Well-Known Member
yeah mate it was my effort at dinner, we been munchin all evening done the grapefruit and chocholat and now lookin for the dark choc ice creamThat sounds fookin peng zedd love that kind a tackle
yeah mate it was my effort at dinner, we been munchin all evening done the grapefruit and chocholat and now lookin for the dark choc ice creamThat sounds fookin peng zedd love that kind a tackle
I feel fucking ill today, think I've got aids or sommat !, cold, shivery, can't eat, withdrawals ?
u run out of weed baz? fukin ell sounds like a touch of the horrors mate
I can't eat properly when I got no smoke can't sleep either feckin wank mate
Fuck man, its been 3 or 4 years now that I've not gone without at least a doob at night.
Bad times man.
mine was fucking 70 last night fucking shite arse Irish houses...doesnt help the gf dries her cunting clothes in my room so I said enougha enough so imma get a tidy little delongi 10ltr that turns off n on when needed.
do u leave ur extractor fan on 24hrs ?? i had mine going off with lights and rh went way up then i changed it to on permanently and my rh stays around 35-40% all the time
WOO UK Weed!!
I'm paying £120 an Oz by its pretty stalky.
I'll probably sell my Hindu Kush for more than that.
do u leave ur extractor fan on 24hrs ?? i had mine going off with lights and rh went way up then i changed it to on permanently and my rh stays around 35-40% all the time
funny thing is I just switched to 24 hr the last day. Mold is a very common occurrence here n Ireland most houses are poorly insulated so damn n condensation are common.till now I've gotten away with those cheap refils but ita gone 2 damn far haha the 70 I mentioned was down from 80!!!!
Dark days baz dark days lol how.long till your next crop fella?
where do u get ur air intake from and where do u vent ur hot air out to? ur rh shudnt be that high even in a damp house if u have an extractor and dehumidifier, i take air in and vent out into the same room with only a window open and like i said rh is a steady 35-40% with no dehumidifier only a 6" extractor fan. if u get ur air from and vent to outside u shud be able to get it don a fair bit
My RH never gets bad 50-60 max, & I'm in a tin shed !, good air exchange is the key me thinks.