spend the rest of their times nuking every single ufo that comes to earth.


Well-Known Member
this is what will happen and did.. back in 1942



Well-Known Member
Also, any advanced civilization (coming here, after all), probably only want to monitor us for science - and it will be like humans looking at ants, we will not even notice, just like the ants...

That is, if they're interested in us primitive primates at all.

I can see nothing they want to take from us, we're just on another rock. Resources are everywhere (else in space).

The ants notice IMO, and I agree about the science stuff, as we too are curious as fuck about every g'damn thing.

Methinks the little bastards are already here, and have been for quite some time. They're obviously intelligent, as they haven't tried to establish any kind of direct / formal communications with us.

In this day and age with all the cameras, it's just a matter of time before people realize that not all of the "UFO" footage is fake.

/packs the vape


Ursus marijanus
Foreign technology would only hasten the destruction of our planet.
I see a flaw with this. Alien tech will be really unexpected; think Clarke's Principle. The trouble is that it's extremely unlikely that alien tech will be an extrapolation of human 20th-century ideas (like essentially all popular sci-fi would have us believe). They might surprise us with real deus ex machina type shiite that'll smooth out the real blind spots in our progress toward awesomeness.

Or just make us really tasty and like small cages ...


Well-Known Member
If they come in peace, ultimately no problem. If they are merely serial killers, we are toast. If they come to pillage resources then asymmetric warfare and we ultimately win


Well-Known Member
If they come in peace, ultimately no problem. If they are merely serial killers, we are toast. If they come to pillage resources then asymmetric warfare and we ultimately win
Dude...these guys know how to hack PHYSICS. You're not fighting that and winning. If it ever comes down to that, I'd imagine they'd just take off and nuke the entire site from's the only way to be sure.

I'd like to see a g'damn exchange program where we send folks from every nation, or continent at least, off to their place for training on medical and tech shit, in exchange for like some of their college level "archeology students" hanging out and learning about our "culture", or some shit. Mutual benefit, so to speak.

Be one hell of a vacation...

Steve French

Well-Known Member
Probably we'll struggle to communicate, then be attacked. We eventually discover they were only here in the first place to find workers and housing for their rapidly expanding population. Their advanced weaponry soon obliterates all the firepower our pitiful species can muster, then they annihilate us, except for the select few they will use as slaves, those taken for disection and study, and those that will be housed in the spaceships pleasuredome and raped repeatedly by three foot long spiny alien cock-like appendages. Got to have something to keep themselves entertained during a 20 year long space flight. Earth is refashioned similar to their homeworld that they used up and left long ago. The invasion force packs up, and flies off to go fuck and kill some other poor species in the far reaches of the galaxy.


Well-Known Member
Sticks with nails.

I've discussed the idea of an "intelligent" extraterrestrial with CN, and he's led me to the conclusion that we just don't wanna' find 'em. No good will come of that. There's WAY TOO MUCH radio silence, too much "dead air." We don't even pick up skips of alien communication. But, we bombard the universe with our annoying, loud, and ambitious presence. Maybe the reason everyone else out there is sticking to themselves is because they already know about those one neighbors... The ones that HATE the noisy neighbors, and tend to destroy them.