Droopy sprouts ?


Well-Known Member
We don't know where to begin.

Actually they look kind of healthy in a different way. How were you planning on growing 3 plants in one pot?
Not enough light, Fan / Ventilation, Soil / Pot Size...:leaf:
I have transferred them all to a bigger pot they are not together they are in 3 small seedling pots really the ventilation is perfect fan blasting on them and window wide open 24/7 i have them on my window cill till they grow thicker and can withstand outdoor conditions. could it be anything else?


Well-Known Member
your over watering them. Let the soil dry out thoroughly before watering again. Roots go in a natural wet and dry cycle they can't breath if it is wet. I also don't see any perlite next time mix perlite into the soil.
your over watering them. Let the soil dry out thoroughly before watering again. Roots go in a natural wet and dry cycle they can't breath if it is wet. I also don't see any perlite next time mix perlite into the soil.
it cant be a over watering problem as i hardly ever water them i wait for the soil to dry when i dig into the soil it is dry to the touch then i water . could it be anything else thanks for the input guys!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Well they are stretching pretty bad because they are not getting enough light. if there is any way to get more light to them they will stop stretching.


Well-Known Member
They`re in a window. They wanna get out. They are bending and twisting to get all leafs face`n toward the main light source. This is causing them to droop.

Put a stick next to them and tie with thread after re-potting, they should recover soon.


Well-Known Member
Do this a TODAY.
When you transplant them try and bury them up to the cotyledons. leave about an inch of space between the soil and the cotyledons.
Those things are stretching like crazy to get to light. So put them where they'll be hit with direct sunlight as much as possible.

It's also your lucky day. I'm surprised no one has pointed this out (could be due to your rampant bumping and impatience) but the plant on the left in your photo is a polyploid. It's a mutant but it's probably a good thing. That plant is a prime candidate for topping.

1 Transplant. Be careful and cause your roots could be tangled. Treat it like brain surgery
2 Get em in better light
3 Come back here when you're done with an update. Don't bump your thread every hour (it's annoying and rude) and then I'll give you some instructions on what to do with that mutant of yours so you'll bring in a whole lot more smoke from it. I normally wouldn't jump in like that but it'd be a damn shame to waste that little plant.
4 Give us some info on your plants. Are they a particular strain or bagseed? Feminized seeds or regular?
Do this a TODAY.
When you transplant them try and bury them up to the cotyledons. leave about an inch of space between the soil and the cotyledons.
Those things are stretching like crazy to get to light. So put them where they'll be hit with direct sunlight as much as possible.

It's also your lucky day. I'm surprised no one has pointed this out (could be due to your rampant bumping and impatience) but the plant on the left in your photo is a polyploid. It's a mutant but it's probably a good thing. That plant is a prime candidate for topping.

1 Transplant. Be careful and cause your roots could be tangled. Treat it like brain surgery
2 Get em in better light
3 Come back here when you're done with an update. Don't bump your thread every hour (it's annoying and rude) and then I'll give you some instructions on what to do with that mutant of yours so you'll bring in a whole lot more smoke from it. I normally wouldn't jump in like that but it'd be a damn shame to waste that little plant.
4 Give us some info on your plants. Are they a particular strain or bagseed? Feminized seeds or regular?

Perfect just what i needed now this is why i signed up here hahha great information dude i will be back with feed back i got 8 plants and they are all bagseed and also one plant that i topped was some dank as kush only mature seed out of the quarter pound i had in the past. I grow them on my window cill till there thickened out my other plants seemed to be doing fine this way as soon as i move them to my designated location ? DSC_0006.jpg<-- one little beaut thriving