The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
its all good lads i got her told im not available in the afternoons, so wud have to be a morning appointment, so ive rearranged for next week so will only lose an hour of lights on the plants as i originally had intended, thank fuck, but i agree wit u ghb most landlords are a bunch or arseholes, the fact i deal with an agency makes it worse


Well-Known Member
I should be gettin rid of the house shortly and movin to a rented place, guess I'll be havin to deal with this inspection
shite too....lucky i can get a van handy


Well-Known Member
I rent from a gypsy haha he's never around probably scamming some old couple.

@rollajoint, think its benefits day ;)


Well-Known Member
for those interested if u have sky or cable, there is a program on now called super weed all about cannabis and the chemicals & compounds that are in it, i ust noticed and thought might be worth a watch, on the Nat Geo documentary channel


Well-Known Member
for those interested if u have sky or cable, there is a program on now called super weed all about cannabis and the chemicals & compounds that are in it, i ust noticed and thought might be worth a watch, on the Nat Geo documentary channel
thanks mate, got the gf to record it.

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
Any one about....rimmer.....gaza....i got a few end of week 4 picks of the girl that's being sold as a clone....

also a poss plant def could be light burn....need your thoughts.....anyone.....

Lemon king

Well-Known Member
I thought old n fucked was a requirement for this thread.....

o yea out of the slh x sc beans in down to 3 one is showing pistils...the other two nothing....

the strongest biggest one, has very super lemon haze leafs n structure also smells of lems with a funny kick at the end....

n new perp dwc set up....


Well-Known Member
Get in gooners. Top of the leauge! :)
Iv seen that super weed gaz, good watch. Clones have started to find there feet mate, got a bit of growth going on now. More the pp tho got a nice structure going on :)


Well-Known Member
cheers spoons, hows ur clones looking? what u think of the pp now u seen it start to grow, just watch for a hell of a stretch after lights flip


Well-Known Member
Yeah really tight nodes mate.. I like it :) I'll take a pic now. Seedlings are getting there shit together now aswell... Lot less yellow now lol, puting them on 4ml of base next feed. Think they where jus hungry nd being over watered ha