ted cruz slams oboma on stance on legalized marijuana in two states.


Well-Known Member
Obama hasn't legalized it. The FEDs are still getting in peoples business. People are getting arrested on a daily basis, for minor marijuana offenses. Legal would be, I drive to Colorado, buy 3 pounds and dump it all over the inside of my truck and drive to Maine with it, with the windows down, get pulled over for speeding and the police not doing anything about it. Just as long as I was not impaired. That is legal. Legalizing is not a "sort of" issue, it is either legal or it is not.

This and guns are problems I have with Obama.


bud bootlegger
He kinda did
What on earth kind of statement is this?
You can't honestly think oboma has legalized weed, even kind of ffs.. weren't Colorado and Washington voter iniatives passed by voters, and Obama had absolutely nada to do with?
You could say he hasn't cracked down on those two states, that would be true, but as far as saying he has kind of legalized weed, that's so far fetched it's not even funny..


Well-Known Member
What on earth kind of statement is this?
You can't honestly think oboma has legalized weed, even kind of ffs.. weren't Colorado and Washington voter iniatives passed by voters, and Obama had absolutely nada to do with?
You could say he hasn't cracked down on those two states, that would be true, but as far as saying he has kind of legalized weed, that's so far fetched it's not even funny..
He could shut that down any time he wanted


Well-Known Member
What on earth kind of statement is this?
You can't honestly think oboma has legalized weed, even kind of ffs.. weren't Colorado and Washington voter iniatives passed by voters, and Obama had absolutely nada to do with?
You could say he hasn't cracked down on those two states, that would be true, but as far as saying he has kind of legalized weed, that's so far fetched it's not even funny..
DukeAnthony grows his own, so he doesn't give a fuck about the people who buy theirs.

Its a pretty simple explanation which also explains why he wants it legal to grow and illegal to sell.


Well-Known Member
Obama hasn't legalized it. The FEDs are still getting in peoples business. People are getting arrested on a daily basis, for minor marijuana offenses. Legal would be, I drive to Colorado, buy 3 pounds and dump it all over the inside of my truck and drive to Maine with it, with the windows down, get pulled over for speeding and the police not doing anything about it. Just as long as I was not impaired. That is legal. Legalizing is not a "sort of" issue, it is either legal or it is not.

This and guns are problems I have with Obama.
Legal is defined State to State, which I think is a good thing. There is the Supremacy Clause, but, as we see, it doesn't always have supremacy, it also has waitandseesremacy.

And the Feds have laws and the States have laws. Somethings, like the death penalty cuts across all States in some way, but the marriage age is purely a State issue.

It is never cut and dried, in self rule, only somewhat balanced. And there is plenty of time to wait and see....generations of this cannabis limbo could go on. Or it could break out in this Congress.

I was surprised by the fall of the Berlin Wall and that there had to be a Supreme Court decision for a Presidential Election.

And today is no pants day, on the NY subway. :) No end to surprise in self rule.

I say, careful what we wish for.


bud bootlegger
He could shut that down any time he wanted
OK, your point is what exactly ? Just because he could shut it down, doesn't mean he had anything to do with it being legal in the first place..
And last time I checked, if.you don't live in one of 2 out.of 50 states, weed is still very illegal..
So tell me again how Obama has legalized weed again ..


Well-Known Member
OK, your point is what exactly ? Just because he could shut it down, doesn't mean he had anything to do with it being legal in the first place..
And last time I checked, if.you don't live in one of 2 out.of 50 states, weed is still very illegal..
So tell me again how Obama has legalized weed again ..
So you agree with ted cruz.


Well-Known Member
Legal is defined State to State, which I think is a good thing. There is the Supremacy Clause, but, as we see, it doesn't always have supremacy, it also has waitandseesremacy.

And the Feds have laws and the States have laws. Somethings, like the death penalty cuts across all States in some way, but the marriage age is purely a State issue.

It is never cut and dried, in self rule, only somewhat balanced. And there is plenty of time to wait and see....generations of this cannabis limbo could go on. Or it could break out in this Congress.

I was surprised by the fall of the Berlin Wall and that there had to be a Supreme Court decision for a Presidential Election.

And today is no pants day, on the NY subway. :) No end to surprise in self rule.

I say, careful what we wish for.

I agree with your facts, but do not support the idea. I'd like to offer alcohol prohibition and the removal thereof as a supporting argument.

At the state level drinking age is mandated. At the federal level, alcohol is legal, so long production is authorized and regulated for consumer protection. The same should hold true for marijuana, legal at the federal level and regulated at the state level. I should be able to go to Colorado, buy a pound of weed and drive to Maine with it on my lap and not break any federal laws, so long I was not impaired by said marijuana.

It should be a very simple issue, for both "parties", remove the controlled substance label and the ban, and let the states decide how to regulate. Republicans get their states rights, Democrats get their human rights.


Well-Known Member

a few clips i liked..

Cruz said the Obama administration should continue imprisoning people for using marijuana until federal law is changed.

Republicans who would say, ‘We ought to change our drug policy in some way,’ and you could have a real conversation, you could have hearings, you could look at the problem, you could discuss commonsense changes that maybe should happen or shouldn’t happen. This president didn’t do that. He just said, ‘The laws say one thing’ — and mind you these are criminal laws, these are laws that say if you do ‘X, Y, and Z’ you will go to prison. The president announced, ‘No, you won’t.’”

.. ummm, ok ted, let's keep locking people up over a plant, sounds good to me buddy... ted cruz for president, 2016 i say.. NOT..

I agree with this dude that if you have a law, you better ENFORCE it, as we are SUPPOSED to live BY the law, and not at the whims of dickheads that opt to "selectively enforce" the laws they agree with on a personal level. That shit wouldn't fly with murder, robbery, theft, or assault, so it doesn't fly with ANY law.

I do NOT agree with this dude about locking motherfuckers up though, and rather than take that route, dude should have pushed LEGALIZATION at the federal level, rather than enforcement.

If he had said...

"At this point in our history, both citizens and scientists have taken a different view concerning cannabis legalization, and I believe it is not only WRONG, but extremely hypocritical of the President to continue his support for the criminalization of cannabis at the federal level. There is a wall that stands between the citizens and the federal government concerning cannabis, and to the President I say....Mr. President, tear down this wall."

...he would have garnered my respect. But he didn't, so he can get fucked.

I'm tellin' y'all, we need to get rid of these fucked up political parties and FORCE motherfuckers to run on their RECORD, not their political affiliations. These party games have got to STOP!


Well-Known Member
If I got a job it would be a great reduction in pay for me, unlike you, I create jobs Cheezy.
In fact, we just hired another worker last week, so that makes 10 employees now.
Other than internet lip service, what do you contribute?
you just had 4-5 employees the other day.

is it getting tough to keep track of all those lies you keep telling, finthere?

no wonder you can't even meet for kielbasa and dr. pepper.


Well-Known Member
Love your location UB. According to Miss KKKynes, you are stuck in traffic on the George W Boooosh.