Well-Known Member
Joe isn't that for 12 volt systems as ina vehicle? I know that isn't correct for a home.
My 200 amp box as a 30 amp dual breaker with 6awg wire coming from it out to my shed. I'm replacing the screw in fuse box in my shop with a 100 amp square D. Shop is around 40 ft away so maybe 50 ft length of 6awg wire.
With a 100 amp box in the shed it will kick the breaker in the house first.
I was playing with this link and it says I could put a 100 amp breaker on a 6awg wire out to 50 foot.
Alo a couple of pages back they were talking about controllers I guess like a Titan? Anyways I was looking at those and they have small 10 amp or 15 amp pull on em and only take group of connectors like all of em was on 110 or 220. I'd like to have one that has both so I could plug all my lights fans and anything else I want on my timer. Of course it would have to be both 110 and 220 in the same unit. Anybody manufacturer a product like that? I saw a link the other day where you can build your own controller that would operate off 220. I'll see if I can find it.
#6 will be fine. remember you are pulling 2 legs of it so it's rated load of 65amps doubles to 130amps. no need to replace the wiring since it's already there.
i use powerbox controllers. i have on erased for 60amps and another rated for 40amps; at 220v. they are the best in my opinion; but pretty expensive. i've never built a light controller before but plenty of guys on here have. just make sure you buy quality contactors and relays. and test the unit with something before you go plugging all your equipment into it.