Heating Element options


Well-Known Member
So ive been doing lots of reading and research on here, and reading everyones methods and techniques.

What are some good options as far as heating elements for doing the evaporate/purge method?

I see some using the hotplate and mentioning they leave it going over nite sometime( long vacs for bho and such). To me, i dont feel safe leaving a cooking hotplate running while i'm away or sleeping.

Any other options for heating elements? I do hot water baths right now to evap my qwiso batches.But it gets tiring swapping out boiling water everyone 20 mins until the stuff is evaporated.

What about fish tank heaters as a heating option for water baths? My friends owns his own tank servicing company and has tons of heaters. He has some nice 800w titanium heaters. each go to 100Deg. I was wondering if using 2 , i could regulate a good water temp to let it sit and evap. ( also could be used to do vac purge setups with mason jar style or even large pot with the heaters sitting in a water bath)

So i see many always saying they run purge temps between 90 up to 150. We were gauging the idea if possibly these heaters combined could reach us some good temps to run safely while being away. each heater does have a thermostat as well. so could be regulated fairly well.

If anyone has any other heating option they do that work out great, post em up!


Active Member
A fish tank heater... maybe a real powerful one COULD be used to regulate the temp of water in say a hot water bath, but keep in mind you will lose some heat in the exchange- in other words the dish with the oil being purged may not get warm enough in 100 deg water...
I start my heat purge with boiling water on top of a griddle set to under 150 deg(as lo as it go) then into a homemade vac oven:
I find for purging in a mason jar using a heating pad like one you would put on your sore back works great. I wrap it around the jar & set on high... Takes about 20 mins to get up to temp but under full vacuum it's only about 3 hrs to purge honeycomb wax or shatter...depending upon source material. I use a mityvac hand brake bleeder for vac pressure-it's cheap, silent, and uses no electricity


Well-Known Member
Thanks for your input!

Are you able to get max vac with a hand vac? everything ive read, people cant reach full vac or its rediculous constant pumping to get to that vac pressure.

Im strictly ISO for now so im fairly curious about this for hotwater evapping iso.

Each heater can do 100deg easily alone, thats why im wondering if with 2 , the 150temps could be reached. tho i know its not needed and most stay around 120ish but just incase, and to compensate for the other materials asborbing heat, like you said.


Active Member
By max vac you mean -29 right? No the mityvac won't go much over -25 unless you have gorilla hands but does purge oil at that pressure... Actually the first reaction or "muffin" as everyone calls it starts forming around -21. Everybody is so hell bent on getting a "full vac" they fail to consider the end result of what they are trying to do: that is remove the butane...it's the heat that releases the butane; vacuum pressure just kind of speeds up the process by physically sucking out undesirable solvent. I understand how you plan to use the fish tank heaters but I don't think having 2 will be hot enough... Suggest using boiled water- the heaters will not really make the water hotter just maintain whatever heat is already present... Tropical fish like water in the 70s -not good temps to purge...I've had more success with ISO extractions at room temp -no heat is needed


Well-Known Member
So ive been doing lots of reading and research on here, and reading everyones methods and techniques.

What are some good options as far as heating elements for doing the evaporate/purge method?

I see some using the hotplate and mentioning they leave it going over nite sometime( long vacs for bho and such). To me, i dont feel safe leaving a cooking hotplate running while i'm away or sleeping.

Any other options for heating elements? I do hot water baths right now to evap my qwiso batches.But it gets tiring swapping out boiling water everyone 20 mins until the stuff is evaporated.

What about fish tank heaters as a heating option for water baths? My friends owns his own tank servicing company and has tons of heaters. He has some nice 800w titanium heaters. each go to 100Deg. I was wondering if using 2 , i could regulate a good water temp to let it sit and evap. ( also could be used to do vac purge setups with mason jar style or even large pot with the heaters sitting in a water bath)

So i see many always saying they run purge temps between 90 up to 150. We were gauging the idea if possibly these heaters combined could reach us some good temps to run safely while being away. each heater does have a thermostat as well. so could be regulated fairly well.

If anyone has any other heating option they do that work out great, post em up!
Best luck using a silicone heat mat from Briskheat or Omega. I control them with a type K thermocouple and a PID controller, but there are simpler off the shelf options from both suppliers.
