Schuylaar's Sesh - Addictions


Well-Known Member
the 3 (non-drug) things you are most addicted to?..only list 3.


1. coke zero
2. joffrey's bananas foster flavored coffee (a scrumptious infusion of bananas, brown sugar, butter and rum)
3. mac's dazzleglass lip glass - baby sparks
Milk, I drink almost a gallon a day.

Bacon, can't live without.

Rollitup, love this place too much.
all are drugs... lol
my list looked the same so i just didnt even post...
mountain dew
hamburgers..... and im not even a fat redneck lol

Skinny Afro-American?

1. My phone(damn internet)
2. About 12-15 shots of espresso every work day
3. And......comfort of my own home. I really hate going anywhere sometimes. Uness I have to, I usually won't. Much rather stay home, be with the fam, smoke the herbal and relax...:bigjoint:
As weird as it sounds, school. If I'm not in a semester, I feel like I'm wasting time.

Ive never been one for school, but good on you man!! I hope you become some astro physicist super hero or some shit!!

I kid. But really i hope you get what you want out of it man.
1) My wonderful children
2) Nature
3) Being in nature with my children

Think I am going for a hike after work :)