Club 600 NFL 2013


Well-Known Member
they didn't seem to target anyone else.... AND it worked. So there's definitely something there. If it worked for everyone they would try it with everyone.


Well-Known Member
lmao bounty 2.0, get a grip. Our D did good there, our O was way-way off.

Ok then onto bigger and better things here in 2014! Before years end Im gonna be in cali, growing lots of dank :-) thats if things go according to plan.


Well-Known Member
lmao bounty 2.0, get a grip. Our D did good there, our O was way-way off.

Ok then onto bigger and better things here in 2014! Before years end Im gonna be in cali, growing lots of dank :-) thats if things go according to plan.
Let me know where you land.

LOL, likely to be northward (liberal) rather than southward (conservative) where
I am, but I may know a bit about your locale.

Good luck,


a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
is cam newton going to be a Great? dude looks like elway out there. maybe better if u consider the surrounding cast.


Well-Known Member
That was lame of Cam to fall back like a bitch when the niner guy jumped over the line before the hike. I hate the way athletes these days flop all over the place. It's so common they barely even mentioned him flying back like he got shot.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
That was lame of Cam to fall back like a bitch when the niner guy jumped over the line before the hike. I hate the way athletes these days flop all over the place. It's so common they barely even mentioned him flying back like he got shot.
"Bitch", may be going a little far. but yea saw the play.


Well-Known Member
That was my edit taking it back a little. I think that kinda thing points to someones character... and anyone who would do that has absolutely no honor. He might be a good guy, but he has a bit of snake in him. I find it disgusting.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
That was my edit taking it back a little. I think that kinda thing points to someones character... and anyone who would do that has absolutely no honor. He might be a good guy, but he has a bit of snake in him. I find it disgusting.
very well versed.


Well-Known Member
Maybe next year a sack will automatically be a personal foul. That would be awesome. I'm hoping soon they will just line up on offence unchallenged. No rushing, like flag football in 5th grade.


Well-Known Member
yea that cam move was some flop of the yr type shit,and one day it will be close to flag football,or less people on the field.....8 on 8


Well-Known Member
Carolina scored '0' points in the 1/2 half, at home....49ers D eat them up without a up? Fried Skittles!....


Well-Known Member
That was a good game, but that's one of the two I wanted back this year. Redemption part two next week!


Well-Known Member
come on,you telling me, you did not watch him in minnesota?

it was the samething.
Harvin didn't actually miss much game time in Minnesota at all...Sure he missed quite a bit of practice with migraines. But the facts show that in his 4 years with the Viks he played more often than not. Before the surgery this year he played 53 of 64 possible games, meaning he played the vast majority of the time (82.8%). Git yer faks strite! I think YOU haven't seen much Harvin, but just follow what you've heard, right wrong or indifferent.

Not a lot of people take a couple helmet to helmets AND slam their head on the turf to get knocked out and are allowed to stay in the game. There is such things as cuncussion protocol, not allowing players back in the game after a head injury. But feel free to call him "weak" if it makes you feel better as a fan. Good stuff, stay classy.


Well-Known Member
Maybe next year a sack will automatically be a personal foul. That would be awesome. I'm hoping soon they will just line up on offence unchallenged. No rushing, like flag football in 5th grade.
One Mississippi ...Two Mississippi ...Three Mississippi ...Rush!