1st Grow 425w of CFL!!! (Actual Wattage)


Well-Known Member
What is flushing? What nutes and soil should I use? Watts? How many bulbs? How do I control PH? I know to water(purified) every 2 daysl and use 1/2 suggested nute strength per gallon of water. Right?
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Well-Known Member
flushing is watering though the top of the soil and letting it go though the soil to clean the soil out...
and good soil will be fine and and nutes reli as everyone uses different nutes but i use Bio-Bizz Topmax Organic Stimulator

i would use 42w+ cfls and 3 for a plant mayb 4
use rain water as it is (N) ph level unlike tap water ..and buy a ph tester ..they are real cheap


Well-Known Member
I poked my head into the grow room this morning and I think I see pre-flowers on Droopy. I pulled out my Mag Glass to take a closer look and im pretty sure thats what it is. I did a lil pic searching on RIU and.....FUCK I think Droopy is a male.

I hope I am wrong, they are still very small but look like the development of balls. I will let it develop a lil more to be 100% sure. My camera is not strong enough for this pic. Development is too small and even with mag glass + camera its not good enough.

No signs of pre-flower on Sun Shine.


Well-Known Member
If you can do HID's then just do that. If you cant, a 125w will be ok to start but you will definitely will need to add side lighting within 2 weeks.

How Many Plants?

BTW, I'm not clicking on your link =P
You Only have like 8 posts.


Well-Known Member
Ummm I clicked on that link I hope it didn't do anything. Rofl. :| Mann that sucks if Droopy is male! Let's cross our fingers. :D


Well-Known Member

So 2 days later and I am almost positive that Droopy is Male. I pulled out the Mag. Glass and managed to work it with the camera to get some half-way descent pics.

I suspect its male but would like some feed back before I pull the plug. He showed sex after only 1 or 2 days of flower and I know its common for males to show first.



Well-Known Member
It might work with some good reflection... like all over the walls, and reflectors on the bulbs... but the point is, all of the plant needs to be covered, and when they get bigger it's hard to cover all of it with 2 lights...


Active Member
i have panda film set up on all walls and both lights have sun system reflectors?
shouldnt that be close to 20000 lumens andd its susspoessed to be 3000 lumens per plant?


Active Member
k also have an 4" inline running 170 cfm out? should i of honeslty just gone with Mh and if u know if all the floras(micro flora,bloom and flower) are a good nuit set up?


Well-Known Member
I've read that those are good nutes, and if your space is only 3x3 no you shouldn't of gone with MH because it would get hot.